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Knocking someone out?


Digital Hobo
So I basically wonder when is it okay to knock someone out and when is it not. What rules goes into it and what are the exceptions, just really confused

If you verbally warn someone and threaten someone, and they do not comply, you can knock them out. I.e. running up to someone when you armed and initiating on someone, they refuse to comply so you knock them out and restrain them.

You can't just go up to people and knock them out without some form of initiation, and you can't knock someone out who has a gun facing towards you or in your general direction (exploiting)

You can knock someone out, but cannot be used in a troll  manner. But knocking someone out is NOT initiation, that still needs to be verbal. Basically some RP to take place. 

You can knock someone out, but cannot be used in a troll  manner. But knocking someone out is NOT initiation, that still needs to be verbal. Basically some RP to take place. 
So you can knock people out if they are facing you with a gun? Could you give some examples of when you can knock people out? Like if someone pulls a gun and attempts to rob me, am I allowed to pull my gun out and eventually knock them out if I get the chance? 

So you can knock people out if they are facing you with a gun? Could you give some examples of when you can knock people out? Like if someone pulls a gun and attempts to rob me, am I allowed to pull my gun out and eventually knock them out if I get the chance? 
Yeah I'm confused too lol

You can NOT knock someone out if they are looking at you with a gun, as that is fail RP.

If they turn around and you hit them from behind, that is okay, because they realistically can not defend their backs from such attacks. 

You can NOT knock someone out if they are looking at you with a gun, as that is fail RP.

If they turn around and you hit them from behind, that is okay, because they realistically can not defend their backs from such attacks. 
What if you knew they wouldn't shoot? I understand the fail RP part as your putting your life in danger but what if you were very close to the person and knew they couldn't react fast enough? Also does that mean you can knock people out without initiation? or does initiation have to be made in order to knock someone out? I've heard you need to initiate but I've also heard that you don't?

What if you knew they wouldn't shoot? I understand the fail RP part as your putting your life in danger but what if you were very close to the person and knew they couldn't react fast enough? Also does that mean you can knock people out without initiation? or does initiation have to be made in order to knock someone out? I've heard you need to initiate but I've also heard that you don't?
You can't knock someone out it they have a gun because in reality, they can block your attack if they are holding a rifle, especially if it is aimed at you. 

No, you don't need to initiate to knock someone out, but you can't just randomly go around knocking people out. Also, as mentioned above, knocking out is NOT initiation, so make sure gang members don't shoot someone if you get knocked out as it would be RDM. (Unless actual initiation has been made prior)

Always wondered, if I run around the corner of a building in a gunfight and I run into someone, am I allowed to knock them out and then shoot them? Because maybe I did smash my gun into their face when I ran round (your gun is rarely pointing forward when you run, it's down below, maybe I lifted it up and smacked them around the face as I went passed?)

You can't knock someone out it they have a gun because in reality, they can block your attack if they are holding a rifle, especially if it is aimed at you. 

No, you don't need to initiate to knock someone out, but you can't just randomly go around knocking people out. Also, as mentioned above, knocking out is NOT initiation, so make sure gang members don't shoot someone if you get knocked out as it would be RDM. (Unless actual initiation has been made prior)
Expanding on this regarding @TheRealOutlaw's question, even if they couldn't shoot (no ammo etc), in a real life situation they could still whack you on the head with the gun so there still would be a way to defend themselves so yes it would be fail RP if you knocked the player out. 

Always wondered, if I run around the corner of a building in a gunfight and I run into someone, am I allowed to knock them out and then shoot them? Because maybe I did smash my gun into their face when I ran round (your gun is rarely pointing forward when you run, it's down below, maybe I lifted it up and smacked them around the face as I went passed?)
Knocking some1 out then shooting them is what we call a dick move in the police because we don't know the player is armed so we can't shoot them. Yes it's allowed however i defiantly wouldn't reccomend it. Note that you can only knock them out if you are behind them where the player in real life would be unable to see you. 

Always wondered, if I run around the corner of a building in a gunfight and I run into someone, am I allowed to knock them out and then shoot them?
Like shambala said, its a dick move! I would zip tie them and then go execute them ;)

This was answered beyond whats needed but ill pass on the little i know:

if you want to knock someone out, shoot someone, you need to warn them that you will do it if they disobey you in any way.
