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Lack of RP from Cops.

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Well fade either can't remember it or he was following the INS's roleplay. because he 100% said too us "keep them hidden in the house and car." we did keep them hidden in the house, and the car. he was going to put the rifle in the car but the inspector just chased him.

I just saw your previous reply. I see how you said "yesterday" a different day is well a different day. If I give someone permission to have a vermin, that doesn't mean that in a months time they still have permission. This can only be done through documents through Command.

I just saw your previous reply. I see how you said "yesterday" a different day is well a different day. If I give someone permission to have a vermin, that doesn't mean that in a months time they still have permission. This can only be done through documents through Command.
Fade literally confirmed this in game with us stating that we were meant to keep them in the house/car. he later stated "keep them hidden in the house or out of sight" or something along those lines.

toxicity or try to cause drama
I know you are trying to keep the peace but I have to correct you. I did not say that this thread was made to cause drama I said it "is" going to cause uneccacery drama as threads like these have multiple times in the past.

Fade literally confirmed this in game with us stating that we were meant to keep them in the house/car. he later stated "keep them hidden in the house or out of sight" or something along those lines.
Well then I don't see what the problem is here. He said out of sight, am I correct in saying that you said that the gun was on your back at the start of this thread. If so that's not out of sight 

I know you are trying to keep the peace but I have to correct you. I did not say that this thread was made to cause drama I said it "is" going to cause uneccacery drama as threads like these have multiple times in the past.

Well then I don't see what the problem is here. He said out of sight, am I correct in saying that you said that the gun was on your back at the start of this thread. If so that's not out of sight 
Read the topic mate. i stated my friend ran out of the house to put the weapon in the car but got caught. i was trying to roleplay with the INS to try to resolve it stating fade told us to keep them out of sight, which we did.

Read the topic mate. i stated my friend ran out of the house to put the weapon in the car but got caught. i was trying to roleplay with the INS to try to resolve it stating fade told us to keep them out of sight, which we did.
Ok I get now mate. I suggest you do what Connor said and speak with him and try resolving the situation. I respect your opinion in regards to the RolePlay given during your experience dealing with the Police. But I would advise for future reference not to make threads like this as drama makes a common appearance on threads like this.

~ SPC James Travers

Ok I get now mate. I suggest you do what Connor said and speak with him and try resolving the situation. I respect your opinion in regards to the RolePlay given during your experience dealing with the Police. But I would advise for future reference not to make threads like this as drama makes a common appearance on threads like this.

~ SPC James Travers
Thanks for that. but there isn't anything to resolve as the post isn't pointed in any direction, its mainly just to make people try to roleplay to there highest level.

Please keep individual officers out of the discussion as it is unfair to be hung out in front of the whole community for 'lack of RP' based solely on your word alone. 

Keep this in mind that im not trying to witch hunt anyone for bad RP

A constructive discussion is fine, but when it starts to criticise individual officers and ruin their otherwise great reputation within the community then something isnt right. This post is close to becoming another drama post, so please refrain from making it such and only post what you know wont offend others or 'trigger' people. Too many of these posts go downhill before anything constructive can be said.

And also, for future reference, before making posts because you weren't happy with RP, think what it was like from the other side of the RP as well. You don't have to win every situation. (This is aimed at everyone, not just the OP)

If you have a problem with an individual player, take it up with them alone, not in front of the entire community.

Please keep this civil :)

Please keep individual officers out of the discussion as it is unfair to be hung out in front of the whole community for 'lack of RP' based solely on your word alone. 

A constructive discussion is fine, but when it starts to criticise individual officers and ruin their otherwise great reputation within the community then something isnt right. This post is close to becoming another drama post, so please refrain from making it such and only post what you know wont offend others or 'trigger' people. Too many of these posts go downhill before anything constructive can be said.

And also, for future reference, before making posts because you weren't happy with RP, think what it was like from the other side of the RP as well. You don't have to win every situation. (This is aimed at everyone, not just the OP)

If you have a problem with an individual player, take it up with them alone, not in front of the entire community.

Please keep this civil :)
Thank you :)

You have to think cops role play with many people on the daily, even in a sever restart and some people have good role play however others have low Rp even though the cop is trying to have good rp. Which will bring don`t there moral. So they might not be as excited to role play which i am centennially as some people just have such bad role play.

Alright so you never told the whole story. I was the other officer with the INS.

Just saying i never caught on the role play of daft punk and after thinking about i feel a little silly. Anyway we rocked up to Hm drug dealer thinking there was someone selling drugs.  We jumped out to see 3 guys asking us why were around that area and we explain that we were checking out drug dealer. A armed hobo came running out , which looked like a mistake, so the INS ran after him. They both ran into the house and then the doors were locked, with 3 guys running around the house opening the doors at times. We though it was going to turn into a hostage situation therefore we called in for backup. I would also like to point out that we radioed in checking if they were allowed to have there "hunting rifles." and we were responded with "i allowed them to keep the weapons however hidden" We could of done a bit better by explaining that to you there and not when so many cops came. No one is perfect. .So we called in back up , FOR THE OTHER NCA MEMBERS TO COME HOWEVER THE WHOLE COP FORCE CAME. 

about 5 AR guys, and like 5 normal officers surrounding my house for no reason what so ever.
There was 10 cops there as we though our fellow officer was going to be taken hostage. We were just prepared. 

Well fade either can't remember it or he was following the INS's roleplay. because he 100% said too us "keep them hidden in the house and car." we did keep them hidden in the house, and the car. he was going to put the rifle in the car but the inspector just chased him.
He never said that all he did was run he never said "let me put this in the vehicle" ,at least from my knowledge. How are we suppose to know that we just came on scene don`t know whats happening then whabam a gun. 

Being the INS you are talking about, i will respond. you say that we gave bland RP, but how often do you think us cops hear 'its for hunting...' ALL the time. Not only that, your clothing didnt match for hunting and you not once even tried to mention you was Daft punk, so next time if you have a problem come speak to the person instead of moaning, i would of happily explained it to you if you had asked. @SEN Koni
+1 that story is just over done you should of used something different. Its hard to role play sometimes when apparently everything in atlis has "hunting rifles" and as soon as cops come apparently are going hunting. No it just doesn't make sense.

All in all i don`t really see the point in posting this as its just a waste of time as its going to start drama or maybes. If you don`t feel like the INS was treating you well you have do a PCC:https://www.roleplay.co.uk/forum/66-police-complaints-commission/?do=add ,the police command will deal with it, you can also try and arrange a time to meet up with the said INS to see both sides and resolve the situation. I personally feel like he did nothing wrong and the officers surrounding the area as they were just trying to protect there officer and he was trying to get to the bottom of the situation, Pretty much do his job.

I have to agree to be fair, I recently joined academy and Im honestly shocked by some of our practises. The first thing that @Fluqi said to me, youd never guess. He said and I quote "Make sure that the new recruits know NOT to roleplay, and that winning is all that matters"

Disgusting really.

P.S, its a joke, fluqi never said that to me. To be honest I dont even think he likes me :(

I have to agree to be fair, I recently joined academy and Im honestly shocked by some of our practises. The first thing that @Fluqi said to me, youd never guess. He said and I quote "Make sure that the new recruits know NOT to roleplay, and that winning is all that matters"

Disgusting really.

P.S, its a joke, fluqi never said that to me. To be honest I dont even think he likes me :(
To be honest with you, I don't like you. I love you. I'm sorry for all that I've done to you! 

There is alot wrong with RPUK but RP isnt one of them (thats a rant for a later day). This server has one of the best RP (for not being a whitelist server). Yeah sure some people have bad days being a dick ect but if they didnt brake any rules then what they did was fine, I now know what you're going to say "im not saying RP is bad and what they did was wrong just saying it would be more fun for everyone to RP and bit better". Yeah of course thats true but untill rules/police recruitment becomes more stricter then RP wont get any better. Find cops that do RP. As someone that hangs around PD alot, you get to know who you like/want to talk to, normally its the CSO - SPC not the SGT+ and differently dont try to RP with AR you're just gonna get a "got a call mate need to go". 

All im saying is get to know people and RP with them avoid other people.

differently dont try to RP with AR
That's a bit of a stereotype... Most of the time they will be going to a big gunfight, which is understandable, but other times yes they will just not want to talk.

But i'm sure not all of armed response or people on AR patrols don't want to roleplay...

That's a bit of a stereotype... Most of the time they will be going to a big gunfight, which is understandable, but other times yes they will just not want to talk.

But i'm sure not all of armed response or people on AR patrols don't want to roleplay...
Thats true i just had some RP with @CI Phil today and we had alot of banter but normally I mean :)

I love this forum, another deja vu thread about roleplay, sometimes I wonder if I'm in a time loop.

One of the issues when dealing with the police in game is that it is a HUGE faction. Correct me if I am wrong but on the PNC there are some 400 odd officers, not all of which are full time or active but that's a shit tonne of members, right? You can have a max of 30 cops on one server.. so 400/30=13.3• chance of roleplaying The with the same cop per restart (not accounting for the very obvious variables such as play time per day of each officer/typical schedule of being online etc etc) so let's take it down to a nice even 10% mark, fair?[ my maths may be wrong and these are just me being clinical ]

so with each police interaction having the chance of roleplaying with ATLEAST one officer on two consecutive occasions over multiple restarts is 10%, or even them being online at the same time. That basically means there is an extremely low chance of encountering the same officer, continuing a flowing roleplay story ("it's a hunting rifle, DSGT ShitForBrains [KV987] said yesterday I'm allowed it!" *"well he's not here and I haven't heard anything about it so it is NOT a hunting rifle it's a lethal weapon so I'll be taking that"*) allbeit a few other officers MIGHT go along with it but I mean c'mon, you get that fresh PC KnowItAll [PY666] who's the dogs bollocks showing off to his SGT and his PCSO (people he needs to win their 💕 hearts) and he won't budge.. Or you meet INS DigBick [KV333] and he lets you walk all over him. It's a lucky draw.

IF the police was SMALLER like your average gang (20 or so members?) it would probably allow for a much easier flowing  roleplay story and people could get away with things or not be able to get away with things in a more fluent way. BUT that's not the case and it's impractical AF. So you get situations where the story doesn't match the puzzle pieces and you give a chicken the horses head..

Morale of the story? Don't try and use your last encounter with an officer in your current one, especially if they aren't the same officers as they probably won't even bother to verify it and deny it (I was a cop for a long time, it is very rare they will try and confirm it as the other cop is more than likely offline [EDIT]. Not to mention he/she might not even have a clue if it is actually another cop (they don't all know each other!)).

Make your story fresh, spice it up, add a bit of comedy and try not to be a total dick to the officer because he or she will come down hard...(unless you're being a dick in a comical way and their colleague takes over because hey will more than likely be loving it and let you off).

Its not the police's fault, it's just how this cookie crumbles..

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