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Logitech H600 Wireless headset crackling


After about 3-4 hours of playing Arma 3 , On the Roleplay UK server (havent tried any other.) - My headset starts making a crackling/static noise, As if i was playing my sound on a vinel record. 

This continues after tabbing out of the game to desktop and requires a restart (even if i close my entire game down, It'll continue the crackling noise on my browser, desktop, etc, It only appears to happen when i move my mouse though.

@lionel @Zeito I've been told to tag you both! 

Is your mouse wireless? Try plugging the USB reciever for your headset into a different port.

I got the same kind of crackling/static on my wireless headset after i'd use it for a while - only ever in arma. Change of port fixed it.

Is your mouse wireless? Try plugging the USB reciever for your headset into a different port.

I got the same kind of crackling/static on my wireless headset after i'd use it for a while - only ever in arma. Change of port fixed it.
I'm sorry about the late response. Re-plugging the receiver seems to have fixed it. Thanks a bunch ! :D

But i got another problem...I was playing about a week ago, And noticed a major frame drop. Now, My CPU isnt the best - but i've been on this server for almost a year and never had issues until last week. So i was wondering if you knew, For some reason, Whenever i start arma, It runs fine, but 10 minutes later i suddenly cant get above 6 to 12 FPS. it's quite annoying and makes it nearly unplayable.

I'm sorry about the late response. Re-plugging the receiver seems to have fixed it. Thanks a bunch ! :D

But i got another problem...I was playing about a week ago, And noticed a major frame drop. Now, My CPU isnt the best - but i've been on this server for almost a year and never had issues until last week. So i was wondering if you knew, For some reason, Whenever i start arma, It runs fine, but 10 minutes later i suddenly cant get above 6 to 12 FPS. it's quite annoying and makes it nearly unplayable.
Where does the framedrop occur? Major cities?

Next time it slows down try this [Shift + Minus and type flush] please note you wont see any cursor just trust in yourself.

Also clean your computer !!!! 

My computer is clean, I just c leaned it up recently. - So that wont be it. And the frame drop happends everywhere really. Nowhere specific. 
