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Lid out

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Active member
The Gallery
I am sure quite a few people who I've been close to in this community know that I decided to kill off my character Adam Lid a couple of months ago.

I have really enjoyed every minute I spent in this community and wouldn't have gotten as far as I did if it wasn't for @Archiehelping me out and giving a gallery employee with a top hat a chance to prove himself in the firm.

My time here has been the best, from blowing things up with @Fatherto starting the best MC in the city (Adam MC) with @Smurfy_E3 to then selling paintings and fine art.....

I have made many lifelong friends here (not @KennethZoid) and will miss everyone a lot but all things must come to an end and in this case, I just didn't have the time to keep up my appearance and be as active as I used to be which is why I made the decision to kill Adam off.

I will definitely be coming back to this community with a new character when life allows me and I hope to see a lot of familiar faces then still making this community the gem it is.


Adam  xxx


That´s a shame, man! Make sure you take care of yourself and don´t be a stranger! Much love!!! ❤️

I'm gonna ya mate❤️hopefully you'll be back at some point so we can do some more stupid stuff 😆👌

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Very sad to see you go bro, absolutely loved the time that I spent with you during the time in the firm. 


Damn, heres me thinking you geniunely was just on holiday. Sad time, hopefully you come back.
Take care of yourself

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