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"Knocked Out" when Punched


Staff Team
Staff Team
Los Santos Police
Just a small point,

Instead of being punched to death I think it would be more realistic to add a knocked out feature that you would be knocked out for a short period of time.

I think its a bit more realistic mainly because you wouldn't be waiting around for NHS or even die from someone just punching you.


Agreed, it'd be nice to have something like back on Arma where you could incapacitate someone to do what you need to do etc. Tackling sort of works, but 9 times out of ten you're down for the same amount of time as whoever you're tackling is!

I imagine some sort of modification to VOIP would have to be added to stop people screaming/talking/etc. when they're in a knocked out state.

ill +1 this, im not sure how easy it would be but i know its in RedM high chance of going unconcious, could be good for the RP, defo be better for the fight nights, i know the NHS are happy to help but its a shame they also have to get takes from helping the rest of the city for a while for an event

have it so knockout = ragdoll for x time plus muted voip

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100% this would be a great addition, would increase certain rp scenarios aswell massive +1


So many times minor disputes are settled with fist fights even between friends, but waiting for NHS or trips to hospital seem to kill off the scenario after that, much better to walk away groggy after being unconscious for a short time.

Concussions too that would be pretty rad - Screen goes funky for 5/10 minutes unless you get some sort of medical treatment.

*Big* car crash = concussion

jumps from a medium/tall height and falls over = concussions

gets knocked out twice in a short time span = concussion

I'd love if it'd work with police batons too, would allow us to deploy actual non lethal force rather than having to take a donny to the hospital.

Concussions too that would be pretty rad - Screen goes funky for 5/10 minutes unless you get some sort of medical treatment.

*Big* car crash = concussion

jumps from a medium/tall height and falls over = concussions

gets knocked out twice in a short time span = concussion
Now sir you’re doing too much, stop it 

This is genuinly a fantastic suggestion and as you said would add more realism and fun to RP as you wouldnt just die! 

Would enhance RP and make it feel more realistic,

+1 great suggestion. 
