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Lewis/Abolish.exe and Colonel Frosty

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Well-known member
Greatest Britan
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Lewis, Colonel Fortay, Abolish_exe
Time & Date this happened:
12/12/14 17:45 onwards
Description of what happened:
The video starts with me hunting down the RDMer(Lewis) on the roof who killed dean.
I reach the top of the stairs and crouch down in the glass room to wait for Lewis to come down. Lewis appears from the open door and starts to talk to me. I am not sure if that is the same guy since he does not have a gun. I ignore him because I do not want the man on the roof to hear that I am waiting for him.
Dean runs up the stairs and starts talking to him. Lewis runs into the "closet" to get his gun out, dean runs in there to tell the man to put the gun down or he will be restrained. I run in and restrain him in fear that he will kill dean.(notice how he is holding a police issue gun)
On the way down to put Lewis in a safe spot we hear the next RDMer(Colonel Fortay) explaining how "we are all NLRing" and how "you cannot return here for five minutes".
I go back and try to speak to him civilly by asking him to stop running round and round shouting. He ignores my and deans orders so I restrain him to talk to him. Whilst talking to him a man in white Long John's appears round the corner with a gun out, I am not sure why but I did not notice him till he killed dean.
I ask Jared to "Join my radio channel" to keep roleplay as I really need support on what to do.
Whilst he is joining I take the white clothed Long John RDMer(Abolish_exeback over to where Lewis was being held and find that Lewis has combat logged.
I then go back and take the second guy over to the safe spot so I can talk to them all at the same time and he combat logs in my hands.
And that's it, thanks for reading my long description.
Had to write it twice...
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
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What jokers, they even asked in side chat if they could do this and we all told them no. They'd also broken NLR previously by returning to their scene of death with weapons and killing their murderer. 

Sorry guys youtube is dieing.. No video for a bit...


doesnt matter seen enough..... totally broken roleplay, but you guys need a little more training on how to keep up the roleplay despite their actions...

Fortay admits attack on HQ @ 3:42

Abolish_exe kills  in HQ @ 3:58

Lewis combat log seen @ 4:38

Fortay Combat Logged @ 5:54

Lewis also broke NLR... you see him killed by PCSO Dean in the chat log at the very start of the video.

Abolish_exe: 76561198081035140

Colonel Fortay has since changed names.

Lewis.... there are like 90 of them....

I believe bans should be approved on them each. Awaiting Admin Decision.

Report Approved. Awaiting Ban-action as of  15/12/14 - Admin Vacatio

c93d97a4fac6b623d17cbc2c3dff009d -1 Lewis - Forum Report 17/12/2014
76becaf470ccb72970378b7a1d8ab268 -1 Abolish.exe - Forum Report 17/12/2014
Fortay is now colonal frosty who was banned in another report today.

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