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Lily is out

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Lily Rose

the toilet
So it's been a great time but I think it's high time I take my leave.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in RPUK until its end however I think I want to explore other gaming opportunities.

Big thanks to the Firm, especially Jo, George and Archie- you guys created amazing RP for me to be apart of, and to Danny, Alex, Smurfy & Fulton for the great sessions of messing about that happened.

To G6, my dopey Athena may return one day but today isnt that day (BLUES CLUES THE REAL BIG C'S - WILL MISS DAVE)

And Ballas- Ballas ontop >>>>

Anyway, while I wasn't really known to the community as a whole, and not known within RP, I hope all those who I did do roleplay with, whether it was the brilliant stuff coming from the Lost lately which Tomas and I have thoroughly enjoyed, or just general debating and annoying of judges (Sorry Dredd).

(isak reminded me i forgor mara mb bestie bald man pls forgive me lots of love jess stop getting in trouble and big up leroy and EDDY BONES[oK ILL STOP ANNOYING U NOW KODIE])

My biggest love goes out to Kano, Sammy, Drex and Mark who did their absolute best to keep me about- but things got tough, and the RP I've had with the five of us has been some of the funniest and fun shit I've experienced in a long ass time.

So this is farewell, I suppose for a while or forever, currently undecided.

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Enjoy your time away, sad we couldn't develop the current story but im happy to see you've found enjoyment outside the game
Its a shame to see you go but its always great to step back sometimes and just explore other things :) while the server is great it can take up alot of your free time and leave not much else haha. always enjoyed bumping into your characters! wish you best in whatever you end up going forward with in the future ^W^
Can't say how Sad I am to see you leave. Gonna miss the shenanigans with Lilly!

Hopefully we'll see you back one day! ❤️
Blues clues on top (will miss dave aswell) Guess its back to being blues again... Sad to see the best solicitor go you know wether it was you telling me the best ways to possibly blackmail police or actually giving me some useful advice.

Milkstache will just have to carry on on his own again and spreading the missing persons flyers around
Good luck to your future endeavours! top class roleplayer
Will be sad to not see you around! ive met all your characters and always had a good time with you!

Hope to see you in RPUK again one day! #ThickThighsSaveLives
you was alright, I suppose ;) nah sad to see you go, was always good times RP'ing with you 🙌
Sad to see you go Lily... Tom gonna lose a mommy now :(

was nice rping with you, even if it was limited, it was always fun! sad to see you go
All the best, Lily. even if our time and our interactions short, we waffled a good waffle.

As they say, this isn't goodbye. It's until we meet again. <3

From both McGee's -- x
Sad to see you go so soon! Was fun first meeting you in Mara to watching you go fulltime
Mechanic to then joining the firm, in such a short amount of time you experienced so much and ofc we can’t forget your NHS character driving around with no top on giving me first aid 🤣🤣

Stay Safe Lily! - Luke
thanks for saving Josh Fisher when he jumped off pillbox roof and the helimed that one time was great fun :D
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