Well-known member
- Location
- Zimbabwe
Legal Jobs Suggestions -
Postman -
Bit like food deliveries but go to houses, businesses etc
Postman uniform
Postman van (Speedo, Speedo Express, Imported Van?)
Bin Collection -
Drive around in a Bin Lorry (Need to be a party of two+)
British Bin Lorry Import?
Search bins for items -
Sell items found if value to pawn shops
Search NPC cars -
Sell items found if value to pawn shops
Trucking Revamp -
Oil works (Oil Fields near Marabunta Turf) -
Create oil to either keep for (removed for metagaming) or for NPC foreman at Oil works
Make use of Quarry near sandy, to mine to find (specific mineral/ore) -
Could mine for gold, diamonds, uranium
Would need to create a use for the above?
Warehouse worker (Mr White Warehouse/General Warehouse) -
Warehouse picker, go around a warehouse picking up boxes and loading into a truck (npc/real player truck)
Highway Patrol -
NPC jobs (Car crashes, cars on fire) and assist Police possibly?
Construction Worker -
Make use of Construction Sites? Carrying wood planks, tools, materials, make use of diggers, forklifts?
Recently added {
Logging Company -
Illegal Jobs Suggestions -
House Robberies (Not real players, sell the items you acquire to an NPC or Jewellery shop) -
Need specific tools to break-in (Wrench, Screwdriver etc)
Could steal items such as TVs, sofas, microwaves etc to place in your own house but risk % of police dispatch if caught making a lot of noise
More drugs introduced and fixing of current ones (Can't do certain ones due to unable to rob Humane Labs) -
More variance, Heroin, Low Grade Meth, LSD, High Grade Meth, Ecstasy etc
Fleeca Banks -
Rob Fleeca banks for quite a considerable amount below big bank (obviously)
Humane Labs -
Rob Humane Labs for specific chemicals, materials
Scrapping cars (Could be NPC cars and or get a heftier price for scrapping an import car, but wouldn't actually remove it from the other players character but possibly a cooldown till restart for that player)
I don't know if all these would be good to be implemented and if they would be able to be balanced. It is just a list of ideas for legal and illegal jobs for the server. I sometimes find myself driving around somewhat like a Robot not being able to find anyone except at Gang turfs selling drugs, coke processors and at Pillbox. Having a variety of both illegal and legal jobs for others to do will make the 'city' feel more alive rather than everyone known where the entire server is at.
This thread is mainly for members of the community to either completely derail this suggestion (In the most civil way possible) or expand on my ideas and or create their new ideas for jobs in one place so that devs can keep track of all the ideas that could be put forward for new content on the server.
Postman -
Bit like food deliveries but go to houses, businesses etc
Postman uniform
Postman van (Speedo, Speedo Express, Imported Van?)
Bin Collection -
Drive around in a Bin Lorry (Need to be a party of two+)
British Bin Lorry Import?
Search bins for items -
Sell items found if value to pawn shops
Search NPC cars -
Sell items found if value to pawn shops
Trucking Revamp -
Oil works (Oil Fields near Marabunta Turf) -
Create oil to either keep for (removed for metagaming) or for NPC foreman at Oil works
Make use of Quarry near sandy, to mine to find (specific mineral/ore) -
Could mine for gold, diamonds, uranium
Would need to create a use for the above?
Warehouse worker (Mr White Warehouse/General Warehouse) -
Warehouse picker, go around a warehouse picking up boxes and loading into a truck (npc/real player truck)
Highway Patrol -
NPC jobs (Car crashes, cars on fire) and assist Police possibly?
Construction Worker -
Make use of Construction Sites? Carrying wood planks, tools, materials, make use of diggers, forklifts?
Recently added {
Logging Company -
- Have someone own the Logging Facility at Paleto, whether that be a player or an NPC much like the trucking depot.
- Add a system were gangs, crims, legal civis would have to order cut wood logs and could only order a certain amount every week or 2 weeks to circumvent mass stock pilling. Which orders would come into the workfinderz app where you'd get a truck at the trucking depot and drive to Paleto Logging Facility and deliver a truck load of logs to Ballas Car Wash, Triads Chinese Shop, Vagos Autos, Petrol Stations and Shops etc..
- Add a system were players can cut trees down, go to the logging facility and process the cut wood into logs in a sense for a sum of money to keep the stock filled up.
- Add a system where Gangs, Crims, Legal Civs would have to order wood logs in
- Add more use for wood, crafting pickaxes, crafting fishing rods etc..
Illegal Jobs Suggestions -
House Robberies (Not real players, sell the items you acquire to an NPC or Jewellery shop) -
Need specific tools to break-in (Wrench, Screwdriver etc)
Could steal items such as TVs, sofas, microwaves etc to place in your own house but risk % of police dispatch if caught making a lot of noise
More drugs introduced and fixing of current ones (Can't do certain ones due to unable to rob Humane Labs) -
More variance, Heroin, Low Grade Meth, LSD, High Grade Meth, Ecstasy etc
Fleeca Banks -
Rob Fleeca banks for quite a considerable amount below big bank (obviously)
Humane Labs -
Rob Humane Labs for specific chemicals, materials
Scrapping cars (Could be NPC cars and or get a heftier price for scrapping an import car, but wouldn't actually remove it from the other players character but possibly a cooldown till restart for that player)
I don't know if all these would be good to be implemented and if they would be able to be balanced. It is just a list of ideas for legal and illegal jobs for the server. I sometimes find myself driving around somewhat like a Robot not being able to find anyone except at Gang turfs selling drugs, coke processors and at Pillbox. Having a variety of both illegal and legal jobs for others to do will make the 'city' feel more alive rather than everyone known where the entire server is at.
This thread is mainly for members of the community to either completely derail this suggestion (In the most civil way possible) or expand on my ideas and or create their new ideas for jobs in one place so that devs can keep track of all the ideas that could be put forward for new content on the server.
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