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You crack me up (ASR) GhostFire have you played the following:


Ah...so you were the heli that buzzed us earlier - You pretty much gave me a hair cut! - Scared the crap out of us. I'm cool with it, I always was but it's in the lap of the admins now so it's a mute point. Hopefully we will have more of the same, depending on what happens of course.

It's a shame it blew up on here, we logged off laughing too - just as you heard on the vid. 
lol yeah that was us. I wish I could say that was my flying but unfortunately I'm not that good yet Dude! :p  

I'm sure everything will be fine. Surely it would be down to you, me, frenchy and whoever else is directly involved and none of us have made an official complaint so no harm done??? 

Hopefully  :rolleyes:

come on guys is this really the place too argue, take it to the salt flats!!!

my freaking post is being deleted in 24 hours and will be re-posted, NO ARGUING ON THAT ONE PLS

As a part time rabbit hunter while off duty from being police. I approve this message and want to be involved. 

I hope my poaching can not be rudely interrupted by any gangs. 

this donut tried to rob my tool kit off me by threatening me with a gun so Ran him over and then stole his helicopter for shits and giggles, then he starts messaging me like a little girl cryin, you have and will not be hunting or killing me, ure a wetwipe 

this donut tried to rob my tool kit off me by threatening me with a gun so Ran him over and then stole his helicopter for shits and giggles, then he starts messaging me like a little girl cryin, you have and will not be hunting or killing me, ure a wetwipe 
Who are you referring too dude?

this donut tried to rob my tool kit off me by threatening me with a gun so Ran him over and then stole his helicopter for shits and giggles, then he starts messaging me like a little girl cryin, you have and will not be hunting or killing me, ure a wetwipe 
Ahhh good ole vdm the death everyone really enjoys!!

i asked if you had one, so you ran me over? hmm, well arguing doesn't get you off my kill list, only death. how about a fight, if i die i have too take you off anyway cos its the next life?

“For long the two enemies looked at one another, Hook shuddering slightly, and Peter with the strange smile upon his face.

"So, Pan," said Hook at last, "this is all your doing."

"Ay, James Hook," came the stern answer, "it is all my doing."

"Proud and insolent youth," said Hook, "prepare to meet thy doom."

"Dark and sinister man,“For long the two enemies looked at one another, Hook shuddering slightly, and Peter with the strange smile upon his face.

"Dark and sinister man," Peter answered, "have at thee.”

― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
