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Locked Containers

Junior Blanco/Brock Lee

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
I've been apart of RPUK now for over a year and I don't know whether I'm just unlucky or just obvs not looking in the right places but why are there locked containers in the city? I've came across so many on 'container day' that are locked and I don't understand why.

One in particular #69 ( https://gyazo.com/14d0c51edc1144b4faddf91fae4eecb9 ) near MRPS shown in the gyazo link, when I go around looking for container to buy I usually start myself at this one because I'd like to purchase this one for myself, but this has been locked for months I believe. I don't dedicate a lot of time into looking for a container to which I can purchase on the door at door price but I've came across a few that are locked which I find just pointless them being there if they're locked!

I just want to make a suggestion or even just some answers on these locked containers but my suggestion is to either release these lock containers for people who spend time running around the city to look for them or auction them off for a roleplay scenario like Storage Wars which I was told staff use to do.

Maybe someone or a group of people who is very active in city but have to have a CRB check takes over the roll from 'Chris The Container Man' and the auctions are held at the location of where you transfers/pay the containers over to the buyer, so the lock container that has been auctioned can be transferred straight to said person who won with the highest bid. If it goes down the route of a Storage Wars then the sellers aren't allowed to know what's inside of container or they are allowed know what's inside but aren't allowed to tell people what is in them but maybe give hits like 'You don't want to miss out on this container' to get the higher bids.

I honestly believe this would bring a lot of attention to people in city if this was implemented. I'd also like to hear what people think of this or what they'd like to add.
Actually love this idea of like a storage wars, would be great RP and also get a container with the maybe the contents, even if the locked ones are unlocked because the people who previously had them have been C1.6 or have been banned for a very long time would also be good RP down to the negotiations and always trying to get them for the best price.
I know there's certain reasons, both ingame but also OOC, why containers get locked. What I do not understand is why we get new containers added, but old ones not wiped and then unlocked. Never understood the thought process.
There's containers that have been locked since I've been playing so late 2023.
I'd guess it has something to do with economy protection or metagaming when people are banned but some get locked and some don't. There do seem to be more locked than ever now though. Surely st a certain point just delete the container and move it to another door to prevent metagaming if that's the concern?
There's containers that have been locked since I've been playing so late 2023.
I'd guess it has something to do with economy protection or metagaming when people are banned but some get locked and some don't. There do seem to be more locked than ever now though. Surely st a certain point just delete the container and move it to another door to prevent metagaming if that's the concern?
Exactly. Either just clear them and make them available again or move them
Exactly. Either just clear them and make them available again or move them
If a container is locked then it was either by police or for a staff reason.

There was plans to do an auction kinda thing for ones locked by staff but nobody has ever gotten around to it
I like this idea honestly, storage wars and getting some of them back into cities use would be benefitial to many businesses, groups and people in general. However, one key thing about containers (for most people) is the idea of them being untraceable to you. Therefore i question whether a large population of the community (Illegal side) would seek these storage wars or would there be a method of keeping the bids anonymous. But you do counter this argument with holding the container auctions at the place you sell them which is a fantastic idea, except the losing party will know where the other party has just gained a container. I believe this is much more of an advanced idea that will need to be carried out well with staff maybe even a new in-game company.

However, i do believe that the locked containers for Police reasons could be "emptied" cleaned out and auctioned by the police back to the public, but only to those "worthy" in legal terms to acquire them.
For the other Locked containers due to Bans, I am obviously biased here, however, i believe they should only be removed when there is a guarantee that the person will not return.
Another thing to recognise is the contents inside the containers may be locked off for a particular reason so there will be a limited available options to aution.

Yet, overall the scenarios this will provide, the resurgence of many containers, and the chance for a company/ auction system outside the usual car or business industry will be very entertaining and interesting.
If a container is locked then it was either by police or for a staff reason.

There was plans to do an auction kinda thing for ones locked by staff but nobody has ever gotten around to it
If it's locked by police then fair enough but staff reason i hope its not to keep it for banned players because thats just stupid.

How come staff has never got round to it? If it's just out of not being bothered then thats gives a perfect reason of why to give it to a faction/group in city. Maybe allow Gruppe6 to have control over the locked containers for auctions.
There is an idea around it and thats what we intend to do.
Sadly there is work and data collecting to get the ball rolling. Some of these containers quite simply contain items or currency that have come around with the help of skiddies or cheaters. Thankfully this is somthing we will clear out before then.

We have quite recently got some extra hands on deck to assist us with this and i hope we can get the ball rolling soon.
We spoke about this as recent as.. yesterday. So, give us some time and we’ll see what we can cook up.