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Let's roleplay like gods!!

PCSO Murtacus

Active member
So its clear to say we all like a bit of rp, but yet many of us still pull out out weapons In a situation were we find ourselves outnumbered, I'm not suggesting you be a straight up bitch and drop arms at every turn but I do suggest to just go with it if your about to be taken hostage maybe let it happen its gunna open a scenario where you and your gang or possibly cop force have to jump Into action and this opens up an 1 r 2 hours of good rp scenarios, again I'm not here to tell anyone how to play just suggesting that let shit happen and see how it played out rather then been the Rambo we all think we are till we find ourselves re gearing up due to bad rp equaling death :) much respects to you all and see you in game


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Yea i agree, would be fun to have more quality RP, like gangs kidnapping each others members :D

I agree & I have even directed my gang mates to lay down their arms if in a situation that looks like they may end up killed.

We have said we will do whatever it takes to get them back be it via negotiation, direct attack or a bit of both.

There are a few things that stand in the way of this I have thought of 2 straight away but I am sure there are more.

  1. Many years of Battlefield & C.O.D gaming which ingrains a sense of shoot first ask questions later attitude
  2. Many players that R.D.M for no reason there is always that doubt that unless you act first you will be killed.
I believe the roll play is getting better & people are learning  but we get new players all the time so the learning process is continuous. 

Don't disagree with you bullet, I have helped run a bf3/bf4 clan for 4 years now and we would be exactly the same but if every one who enjoys rp works at just letting the situation play out it will turn out to be epic for all parties.. Kidnapping s can be fun lmao but really they can as bullet says to get back to hostage via negotiations or battle and even a bit of both makes it a better all round game play experience rather then the current KOS that's been so to speak pissing us all right off.. So as a community rivalry or friends let's work at making this not only the most visited server in the world but the best dam rp experience Altos life can offer

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