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King Of The Hill Server!!!


The King
Legendary Donator

Some of you have already noticed that we now have a King of the hill server!

The server is on the King of the hill network so all your money/stats are saved like on any other server.

I felt we was lacking a place to go with friends when we are not on Altis!

Already the server has been pretty popular here and its causing quite some competition among the AltisLife.co.uk community

Check the leaderboard here - http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/


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We thank you for putting this server up. It is a good way to go blow off some steam when you don't want to RP. To be honest this brings back great memories of Battlefield 2. I had over 750 hours on one map in that game alone. This server and game mode has that same feel to it. You will for sure see me on there getting my kill on.

Yeah, having an king of the hill server is awesome. Thanks guys!

Only one thing. There have already been many trolls on the new server. Are all the admits for Altis life also able to kick/ban on the KOTH server?

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Not right now, but I am investigating how I can give trusted members access to at least kick from KOTH and the admins here ban so we can all enjoy our new server :)

What the hell, you still awake Wilco?! :p

Thanks again for the quick reply.

I'm loving it, was interested in playing it this morning, but 1/80 players doesn't make for a fun game :p

Its a place where we can forget who is a cop and who is a rebel, where we can all play together and have a good laugh, and lighten spirits for the RP on Altis Life.

Only issue is spawn raperz

We do need a few admin on though. There have been a few people on lately that are flying around just outside the spawn area and killing everybody. I know they are out of the spawn area but when all most a entire team refuses to leave the spawn or over half of the team leaves the server that means something is wrong.

Wilco found a way to admin the server so tonight we might have admin powers on KOTH :)

I remember Wilco went AFK for a little after our transport truck got disabled, and a chopper came to pick us up. Wilco came back right after the chopper took off, and the pilot said "Too late" and Mitch was like "You just ditched the most important person on Altis Life, I don't know how you're going to sleep at night anymore" Lol

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Can I request this server be changed to 90 players to help with teams being even, 90 players means 30 players per team where as 80 players makes it impossible for the teams to be even.

There is a issue with some people losing all of their rank and money in game. I know one person in =BAD= that has had that issue and have heard a few people talking about it last night how they lost everything. 

We also need more admin on that server. It is getting brutal with people sitting in the blackfoot locking onto people coming out of the spawns. They don't even see the people leaving. If they spam T and there is a vehicle it is a instakill. Something needs to be done about that vehicle. It has caused a lot of issues on the server. 
