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King- unban appeal (Denied - Perm Banned)

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Your In-game name: King

Your Steam Profile ID:http://steamcommunity.com/id/shanks1600/

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):


Date & Time you was banned:19/03/2015

Please copy and paste the rule you broke: Apparently i was hacking witch is not true

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: There is no reason for my banning. And kinda confuzed about it to be honest.

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here:

ok lets say ur not hacker ok ? can u explain how ur full gear without rebel lic ? ok lets say we are stupid .. can u explain how u have 13m without any job lic ? ok just forget that ... want me to upload when i was hideing on rebel outpost #3 and u came and kill me without anyone know im here ? all of that and u say this is not true ? lol noob scripting :)


look at ur status

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I was the one that reported you.

You have a suspicious amount of money without any money making licences, and yes it could be frog legs, but I doubt you didn't do that till you had 13mill because you only have 2 cars.


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I bought the atlis money with csgoskins/paypal.... I know it looks suspicious.. But for the respawn killing are u serious??? You are in a redzone.. I think its totally fair for me to kill you onsight. BTW look closely and u can see that i have REBEL MEMBERSHIP..

I think its unfair for me to get banned just cause meow points at my stats... I bought that shit with R/L money.. If thats agaisnt the rules then i totally take blame on it.. But for the respawn killing is a joke considering the redzone effect.. Are u serious meow??? U guys go around in striders/50.cals and kos in rebel outposts witch i don't mind dont be a hypocrite. TYVM

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I bought it from some guy named Link who was on server #2 He came up to me late at nite my time and asked if i wanted like 15 mill ingame he wanted csgo skins/paypal or steam wallet money.. So I traded him 5 dollars worth of skins and The game garrysmod. Thats all i know... If the money is not legit then shame on me for doing it i guess..

I bought it from some guy named Link who was on server #2 He came up to me late at nite my time and asked if i wanted like 15 mill ingame he wanted csgo skins/paypal or steam wallet money.. So I traded him 5 dollars worth of skins and The game garrysmod. Thats all i know... If the money is not legit then shame on me for doing it i guess..
good story :D

I bought it from some guy named Link who was on server #2 He came up to me late at nite my time and asked if i wanted like 15 mill ingame he wanted csgo skins/paypal or steam wallet money.. So I traded him 5 dollars worth of skins and The game garrysmod. Thats all i know... If the money is not legit then shame on me for doing it i guess..
Steam id you traded with please.

Asus why are u here??? Don't u have a RDM post U need to put up? I think your quota is one a day right? BTW asus is only here cause i killed him in a rebel outpost and he was mad and called wallhacks.

I don't have this guy on my friends list anymore.. He either deleted me or i deleted him.. Why would i keep him anyways.. I never played with the dude. 

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