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Lonely when joining the city?


Well-known member
This is mostly for the new comers to the city who have not been in much roleplay experiences and have only just started out.

So I found when I first joined the city I was very isolated from everyone else and felt like I was not welcome to speak to anyone unless I had a load of money and nice cars and it felt like people in groups who was roleplaying would avoid new comers I feel like this maybe was so they would not interrupt the roleplay.

However once I built up a bit of money to get myself around I started chucking myself in the deep end by trying to talk to people and seeing what was going on and asking how to complete tasks ect and I was able to start making my character known.

What I would like to know is your experiences and how you came into the city and if you felt isolated from everyone when you first joined.

Your bestie.

Its been a while since I first joined the FiveM server but I had the same start, I isolated myself very much with some real life friends I was playing with but after a while I started making more friends and enemies. After a while I felt like I knew the waters in the community and started doing way better. Now this has become the best community I've been with, across a couple characters.

What I feel like most new players mistakes is, they approach people wrong with minimal RP. Many people haven't roleplayed or played any game in this style and will struggle a bit. Once in a while if I see someone who seems genuinely nice and needs help I go and teach them the basics on how to proceed in life around here, some end up being very good friends later down the road. It doesn't hurt to talk to a new player, but sadly there are quite a bit of trolls and people around that are just out to play robbery RP.

Some good comments from Isak

I do think it must be really difficult, I came from the fortunate position of having been well established on our Arma server, so knew a lot of folks as the FiveM server had only just started up.

What I would say is it’s about finding multiple groups of people who you can play with. I try and avoid having just a small network of friends so that there’s basically always people to jump in game with (even more so if you have different characters in police / NHS / gangs)  

Obviously if you have a good couple of friends (even IRL friends join together) you can stick with these while you build confidence. For me, getting to chat and know people out of game is also a huge part of my enjoyment. So jump on the TeamSpeak or discord and try and make some friends. 

But it’s also what you make it right? So if you are on as taxi/mechanic and get a human dispatch, drop your NPC job and go to get the Roleplay! Chat to that player and see what they are doing and where they are heading.
Where you can, I’d say maximise your Roleplay with the police, NHS, Gruppe6, Weazel News, the courts, park rangers, shop owners and gang's -  create a name for yourself (for good reasons!)

A downside (personal opinion) of the search mechanism has personally made me a whole lot less sociable to people on the server than previous. This is simply an abundance of caution. 

That said if someone is polite and seems genuine enough I will happily engage and entertain any questions etc. 

You can tell instantly who the gobshites are and there are a lot. 

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Ha I've been here three months I think and I still struggle a bit. 

Been wanting to make some point of this for a while, I understand people run into so many idiots and people just robbing or stabbing you which over time does put people off of interacting or giving any decent RP to people who are obviously new or they haven't ran in to, but this is a massive problem with the more known and established players on the server. 

The difference in RP that I receive and take part in on my Abdula character who is now pretty known around the city and my other character who I just use for some fun sometimes is shocking off of people that I know can do so much better as well. 

I feel this is a community wide issue and a lot of people need to start making more effort with new comers to the city. Since doing the RP down at the motel I have had loads of interactions with newer players and am happy to say about 90% have been really good, have roleplayed well and been interested in how to get started and get to know the city. 
This is something we have been trying to advertise the motel for the newer users to have somewhere to come and meet other players who are in the same scenario. 

Point of the post is everyone needs to try and make the effort in RP with whoever they come across and I know there are those out there who already do this but it definitely happens as it has to me a good few times. Show those who are new what an amazing community this is and they might end up becoming a valuable part of it instead of treating them like shit and they end up grabbing a knife and becoming another robbing baldy.  

On a side note I'd not be bothered if the server closed for the night at 11pm with the amount of nutters knocking about. Last night was atrocious for it.

I like what the Singh's are doing, I've popped by the motel a few times and there's always a laugh or just some friendliness. Also enjoy the Auto Exotic group to make you feel welcome. There's a lot of places where the aggression is so high (some gangs) that there's no point RPing.

First coming over to FiveM having been quite established on Altis in NHS and Police was fairly difficult for me. I didn't really know what to do with myself as I was mostly interested in the Police and NHS RP which I couldn't do and didn't understand a lot of what was going on cause of the difference with Arma although I was lucky that I understood the basics of RP. Despite not having an established friend group in the city I generally found people to be really helpful mostly Tire Nutz and Fallen MC who gave me some info and were great at helping me start off in the city. Really big change was when I started interacting with the LS Park Rangers and the it felt like there was a something like the factions that I could fit into.

I've always found the factions to be massively helpful and they really boosted by enjoyment on Arma and FiveM, can't recommend more that new players should get some basic understanding of the server and then really commit to trying one out.

As well, whenever you're doing something that is solitary as Norman said, get stuck in with the interaction with other players, go do a police impound, chat to the police, collect details, try and build a relationship. It makes the whole thing feel less lonely.

I joined with a friend having never done anything RP wise before! it was an enjoyable rollercoaster! So I can relate to it being lonely at the start - met most of my day 1 friends fishing, that was the thing to do back then, everyone stood around chatting shit and catching fish, was a good laugh.

I think its always going to be a little lonely at the beginning until you bump into people doing similar things and making conversation and connections, thats how it starts and it grows more the more time and effort you put into RP, there are a lot of things to do in the city , places to go and meet people - you dont need massive amounts of money or fast cars to grow your own connections, just your time, your effort and an open mind 🙂 

Meeting new people (genuine new ones) has been one of the best experiences I've had with the server so far. 

I have a phone book full of them from the different periods where I've been on the server. I've given some of them money too to help out a few times as it's the best way to help them. I've taught others the ropes and often done my best to set them on the right path. It's just a shame when some don't stick around is all. 

Still I've met some absolute legends and I have enjoyed every experience even if some were shorter than others. 
