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Mr Laurens

Well-known member
The Netherlands
After over 1,5 year in the community i think its time for me to leave aswell, everyone i used to play with left too and i dont like playing it as much as i used to. 

Started as a stupid hobo on a quadbike like everyone else and then went into rich royal family, we got notice by goose cartel and decided to merge. Oh boi what a joy at the time. After i no longer like playing a rebel i decided to join the popo where i managed to reach the rank of Inspector with ofcourse the dream team at the time in RTU @ @CI Voltz @Zinder loved every bit of it but then was looking for something else again. Joined TI and had a lovely time there but always missed the police so decided to rejoin and give it another shot. 

So rejoined the police and got to the rank of Inspector again in Athira this time. Also managed to get in AR and work my way up to teamleader and then deputy-ar. But decided to leave again due to certain reasons. Loved to patrol with all the lads, sorry if i didnt mention you, you know who u are ofc

@Fade @BlackJack @alexcantfindyourname @James @Vixxy @Icecube @Pierre  then left the police with the mates and went to the rebel life again but it wasnt like it always was so i decided to leave the island. I would like to thank all the management and staff for making rpuk the way it is, i know u put alot of efford into it and it really isnt unnoticed. Bye friends

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Good luck mate, you were a good INS+ both times you were in the police, good luck elsewhere! 

Didn't know you too well , but played with you a few times here and there. Best of luck in the next community and have fun playing with all your friends again ?

FML, I'm sick of doing these so this better be the last one. When we were cops you were a cool guy, but we never really spent any time patrolling aside from AR. Then I left the cops and you one tapped me and I went all rage mode and that good stuff anyway, you were an awesome guy to play as a rebel with, and I'm gunna miss you shouting at me :(.


Fuck, everyone's going. First met you in the Police when you hated me a lot haha, anyway sad to see you go, you're a good guy. Maybe you'll come back sometime soon but wherever you go, have a good one! Best of luck mate. 

I haven't left Laurens :( I will be back I'm just busy with going out and shit thats why I'm not on as much :'''''(

"Im gonna turn appleby into applepie"- Laurens

Cya man goodluck in the future with what next you do ?

Who's hunter will AR take out now ! Well this is a very sad few days I must say, while we had our stupid arguments you were still a great officer and a pain in high noon.

All the very best in where ever you go next ! 

Sad to see you go Laurens your a nice lad, we had some nice AR patrols when we were in AR , most fun was to use your hunter tho ;)

No @Mr Laurens you're the only one left! Don't leave me

*Edit* Oh you be talking about dis


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