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Legal Handgun License *But Wait Here Me Out!*

Custard Cream

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Brief Summary:

Allow the purchase of legal handguns such as the SNS, Ceramic and the vintage to civs with context of requiring signing off from Police CI/SI+

Detailed Suggestion:

Right so before everyone badgers me saying "ItS nOt ReAlIsTiC", "tHiS Is a BrItIsH tHeMeD sErVeR" & "RoLePlAy OvEr GuNpLay" Nothing about the server these days screams British. Other than the the way the law is in the city, public service skins and the judiciary to a degree the city is just not what its trying to be.

I have been a member of RPUK for a very long time, seen it all, dont it all. Altis, Tanoa, Malden and FiveM. The fivem server is just not what it used to be 2 years ago. Roleplay is a fraction of what the server is these days and from my own experience as a mostly police main is restricted to a very few select groups and locations.

The server has went the Altis Route. Getting a illegal gun whether it being a pistol, Shotgun, smg or higher is not a challenge anymore and everyone and there mum is packing around here ;') ,

Now the fact the server has went the Altis Route isn't necessarily a bad thing. Altis Life holds a very very dear place in my heart and was the first game/mode i played when i got into PC in 2015. And i was in love, sunk 14000 hours into the fucker and would gladly do another if it came back and I know alot of people would agree.

Now onto the topic of the suggestion.

I believe there needs to be an ability for law abiding and legal civs the ability to protect themselves. Such as getting the pistols ive listed above. I am a very high priority roleplay guy and will value that over gun-play any day but as the server mentality and player opinions evolve so does the server. It used to be getting a gun took time, building relationships and trust and storylines to get the fabled firearm which you would rarely use unless utterly needed. But now they are used like they are going out of fashion. "Oh that guy called me a bellend?" *Bap Bap Bap*. They are to easy to get, and I honestly think that other civs who follow the legal route should be able to apply for a personal firearm by doing the following

  • Apply via form at MRPS or any police station front desk, Similar to hunting permits
  • Background vetting check performed by Firearms Inspectors with pushing the paperwork to SI's for approval
  • Firearms safety and handling course, This could be created and ran by firearms and gruppe6.
  • Personal Firearms Certificate issued to the civillian, were they would be able to purchase said firearms at an ammunation, were they would have to register the ballistic signature with the police on purchase.

Yes this is alot of work, but the RP involved in it would weasel out the gun hungry hobos and gangs, and the price limits for the guns could be high. Civs who use the guns would have to report the usage of them in self defence to the police, and if their gun is stolen. lost or broken, then they would have to report it to the police.

I just honestly think this would give legal civs a chance to actually protect themselves without having to break the law and going to jail, because we literally cant use anything to protect ourselves without actually committing a crime, and police arent always available in the instances you need to protect yourself. 

Now yes this might make gangs and other people to go out robbing more for peoples guns and it might for a while, but then people are going to start being cautious and not risking everything to get blapped by some taxi driver.

The Pros:

More chances for civs to protect themselves

More RP for the police

Server is going a very gun heavy direction at least this will stabilise people who are armed with people who arent.

The Cons:

More guns in the server

Less realistic?

Not very british like

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?

yes very.

I'd rather flip this on its head and say no to a legal handgun license, but make obtaining them somewhat easier.  Handguns (small ones, not Marksmans and Revolvers) can keep the server fresh, and jumpy.

I mean I'd prefer to try and pull it more towards proper UK law RP and such with the gangs useing more mele than guns

To that if you Wana add 12ft lb air rifles then go ahead for hunting, or get a shotgun licence if your a farmer but I don't think it's in any way a good idea to allow civs firearms licences, it's chaos enougth with how many people run around carrying one let alone adding in a way for more to carry them

What I would see from this is that say a gang is having a shootout with police, some person is likely to try and join in and aid one side and it will become such a mess

Sorry but a -1 from me I think it should be harder to near impossible to get firearms outside of authorised groups

As a police CI, I will not be signing anyone off to possess a legal handgun licence.


Its a good suggestion and can see alot of thought has gone into it, however i personally still there are too many guns, too many types and there far too easy to get! Agree with shire be nice to see more handheld combat or just using a good old fashion "tool". I also feel there tool many automatics, rifles and smgs. With it being uk themed server, it should be more pistols and shotgun. Maybe even a low powered bolt rifle. 

My view is yes biased as never have done full on crime/gang RP.

I also feel there tool many automatics, rifles and smgs. With it being uk themed server, it should be more pistols and shotgun. Maybe even a low powered bolt rifle. 
i agree with this however it thinks it needs to go both ways with the cops.

Cant limit gangs like this and have 5-10 armed police casually roaming the city. There walking juggernauts and just not realistic at all for a uk based server.

I know this wont happen, if anything like this happens police wont get touched and **in my opinion** become even stronger and with there win mentality become even worse

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i agree with this however it thinks it needs to go both ways with the cops.

Cant limit gangs like this and have 5-10 armed police casually roaming the city. There walking juggernauts and just not realistic at all for a uk based server.
I mean to be fair i can go outside in the middle of the day irl and easily see a handful of armed police around, i never see a man flashing a micro smg or a pistol XD so i would say it is somewhat realistic, i guess the benefit of also having less guns is police wont get notified of shootouts which means in turn less heavy response when they respond to a gang fight that is compiled of mainly melee weapons.

I'd rather flip this on its head and say no to a legal handgun license, but make obtaining them somewhat easier.  Handguns (small ones, not Marksmans and Revolvers) can keep the server fresh, and jumpy.
Dont necessarily disagree, personally think it would be better with the less strong weapons in the game were the more "easily obtainable weapons". Such as the double barrell and the shitty revolver, 

I mean I'd prefer to try and pull it more towards proper UK law RP and such with the gangs useing more mele than guns

To that if you Wana add 12ft lb air rifles then go ahead for hunting, or get a shotgun licence if your a farmer but I don't think it's in any way a good idea to allow civs firearms licences, it's chaos enougth with how many people run around carrying one let alone adding in a way for more to carry them

What I would see from this is that say a gang is having a shootout with police, some person is likely to try and join in and aid one side and it will become such a mess

Sorry but a -1 from me I think it should be harder to near impossible to get firearms outside of authorised groups
 I agree to be fair, id love for the server to go more hardcore, but that seems way more impossible of an outcome than something like this..

As a police CI, I will not be signing anyone off to possess a legal handgun licence.


I think this is a good idea

Its a good suggestion and can see alot of thought has gone into it, however i personally still there are too many guns, too many types and there far too easy to get! Agree with shire be nice to see more handheld combat or just using a good old fashion "tool". I also feel there tool many automatics, rifles and smgs. With it being uk themed server, it should be more pistols and shotgun. Maybe even a low powered bolt rifle. 

My view is yes biased as never have done full on crime/gang RP.
I agree to a degree. If i could id reset everyone and make all guns super hard to get, but seems very unlikely unlike this.

i agree with this however it thinks it needs to go both ways with the cops.

Cant limit gangs like this and have 5-10 armed police casually roaming the city. There walking juggernauts and just not realistic at all for a uk based server.
Agree with this but then there would be a massive power deficit in the city.

Agree with this but then there would be a massive power deficit in the city.
is that such a bad thing- i still think police would be strong enough to be effective and I'm not saying to remove armed police, just change it to make it more fair. I think there stupidly over powered and combined with the win mentality i have experienced from them just wouldn't be fun

is that such a bad thing- i still think police would be strong enough to be effective and I'm not saying to remove armed police, just change it to make it more fair. I think there stupidly over powered and combined with the win mentality i have experienced from them just wouldn't be fun
If police were limited the same as gangs sure. Police should be stronger than gangs to a degree. Gangs can literally fight like insurgents. and have access to alot more options than police, 

i agree with this however it thinks it needs to go both ways with the cops.

Cant limit gangs like this and have 5-10 armed police casually roaming the city. There walking juggernauts and just not realistic at all for a uk based server.

I know this wont happen, if anything like this happens police wont get touched and **in my opinion** become even stronger and with there win mentality become even worse
This has been brought up many times but it seems people don't want to believe it, the police have to match the state of the gangs

So if all the gangs run around armed and have massive shootouts then the police need to be prepared to combat that

If all the gangs went, you know what we're bored of the police coming to our fights after we mag dump someone, maybe if we start useing mele weapons more they will leave us be, then the police will in turn lower the need to be as armed as a gang, you may not see the guns less but they would have less need to use them and rely on tazers more instead, but if facing a gun your going to pull your own gun over the tazer

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If all the fans went, you know what we're plbored of the police coming to our fights after we mag dump someone, maybe if we start useing mele weapons more they will leave us be, then the police will in turn lower the need to be as armed as a gang, you may not see the guns less but they would have less need to use them and rely on tazers more instead, but if facing a gun your going to pull your own gun over the tazer
With my experiences with the armed police I think this entire point is shit and bullshit. Not going to argue about why I think this in this suggestion as it’s not about this. But there are so many ways to deal with the police situation and this point u made is just bullshit in my opinion 

If police were limited the same as gangs sure. Police should be stronger than gangs to a degree. Gangs can literally fight like insurgents. and have access to alot more options than police, 
I agree police should be stronger- but I think it to far right now. And gangs can’t fight like insurgents. Making right now is so shit and it takes hours for such shitty little pistols and most people have lives out side of this server and won’t waste hours grinding for one gun to stupidly through it away.

again I’m not saying to make us equal I just think armed police rn is not fair and with the win mentality they have it’s an issue 

With my experiences with the armed police I think this entire point is shit and bullshit. Not going to argue about why I think this in this suggestion as it’s not about this. But there are so many ways to deal with the police situation and this point u made is just bullshit in my opinion
Speaking as a previous firearms senior the use of force will directly scale with that which firearms comes up against. If the use of firearms decreases by gangs routine arming will stop and only firearms will have access to them with primary weapons being locked in weapon safes. Until this changes firearms and the police will have to unfortunately continue to respond with the same level of aggression. 

Oh boy can't wait to get certified and pack my Ceramic pistol for when prosecuting suspects, can just execute on the spot after the court case....

The part I could agree with is to get certified to get firearms trained for simple gun firing by firearms with CI/SI+ approval, and tbh I only really see a handful of people getting past the background check and the rest would just be new characters. And most peoples reasons to get certified would be stupid, and obtaining a gun I don't know how you would do so legally.

I personally don't wanna see every solicitor walking around with a gun...

Allow the purchase of legal handguns such as the SNS, Ceramic and the vintage to civs
This part I highly disagree with.

1- For me 

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