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Los Santos Police Service | Public Feedback Thread


Police Complaints:
The "hassle" of submitting a police complaint is an issue that really needs attention. I have been sat in PD for hours trying to get hold of someone to take my complaint and been told by people that can receive it that they are "busy" at one point i was handed over to a member of police command that introduced him self as "Big Dick Kingston" a rather rude guy. 

A way to resolve this would be a form at the front desk. 

But the backlash of this issue is that police is not held accountable for misconduct. 

-Chris Conway

Something id like to mention is the stupid overuse of tasers.

In 90% of situations I get involved in as my civ character the go to response to a foot pursuit or someone getting into a car is instant taser, and it really downplays on the fun. Police officers should be abiding by their use of force and NDM's more as its just impossible to have a reasonable and fun foot pursuit these days. "You have a suspended license?" Hands up or be tazed instead of chatting and resolving the situation nicely and frankly im getting sick of it not sure about anyone else. The go to reaction to almost every offence or situation is a taser and its just silly. People who arent a threat to themselves, police or the public do not need to be subdued straight away with non lethal measures, actually chase them or use assets that we actually have available to aid in pursuits for example, sending a dog to induce fear into the civ to make them stop or to stop them by that means, or using npas to track the suspect on the ground whilst ground units catch up to them, and failing that sure a taser if its absolutely necessary. 

This seems like a rant and it is, I feel personally the more police that are joining and passing their weapons proficiency, the worse its getting for these types of situations. More just tase and shoot first, get the arrest and get on with your day, so much more fun can be made by actually having a full out vehicle and foot pursuit than just resorting to measures that would just not be done irl. 

Something id like to mention is the stupid overuse of tasers.

In 90% of situations I get involved in as my civ character the go to response to a foot pursuit or someone getting into a car is instant taser, and it really downplays on the fun. Police officers should be abiding by their use of force and NDM's more as its just impossible to have a reasonable and fun foot pursuit these days. "You have a suspended license?" Hands up or be tazed instead of chatting and resolving the situation nicely and frankly im getting sick of it not sure about anyone else. The go to reaction to almost every offence or situation is a taser and its just silly. People who arent a threat to themselves, police or the public do not need to be subdued straight away with non lethal measures, actually chase them or use assets that we actually have available to aid in pursuits for example, sending a dog to induce fear into the civ to make them stop or to stop them by that means, or using npas to track the suspect on the ground whilst ground units catch up to them, and failing that sure a taser if its absolutely necessary. 

This seems like a rant and it is, I feel personally the more police that are joining and passing their weapons proficiency, the worse its getting for these types of situations. More just tase and shoot first, get the arrest and get on with your day, so much more fun can be made by actually having a full out vehicle and foot pursuit than just resorting to measures that would just not be done irl. 
To add to this, I've seen police officers deploy tasers from inside of their police car and while its moving. Also I've seen police use tasers on people attempting to drive vehicles which is also unsafe. Additionally, there is also an issue that police don't give proper warning about use of taser or even bother to de-escalate a situation. It seems to me that the the average police officer relies on two options alone to resolve a situation, a higher use of force or pursuing a vehicle, even when either could reasonably be avoided. 


Police Complaints:
The "hassle" of submitting a police complaint is an issue that really needs attention. I have been sat in PD for hours trying to get hold of someone to take my complaint and been told by people that can receive it that they are "busy" at one point i was handed over to a member of police command that introduced him self as "Big Dick Kingston" a rather rude guy. 

A way to resolve this would be a form at the front desk. 

But the backlash of this issue is that police is not held accountable for misconduct. 

-Chris Conway
Hello @TikTak, I have already addressed this further up the thread. 

Thanks nonetheless for your input. 

Something id like to mention is the stupid overuse of tasers.

In 90% of situations I get involved in as my civ character the go to response to a foot pursuit or someone getting into a car is instant taser, and it really downplays on the fun. Police officers should be abiding by their use of force and NDM's more as its just impossible to have a reasonable and fun foot pursuit these days. "You have a suspended license?" Hands up or be tazed instead of chatting and resolving the situation nicely and frankly im getting sick of it not sure about anyone else. The go to reaction to almost every offence or situation is a taser and its just silly. People who arent a threat to themselves, police or the public do not need to be subdued straight away with non lethal measures, actually chase them or use assets that we actually have available to aid in pursuits for example, sending a dog to induce fear into the civ to make them stop or to stop them by that means, or using npas to track the suspect on the ground whilst ground units catch up to them, and failing that sure a taser if its absolutely necessary. 

This seems like a rant and it is, I feel personally the more police that are joining and passing their weapons proficiency, the worse its getting for these types of situations. More just tase and shoot first, get the arrest and get on with your day, so much more fun can be made by actually having a full out vehicle and foot pursuit than just resorting to measures that would just not be done irl. 
Hi @Custard Cream@M

I completely agree with you that tasers are sometimes deployed to quickly or without good reason to do so, this is something Police Command have recognised and have started cracking down on, currently our standpoint is that if someone misuses their firearm or taser they will loose their Weapons Profficency Training for 2 weeks and be required to resit it after those 2 weeks. 

This is purely speculation and something I imagine contributes towards the issue you mention, the officer may be new to the Police Service and unsure of alternative methods due to lack of experience or has had bad experiences in the past as a result of not deploying a taser.

Regardless, we hope to see this issue improve with new enforcment taking place on misuse cases although being realistic, it is likely to always be somewhat of a thing, each induvidual is required to make their own decisions and sometimes they make the wrong ones.

Hope this gives you insight into how we aim to tackle this, 
Thanks for you Feedback. 

Supt Kingston.


Communication and common sense. 
This is going to come across like a bit of a rant, but it's because its text. I'm trying to be sincere.
There does appear to be an inherent lack of communication getting to where it needs to be. What I mean by where it needs to be, is to the opposing side of a situation. The vast majority of the time I haven't got a clue 1. why you're there. 2. What it is that you want. and 3. how I can get you to leave me alone.
What I'm met with consistently is aggression and a gun pointed in my face or some officer will try and bare faced lie to get inside our compound making assumptions that either I or maybe they don't know how the law works. 
Also individuals taking certain actions that are detrimental to situations because they haven't thought things through from the other side. 

Don't expect me, a citizen, to know exactly how many trojan you have by the number of cars or any of that bollocks, because I don't.
If you as a police officer, and in any way touch an escape vehicle outside of a bank robbery in plain view of the bank robbers expect that to be taken as an incredibly hostile action and more than enough reason for me to take action in a high tension situation. (Even though in the situation I mention specifically it was a misfire)

If you turn up outside someone's illicit location where you suspect something not so legitimate is going on, and you turn up with 10+ police vehicles and a number of trojan outside threatening to blow the doors off of a compound over "a failure to stop" don't be surprised when a massive amount of force greets you on the other side. Especially when no one is saying anything to the occupants other than "let us in or we'll blow the doors off"
If you were there for a failure to stop do you need that number of officers? 
Is resorting to taking a compound by force over a minor incident even applicable? Your suspect can't just live there forever. They have to leave eventually. 

If there's an event involving the vast majority of the major criminal organisations, maybe don't attack it when they're all still very much there and on scene. There's no reason to turn a wedding into a gunfight when you could pick them up silently afterwards, or as they come out and leave. The building had one exit which I believe was painfully discovered upon officers attempting to escape. These are dangerous, hardened criminals and they aren't going down as a group without a fight, let alone when they know you're upsetting every other criminal organisation and their dog around them. 

If a police officer approaches me and gives me what I would term "stupid" roleplay. Like "Leave the area or I'll deem you involved and shoot you." Expect to get "stupid" roleplay back. Especially from a gang member. They're going to tell you just where to go stuff yourself and they aren't going to be kind about it.
This is a roleplay server. If you haven't got the man power to arrest people that don't want to "move along citizen" and roleplay a scenario because you're too busy trying to win a gunfight then I'm afraid you should just ignore them and suck it up. The number of people killed each year because they were gawping at situations from what is as it turns out unfortunately for them not a safe distance, in the states is high.

A lot of negative situations would be avoided if the police service as a whole was less aggressive. As others have said, there's a time and a place and it's too easy to get a reaction out of the police, people's characters need to chill out and develop a little. It would be lovely to have serious roleplay drama with a police officer but it all seems far too highly strung. It's not the end of the world if a bunch of Ballas on bicycles ride past with their fingers up at you. 

One of the better things to come out of the police recently was the CID corruption. It was cool that CID officers were picking up a gang member and beating them within an inch of their life over a situation. It was exciting that you could grease the wheels of CID in the direction of other gangs for a favour for your own. It added personality to the officers involved and helped create storylines involving the police that don't just revolve around us against them or reactions to crimes
Hello @Qrow

I understand your perspective and what it must be like interacting with the police sometimes, esspecially in tense and high adrenaline situations.

One thing I think is important, and an issue with both sides of conflict is that both sides rarely see each others perspective, even if they try to, they will never have experienced the situation with the same information that the actual oppositition did, from the police perspective, we may have held information on someone and not actioned it imedietely for whatever reason but then a week later when we action it, everyone is confused and irritated due to lack of information, which circles back to your point of communication. 

I 100% agree communication is an issue, personally an issue I feel is in every Faction/Group/Gang within the server and whilst it can be improved, it is highly likely it will ever be so smooth we wont have an issue at all, whilst we can provide advice and implement rules we cannot force good solid communications.

It is encouraged within the Police by senior officers to not have to deal with everything as it happens, you are able to collect intelligence and action it at a later date, esspecially if you are not equiped to deal with the issue, ultimately it comes down to common sense and officers need to use their discretion, Seniors will direct these situations when they are there but when they are not we rely that officers will make the right decision. 

Whilst I wish I could tell you we will eventually get to a stage where the police will never make the wrong decision, unfortunately we do, we have to aim to educate and improve, a constant process. 

I agree with you that officers need to allow their characters to develop and not be so robotic at times, roleplay is and always should be the focus, again this is not something we can do for officers but something they must learn themselves. 

In regards to CID Corruption, whilst some officers in the past who have been corrupt have made very good roleplay situations and stories, others have not, whilst it can be benificial, like anything, too much of it can result in a negative effect, we want to avoid a stigma other agencys have previously obtained that " All of them are corrupt " but encourage others to venture into deep stories with their characters. 

Hope this gives some insight, 
Supt Kingston.

When police searches people and for example find a bag of cocaine, police just tends to read the label and be like "yep this is coke let me take it off".

If police come across people, that actually want to roleplay and sell the police a fake story for example oh its not coke its flour etc. and then go with it. I'd like to see the police take the substance back and get it examined and shit like that. You cannot possibly know that it's cocaine unless you test it.

Same goes with pharmacy robberies when you steal the bottles, powders etc., if I RP to scrape the label, how can the police know it's x substance. 

Would be more exciting I feel.

When police searches people and for example find a bag of cocaine, police just tends to read the label and be like "yep this is coke let me take it off".

If police come across people, that actually want to roleplay and sell the police a fake story for example oh its not coke its flour etc. and then go with it. I'd like to see the police take the substance back and get it examined and shit like that. You cannot possibly know that it's cocaine unless you test it.

Same goes with pharmacy robberies when you steal the bottles, powders etc., if I RP to scrape the label, how can the police know it's x substance. 

Would be more exciting I feel.
Hi Stve,

Thanks for your feedback. 

I fully understand the perspective you are providing in regards to some roleplay being shutdown, something that plays a part in this is the amount of effort each officer finds substantial enough to let you off for x, y or z. 

If the roleplay is thorough enough then the officer should take that into consideration and allow it to weigh in on the final decision making.

Something that I feel is important to put across is poor roleplay attempts are often given with the bare minimum roleplay to back up their excuse, a common example would be “ my mate/gran gave it to me, I didn’t know what it was “ 

I imagine officers that have experienced a lot of that have a bad taste in their mouth that leaves those with good roleplay excuses at a point of being instantly judged and accused. 

This is one of those situations where I cannot roleplay for everyone, I need to trust them to make the correct decisions themselves. 

If you feel the roleplay was unfair or to focused on “ winning “ record it and send it to myself or another member of police command so we can look into it. 

I just wanted to post something here after the spiel that happened on discord in police public to hopefully open up a discussion about the standard of roleplay that police should be held to within the sever. As someone who plays a lot of cop and a lot of gang life too. Gang life is slowly dying partly (not fully obviously there is a few other things affecting it too) because of the win mentality of police. I have a lot of friends on both sides some main cop some main crim but I have experienced first hand the win mentality within the police both as Siren and as Aria. A perfect example is the police breaching the bank last night when we were trying to negotiate, 2 of our sultans despawned and the other 1 somehow got stolen from outside of a cordoned area in the middle of a roleplay scenario(a whole other issue). We were ready to leave and because of the cars disappearing we weren’t able to leave (no fault of our own) and yet the police used this to stall us and breach the bank when we had 4 people with guns to the hostages (who got shot by us btw) which is what we said would happen if the police breached. IMO that was very poor roleplay on the polices behalf and frankly unfair knowing that 7 of us would not be able to outgun 10+ smgs, it honestly felt like the police just wanted to take it to a shootout when we were trying our best to make the scenario enjoyable for everyone. I frankly don’t care about the gun that I lost because of it, plenty more where that came from but it was the fact that I felt like our roleplay experience of a chase and the fun of it was taken away from us unfairly. Others may have opposing views which is completely fine and I’m not here to argue, just chipping in my 2 cents on the situation. I could have easily just bled out and rp’d no pulse as I didn’t receive any medical aid after being shot for a solid 7 or 8 minutes of laying outside the bank but I didn’t do that, at first I was unresponsive but allowed the medic and the police officer (who eventually tried to help me, not sure who it was btw but thank you for the great rp) to bring my character back to life through /me etc. It was still a somewhat enjoyable experience even though it didn’t go the way I had planned and probably shouldn’t have went the way it did but it is what it is. I think police (and gangs aswell) need to be held to a higher level of roleplay, and I understand the polices frustration with gangs at the minute being shot without roleplay as I have experienced this myself, I attempted to call the police involved in the breach to teamspeak in OOC and the response I got was "there was no rules broken so no need to go to TS", "report if you think we've broken a rule" and i just think that mentality is so shit, I wasn't trying to accuse anyone of any rule breaks but more-so have a chat about the situation and how IMO it could have went better for both sides. Some other responses I've received when speaking to some people about the scenario where along the lines of "Im sick of crims with their shit rp in the server thinking big bank is an easy 5mil", we were literally there for the roleplay and something to do and enjoy together but it was this attitude that police have against crims and tarring us all with one brush that IMO lead to the breach. We need to remember it’s a game and we all want to win to a certain extent but we need to try and make it enjoyable for everyone..

I had a similar conversation in TS surrounding this issue also. I had no idea this thread had come up but i fully support its inception. im trying to think of a way to articulate my thoughts and propose an idea to fix it. 

Police are getting even more over powered everyday with cars getting scrapped so easily to handing out extended sentence so easily not including they can see your house location car location won't be long until they can see your storage lockers as well police are just a milsim just run and gun there is no work for them to get guns when gangs spend weeks even months to save up to buy stuff you now have Armoured tank blackhawk fighter jets  AA missiles now flashbangs where is the balance for normal people when will it stop 

Armed Police are power crazy. A life invader robbery took place, 4 of us inside with weapons and one hostage. Negotiated free passage so we could safely get in the car and drive off. Would have been a fun chase and enjoyable for everyone. Instead as we cut open the front door armed police come running in the back completely ignoring the fact we have a knife to the hostage. Hostage ends up getting stabbed due to them coming in and we don't get to have the pursuit as everyone then got arrested outside. I feel as though the armed police need to value peoples lives more, it seems to me that they just want to win every engagement with no regard to others as they know they will get picked up by NHS after. Even the officers that I spoke to when I was in the cells said that they didn't know what the armed police were doing as we already had negotiations made. They turned what would've been a peaceful scenario with a fun pursuit for both parties into a shit show where everyone is pissed off and the hostage was stabbed. 


I think there are a lot of cases of unnecessary swearing towards members of the public. There are cases where it is valid and realistic, "Drop the fucking gun, show me your fucking hands", but there have also been cases of "Stop driving like a fucking cunt" which seems unnecessary.
Totally agree, this is in a direct violation of the public order act of 1986 which the police are here to uphold.  Their language in public places is a cause of undue distress and is an arrestable offence in itself 

Totally agree, this is in a direct violation of the public order act of 1986 which the police are here to uphold.  Their language in public places is a cause of undue distress and is an arrestable offence in itself 
Police officers can swear, as long as they can justify the use of language they can swear as much as they want. If someone has a gun then of course police are going to use strong language to overwhelm the suspect. 

in terms of feedback i want to thank PC Joseph Hobb for one saving me at hostage situation happen near del perro beach where i was push in water and rescue . then he took time to get CID member to do interview follow by taking me to nhs get check over finally he took me and my dad to my house make sure i was safe and he alert me next day  that he got guys on night i was taken in custody " hand them self in" . " any other officer that was involed i want thank them never got there badge number"

i also want say thank to Murphy Kowalski, Dean Hastings For taking me out civ ride along really enjoyed in and looking forward if get oppunity to do another  it was fun experience and 
ask all my question got alot more .

I never get accepted for police or nhs there is no way near enough paramedics and police in the server need to give people a chance to be them in my opinion 

I never get accepted for police or nhs there is no way near enough paramedics and police in the server need to give people a chance to be them in my opinion 
There is 300+ Active Police on the server Dunno where you get this from

Not sure if this is the right place for it, however the los santos police service complaint form doesn't work.


edit: nevermind, i had to enable dev mode and copy my actual discord ID

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There is 300+ Active Police on the server Dunno where you get this from
Ive seen no more than 6 police cars in the whole 3 weeks of me being on the server, NHS is poor as no one ever comes when you die is why im saying it 

Ive seen no more than 6 police cars in the whole 3 weeks of me being on the server, NHS is poor as no one ever comes when you die is why im saying it 
