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LOA Dok (Rejected)

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(Un)Retired Memester
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): LOA Dok
Time & Date this happened: 4th October @ 3:30 / 4:00
Description of what happened: As TFU members we were going to help support SCO as they were under attack by LOA, we were already chasing an LOA Cool due to the fact that he was driving round in an Ifrit and had an armed Offroad with him which had already killed multiple officers. We began verging onto SCO's base when we see that Bradley has killed LOA Dok. Fast forward around 5-10 minutes and we are chasing LOA Cool as he makes his way to the Donator Shop, while we are chasing we received a numerous amount of messages from LOA Dok telling us to "leave the red Ifrit alone or be shot". Even when this went over the 15 minute rule he is still not allowed to get involved with the same situation that he has already died in so this is blatant NLR.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)

At 0:55 of this video LoA Dok is killed by Bradley.



Someone is mad

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I told dok to write to Commando. Not much to complain about to be honest. Since I was driving I told dok over the radio to text to Commando. Its a new life. Dont matter if dok died or not. I was contacting him over the radio telling him to do it. He didn't need to have any information from his life before? The cops were not involved in anything during the raid. Its a new situation. I can upload my point of view if highly needed. We didn't a see a shadow of a cop at the base at any point. I saw the raid as one situation and the chase as another. Btw why didnt you try to resolve it at all? 

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I told dok to write to Commando. Not much to complain about to be honest. Since I was driving I told dok over the radio to text to Commando. Its a new life. Dont matter if dok died or not. I was contacting him over the radio telling him to do it. He didn't need to have any information from his life before? 
The situation that is previous life was situated with you and all of the TFU members as we were after you, he is NOT allowed to get involved at all because he had died and he would be involving himself again into a situation which he died in by contacting you.


Rule 6: The New Life Rule

A new life means that your character has lost all previous memories. It still is the character you play, i.e. it is still part of the rebels or cops and it still knows all his friends. Your character just forgets what was leading to that death. 

The only exception to this is your wanted level, In our latest release bounty levels are now persistent over deaths to enable long winded police chases and bounty hunter chases... without this we wont have police and bounty hunters tracking down the person and the person being on the run for weeks/days.

Example: Matt, John and Ben are rebels who try to rob the bank. During the shootout with the cops, Matt and Ben die, John get's arrested and spends some time in jail. When they all meet again, they all would roleplay the situation in a way that they all tried to get away, because they realized that they couldn't handle the situation. Matt and Ben got away, though John got caught. If the players want to have the deaths involved, they might tell stories of other rebels that died there, who were with them initially. 
4A) A new life starts, when
  • Your character has been killed by a cop
  • Your character has died in a RP situation.
  • Your character has been involved in an accident

4B) A new life does not start when
  • Your character has been the victim of RDM/VDM (Unless inside of the RedZone)
  • You disconnect (end of session)

4C) You are not allowed to seek revenge when you die!
4D) You are not allowed to return within 1000m of where you was killed within 15 minutes after you have been killed!
The situation that is previous life was situated with you and all of the TFU members as we were after you, he is NOT allowed to get involved at all because he had died and he would be involving himself again into a situation which he died in by contacting you.
Updated my comment ;)

The situation that is previous life was situated with you and all of the TFU members as we were after you, he is NOT allowed to get involved at all because he had died and he would be involving himself again into a situation which he died in by contacting you.
Oh so you are saying hes breaking NLR by speaking with me. So when you die you logg out of the teamspeak channel for 15 mins? 

How da f*** did he get back in 2minutes?

*I don't care about the report I just care about the Call of Duty : Black Ops Zombies in the background !*
You complain about people commenting with nothing to do with it on reports against you but when its you commenting on report with nothing to do with you its fine???  Hypocrite much?

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Oh so you are saying hes breaking NLR by speaking with me. So when you die you logg out of the teamspeak channel for 15 mins? 
This is not what I meant whatsoever, for you to tell him to contact Commando who is clearly involved in a situation which Dok had died in already is wrong. You are not in the wrong, Dok is the one in the wrong due to the fact that he contacted the police after he had already died. You are not allowed to get directly involved in a situation which you have already been and died in.

This is not what I meant whatsoever, for you to tell him to contact Commando who is clearly involved in a situation which Dok had died in already is wrong. You are not in the wrong, Dok is the one in the wrong due to the fact that he contacted the police after he had already died. You are not allowed to get directly involved in a situation which you have already been and died in.
Could you tell me where in the rules it says that you can't send a text to a guy when you get a command to do it over the radio please? :)  

I got killed by a guy from SCO and then i respawned in VIP club, which is more than 1000m away from the SCO base. I got a call from LoA Cool on the radio to message a guy called Commandod to fly away from the Ifrit, which LoA Cool where driving in, i had no cantact with the police before i died at all, which is why NLR does not apply.

Can we get the full version on how you get to the tower? I got a feeling that you relogged in order to get there unseen

Just like the police when there killed... they discuss to the person who has come back under a new life about what is going on and when there needed.

Loa Dok would be breaking new life rule however if he returned within the 15 mins.

He has sent a message after discussing with his gang... we will never know if LOA Cool asked him to do this or he done this himself.


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