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Lockroach (Action: Already banned.. this is another report towards him.)

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Community Banned
Wales, UK
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Time & Date this happened:
23:00, 14 / 03 / 2015
Which Server did this happen on:
Server 1
Description of what happened:
Earlier I arrested lockroach after a good bit of RP to get him to run from the scene and later admitting to an officer who he was which resulted in him being sent to jail I believe though I did see him running around shortly after so he may have escaped.
Anyway. About 45 minutes - 1 hour later he starts stalking around me, I know by metagaming hes still wanted and what he was trying to do. I get run of by a car and with no RP lockroach guns me down with out hesitation then runs off saying 'I told you so'. My fellow bounty hunter dzacball witnessed the random and caught him later.
What Rule Was Broken ?:
Randoming / NLR (due too amount of time / possible new life)
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
He refused to resolve it.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)
Uploading ASAP

That's exactly what's happened. he also disconnected while being restrained in my car, on the way to Police HQ.

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Too be frank as well while being arrested he had a terrible attitude and broke RP by saying 'you cant do that it's against the rules' etc etc.

So the rules he broke are: No Roleplay, Randoming, Possible NLR, Combat Logging.

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I said i was going to kill you after i was released, and I specifically waited 15 minutes before engaging. I know I should not have engaged while you were VDM'd but I was going to kill you anyway, as I stated while Role Playing, "I will remember you" which was stating that I was going to kill you. I did not disconnect at any point so I don't know where that came from and when I was unrestrained I ran without shooting. Hiding in a building until 15 minutes went by. I never said anything to break Role Play throughout. Also you never messaged me about resolving the matter.

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I don't entirely know everything but from what I had seen these guys were also breaking RP by the way they were restraining him, they just kinda did it and didn't actually RP which is what upset him so much

Mate, you disconnected from the server or so I was told and it was FAR longer than 15 minutes. You cant say to someone 'Im going to kill you' then turn up almost an hour later and shoot them with NO ROLEPLAY and how can you remember a person when they never even mentioned their name, and you didn't even know my name when approaching me again + I had changed uniform during that time period from a cap to a bandana and from sunglasses to goggles.

Seriously learn to RP and learn the rules. You broke NLR, randoming, glitching through restraints and combat logging. Im not going to waste any more energy typing to a blatant rule breaker, I hope the admins deal with you appropiately.

I don't entirely know everything but from what I had seen these guys were also breaking RP by the way they were restraining him, they just kinda did it and didn't actually RP which is what upset him so much
You wern't even in the area and didnt see the arrest, I RP'ed him to the point where he ran off, we restrained him with the help of PC Reece who then found out he was lockroach who was wanted for murder, the officer gave me 50k in money and told me to go on my way, next time meeting lockroach was at this point 45 mins later.

Also to be fair he did say he was going to remember him and come back for him

Also to be fair he did say he was going to remember him and come back for him

Also to be fair he did say he was going to remember him and come back for him
Again you were not even at the arrest or killing, stop making up BS just because hes asked you to come on.

Also how can he, as I said earlier 'Remember me' without finding my name via ANY roleplay?

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He didn't ask me to come on, I was at the area at the time of the arrest, however you cannot accuse him of doing all these things just because there is a video of him killing you, plus as he says you didn't even try to work things out, I have talked to him and he is very easy to work things out with

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