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KinG (Action: Ban Issued 19/10/2014)

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Destroyer of Shit Tech Advice
South East UK
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): KinG
Time & Date this happened:15/10/2014 21:20 15/10/2014 21:20
Description of what happened:
Stole a medical SUV right in front of a Medic and policeman just as I locked it, I tried to warn him , but due to just joining was in wrong channel DOH!, then had to hunt the SUV down to find out who it was, as i wasn't sure i spotted the name, wasting a fair amount of time of two medics.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: yes, he kept telling me to chill out Bro !! it was just a joke. I didn't know etc etc etc etc. I felt he was new to the server and wasn't going to report as he did leave the vehicle there, but then i happened to see him drive past later in a BountHunter's uniform and another medic told me he had been involved in the theft of a medical boxer vehicle a few nights previously, No footage was available from that event, I only have their word for it.
  -For a new player just into the game I can just about understand not knowing all the rules, but a full fledged player who has earnt over 500k to buy licenses, vehicles and weapons etc etc there is no excuse to not knowing the rules. Plus the fact after repeated requests to return it to the hospital he refused to do so as it meant he would of had to run to the garage :(
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
snips of chat history included as images for quick bowsing.
Sorry for the long video (prefer to post unedited ;) ) time of posting video is still processing









Ah this guy again. Today he was a bouty hunter together with 2 ather guys. On a cene where 2 suspect where. Officer get rid of 2 guns in there car. Next thing KinG as a bouty hunter stole the police car and drove of. 5 minet later he came back nacked back and changed charecter saying he was some one else. @ the end we sent him to jail. I have proof of that event as wel. If you guys need it ill upload this here.

Greets Mike

This area is a tad grey for me, im not sure if its an offence or not, yes it says on the rules, its bannable but iv heard so many medics saying, they can steal our cars, it also states in the rules..

Medics = You must not kill a medic or steal there uniform, equipment or vehicles this will result in a instant ban, Medics are here to roleplay as a medic and help civilians. if there is a crime going on then the medics first priority would be consult with a police officer, however if the police are all dead a medic turns you can shout to them "Medic Rule B - DO NOT REVIVE"

and we all know if its rpd, medics can die.. Some clarification on these rules would be great as it seems to be very mixed..

Hi Wolfbain,

I can understand there might be some confusion, but basically stealing vehicles! It is a big NO NO.

I have been shot as a medic but due to the RP situation no report was made. I like to think i dont just blindly report only when i feel a line has been crossed. On the other side of the leaf it can be very hard as a medic to know what we can and cannot do, where is the line on combat reviving do we risk our own life and potentially put another player at risk for killing a medic, I dislike to put players in that predicament its unfair on them. (I would recommend making a new thread for this discussion I would be happy to share my views but here is not the correct place for a drawn out discussion)

I would of left the report initially with KinG (editing and uploading is a pain in the arse), but upon further knowledge that he is a fully fledged player and has been caught doing this before ...... I have absolutley no pity and I am happy to record him and actions and report it.

He can apologise read the rules and learn no to do it again, if not well then he will get caught again and then will be a problem no longer

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So many lies made up by this guy to get me banned. Yes i did take the medical vehicle guys, after this lionel messaged me saying that if i didn't return it, i would get reported. So after i got this message I immediately messaged him back saying that i agree and his vehicle is in perfect condition at garage. 2 mins later he came up and took his vehicle, BUT the problem is afterwards he kept sending me messages more threatening everytime about how i am an idiot for having done that and that he will report this and that. Since we solved the issue i thought we had dealt with it like adults.

As you can see in his screenshots guys after his first message his car was returned as he requested and i had realized my mistake. After taking the car i kept getting offensive language from this person insulting me while i had told him i'm sorry, and our deal which was return the car immediately or i will report you, these were his words. So for me this issue was solved until i saw this report here today, which is a lowly act.

"Caught doing this before".  Never had i stolen a ambulance before i did yours. Do not make up lies. I know the rules but this specific rule about not stealing ambulances i had forgotten after reading and you car was returned to you at your request when you reminded me of the rule.

and the part about bringing the car to the hospital, i must have overread it because it was no problem for me to bring it to the hospital.

ok "Bro"

So many lies made up by this guy to get me banned. Yes i did take the medical vehicle guys, after this lionel messaged me saying that if i didn't return it, i would get reported. So after i got this message I immediately messaged him back saying that i agree and his vehicle is in perfect condition at garage. 2 mins later he came up and took his vehicle, BUT the problem is afterwards he kept sending me messages more threatening everytime about how i am an idiot for having done that and that he will report this and that. Since we solved the issue i thought we had dealt with it like adults.
If your going to accuse me of lying please state in a clear manner what i am lying about. to get you banned you just need to steal the medical vehicle. a screenshot would of done. I felt the entire situation needed to be explained as you failed to understand your actions.

you did not return my vehicle you dumped it at the garage.

if you bother to watch the video, it is quite plain to see i kept messaging you as you failed to understand the reasons I messeged you in the first place.

As you can see in his screenshots guys after his first message his car was returned as he requested and i had realized my mistake. After taking the car i kept getting offensive language from this person insulting me while i had told him i'm sorry, and our deal which was return the car immediately or i will report you, these were his words. So for me this issue was solved until i saw this report here today, which is a lowly act.
Offensive language ? 1 message was midly offensive, but when you steal somebody vehicle and then reply "Chill out Bro it was a joke" Don't expect to be treated with the respect you are asking for. you dont deserve it. You did not return the vehicle as requested, and upon hearing further you were involved in thefts of medical vehicles before I decided to report you anyway. As stated in my intial post, I do not have evidence of that, just the word of a fellow medic. That will be down to Admin to decide whether to take that into consideration on how to deal with this report.

"Caught doing this before".  Never had i stolen a ambulance before i did yours. Do not make up lies. I know the rules but this specific rule about not stealing ambulances i had forgotten after reading and you car was returned to you at your request when you reminded me of the rule.
Again this has been reported to me from another medic, i have no proof of this, and I am upfront and honest about it as well.

and the part about bringing the car to the hospital, i must have overread it because it was no problem for me to bring it to the hospital.
My apologies you were obviously to busy joyriding

@Porave please could you upload the extra footage as this guy seems to think he can just deny everything. Many thanks

You must of played here for a while now considering you have reasonable funds, but to claim no knowledge of the rules, as a bountyhunter you should be EXTRA aware of the rules as you have a very delicate role to play.

I wil upload this tonight. Because right now i am on my work. ill edit the vid and upload this then. Greets Mike

Shit Just noticed I have uploaded the End clip into the Middle of the Video !!!!

 Will - re-edit and re-upload when i get home tonight. but the whole timeline is still there, just a little jumbled up :)

and we all know if its rpd, medics can die.. Some clarification on these rules would be great as it seems to be very mixed..
A medic once laid this on me after i said "Medic Rule B- DO NOT REVIVE OR IM GONNA SHOOT YOU" "Its against server rules" *continues to revive dead cop*

Yeah that's not cool, you probably should of shot him.

But I fully understand why you wouldn't want to. Make sure your recording if your ever in that situation.

We have had alot of new members in the. NHS so all I can do is apologise fully on the behalf of the NHS.

Medics must Rp and be very cautious of a combat situation.

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The thing is you keep bringing up about how you "heard" other medics. Do not put my name out until you can prove I did anything to any other medics vehicle, which i didn't. And for porave, since when is it prohibited for a bounty hunter to steal a police car? I didn't do anything against the rules and was just roleplaying by changing my clothes and trying to have some RP fun. Lionel I thought when you told me to get the car back to you this was done and over as I saw a medic walk up in an ambulance I thought this was you and left the area, I didn't know this was another medic, this was at the garage.

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Porave also explain how well you RPed in that situation please, breaking metagame.

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to be fair, evidence is all we can take, and this is becoming an argument. 

Locked for admins.

Medics cannot be killed... vehicles cannot be taken... medic gear or uniform cannot be taken... no if's no buts

Ban Issued - No doubt it will prompt him to head to the forum and read up on the rules

d338717bc06b6e003b0f2a61985e5700 -1 KinG - Forum Report 19/10/2014

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