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LA Eddylane (Action: Banned in another topic)

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Akhmed (AK)

Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
LA Eddylane
Time & Date this happened:
25-09-2014 around 22:00 i believe or so.
Description of what happened:
So well what happened was that we intercepted two police officers, and a guy who were restrained, we took a cop as hostage killed the other and left the area, but leaving me behind, then suddenly, a random guys shows up, and blow up the SUV as i use for cover, he is not trying to talk or communicate on any way, just had to save his friend from a "hostage situation" 
He there after admits it was him and the lack of RP, but was not willing to compensate or find a solution so this is why this is brought up.

Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
Be advised that the first part is the scene situation, and the second part with music is proof of messages even that he admits it's bad rp but he will let go easily off this
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So you are slacky ? 
You're fast to see it, but yes i am.

I felt forced to try see how the police and other players would react to a person they do not know, and so far, i felt alot of difference between the two names i have had, by named LT. Foxtail, i have been able to talk with the police, and rp with them, but as LoA Slacky, it was just bad luck nothing to discuss there.

I've had to try it out myself to see how big the difference is, between how  certain "gangs" and "people" are being treated by the police.

I must confess, the stories on the forum are real. but there shall more than just that to knock me away from the best server ever :D

And well, i dont really have other things to do, trust me, i've tried :)

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lol fail rp doesn't mean rdm mate ;)

and as i said,  first warning shots and if you here what you said it wasn't on the car it was next to jamie. and then u killed him so i have the rights to kill you because you said it you are or hostage and he has no coms so its kill on sight for us.

and 2nd off all you have not asked for a compensation.

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i already talked about one off the plf members and i said that i didn't had to do it so yeah thats all... you don't need to post this shit because they would have done it if they really want me to ban me.

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Just a question. Are you a combatlogger eddy? You see, I found this interesting to take a picture of yesterday:


I dont know wether this is RDM or not, but either way it doesn't justify combatlogging.
"Steam ticket check failed" Means he was kicked off, he didn't disconnect.

And if your friend is a hostage it doesn't mean kill on sight unless you hate your friend. There seems to be some misunderstanding as to what the purpose of a hostage really is in general here, I'll put it simply.

A hostage is a leverage used to obtain a desired effect/goal, if the hostage siezes to be a leverage it implicitly becomes bagage. What's more is it becomes bagage you can't let loose as you will create a new threat, even if it wasn't a direct threat you at the very least would give the other side tactical advantage through intel. Naturally the hostage dies in these cases.

This means if the life of the hostage is valued it is not kill on sight because you might miss, there might be more hostiles than you anticipated or just generally more than you can take out faster then they can pull a trigger, or there can be unseen dangers such as "dead-mans switches" etc (not in this game :( )

Anyway cutting to the case; Hostage takers are not kill on sight, first order of business is a direct line of communication.

well yeah snowflake thats what i said its poor Roleplay but still if the "Hostage" still had there communication then he would have told put you're hand up or die but he didn't i even screamed trough my mic that he needs to say it but no answer so i had to do something i asked someone else what i should do and i had to shoot him.

And as i heard from jamie You shot him because he didn't gave you the car keys? ...... thats what i've heard from him.

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"Steam ticket check failed" Means he was kicked off, he didn't disconnect.
Incorrect. I have seen a guy combatlogging 5 times in a session I played. He got this all the time. Or are you suggesting this person I saw did not combatlog at all but just happened to get kicked of by steam every time he died? Man that must be some lucky steam problems.

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I wouln't really call it a hostage situation what you were in, more like a hold-up by a single robber, he may or may not have friends but with the way he was acting your friend was in imidiate danger and you were inclined to shoot him even if he hadn't shot first.

You just phrased it as though hostage takers are fair game, when they are anything but..

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Incorrect. I have seen a guy combatlogging 5 times in a session I played. He got this all the time. Or are you suggesting this person I saw did not combatlog at all but just happened to get kicked of by steam every time he died? Man that must be some lucky steam problems.
i sometimes have a problem with my internet...... But doesn't mean i always combatlog Like if there is horrible desync and i explode out of no where i most times combatlog but i always forget that i don't need to do it because i can make a comp request .

I wouln't really call it a hostage situation what you were in, more like a hold-up by a single robber, he may or may not have friends but with the way he was acting your friend was in imidiate danger and you were inclined to shoot him even if hadn't shot first.

You just phrased it as though hostage takers are fair game, when they are anything but..
and i don't know because if its a normal robbery why didn't he had his communication devices anymore.. so i took it as something serious.

Incorrect. I have seen a guy combatlogging 5 times in a session I played. He got this all the time. Or are you suggesting this person I saw did not combatlog at all but just happened to get kicked of by steam every time he died? Man that must be some lucky steam problems.
So you are reporting someone based on a guess you made? I'm not really bothered wether or not it is true, but you're trying to get people banned so show some evidence next time. From your photograph you could be trying to prove anything, meaning it doesn't show what happened only the effects of it. If you want to derive a cause to an effect you better have more than a one-off and even then it's not even close to 100%...

So you are reporting someone based on a guess you made? I'm not really bothered wether or not it is true, but you're trying to get people banned so show some evidence next time. From your photograph you could be trying to prove anything, meaning it doesn't show what happened only the effects of it. If you want to derive a cause to an effect you better have more than a one-off and even then it's not even close to 100%...
As you can see I didnt make this report. I am just adding evidence to a case. You say I should bring evidence next time? The picture I posted is possible evidence for combatlog. I didnt say I knew what happened or anything apart from what I saw on my screen.

I am not interested in further discussion. The admins can make up their own mind about the additional thing I posted in this report.

As you can see I didnt make this report. I am just adding evidence to a case. You say I should bring evidence next time? The picture I posted is possible evidence for combatlog. I didnt say I knew what happened or anything apart from what I saw on my screen.

I am not interested in further discussion. The admins can make up their own mind about the additional thing I posted in this report.
uhm Ben..... because i have talked it out its not evidence to a case. i know what i did wrong and so long this case about "RDM" just poor Roleplay was is there no evidence needed, and if wants to BAN me they already made a report.

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uhm Ben..... because i have talked it out its not evidence to a case. i know what i did wrong and so long this case about "RDM" just poor Roleplay was is there no evidence needed, and if wants to BAN me they already made a report.
No problem then  :)

If you have talked to the guys involved and they are OK with it then I will remove it. (though Snickers has quoted me)

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I also have a video of Eddylane breaking a couple server rules in his benifit.

1 is also another combatlog which i see him do Alot.

I will upload the video tomorrow.

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