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Let's talk fishing..

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Chester Lowe

Well-known member
Brief Summary: Turn fishing into a skill, similar to Mining/Fruit Picking with added perks

Detailed Suggestion:
As it stands fishing is a relative good source of income, but becomes very mundane. As it stands, you pay £10,000 for the rod and fish away. An hour later you've earnt a decent load of cash and off you go. There isn't much sense of achievement or purpose in fishing other than a quick money grab. I'd recommend making fishing similar to how mining would work, make it a skill in itself. The lower your level, the less chance you have of catching the given fish you are fishing for (Depending on what location you go towards). The higher the fishing level, the higher chance you get of catching that fish, and maybe a slight increase in catch speed. (This could also include illegal fish, but make the chance of catching only a slight margin higher, not to imbalance things). The other option would to be adding a changing weight to each fish, the more it weighs (higher skill level means bigger fish caught) the more you would earn from selling it or gain more resources from processing it.

It would also add a bit more of a feel to fishing if there were certain perks dependant on what you fish, such as a specialisation. Spending all your time fishing for just Trout/Salmon etc should inherit it's own perk (again, maybe just a slightly quick catch time or higher chance of getting that fish), but this would be a long term achievement again, requiring some good time and effort. 

The entire process is simply fish & sell, rinse and repeat. Maybe there could be an option similar to fruit as to what can be done with the final product? Making it so people have a choice to either sell to the Bait & Tackle, or maybe using a fish monger skill to process the fish to sell to business, that could then be used as a food source, adding more to the market in terms of food items/business opportunities, but also giving players more options than just catch, sell and repeat.

Fishing as a whole is a simple and standard activity to give people a cash injection boost, but for the few of us that do it on a daily (I've met some great people doing this and witnessed some good RP scenarios that unfold) adding just a few extra steps/perks would really make it worth more than just a quick cash grab. As it stands it is a stable and simple cash earner and certainly not broken in any context, but there are little things that could be added to enhance the activity in general.

The Pros: 
Rewards players for taking the time to level the skill & encourage it to be more than a quick cash grab

Adds more options for final products giving players choice on what to do with what they caught

Options up options for more skills/businesses/items

Gives the house more options.  

The Cons: 

Would require some time and effort for people to make the same amount of money that is currently being made by players

Does this suggestion change balance on the server: 

In the short term, people would be making less money and required to put in some time and effort. In the long term, it would add more options to the economy.


Thank you for the suggestion.
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