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Keepsy (Action: Ban Issued 05/09/2014)

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Well-known member
Name of player your reporting (ingame name): Keepsy
Description of what happened: As can be seen on the video, I saw an offroad crash into the wall, and proceeded to go and rob the person that was repairing it. Then his buddy out of nowhere came and smashed into me. After I told them it was recorded, they called me a "recording faggot" and pretty much told me to fuck off. Apparently banning them doesn't concern them. Hope it happens anyway though, we don't need scum like this.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Sort of but all I got was abuse in return
Value of item/money lost: £60k  (Clothes/Gear + silenced 4 Five and a few small bits and bobs)
Please post video evidence/screenshots here

Once again sorry about the shitty orange filter my Vegas 12 is applying :/

(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)

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1) Research what VDM is first.

2) I wasnt the one that killed you, I was the one that you tried to rob.

3) You had a gun out in the kavala safe zone

4) Im sure the guy that killed you had a lot of d-sync, kavala is laggy at the minute.

5) I also didnt call you a "recording faggot" I said "another person who records" as everyone seems to when something goes wrong :D

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Apologies it is Keepsy I shall edit.


1) Research what VDM is first.

Vehicle Deathmatch = Killing someone with a vehicle. You must be stupid?

2) I wasnt the one that killed you, I was the one that you tried to rob.

Apologies I have fixed the title and put the correct name of the player. You were assisting him however

3) You had a gun out in the kavala safe zone

That is allowed. Read server rules. Police can arrest me for doing so, but there is no rule against it. 

4) Im sure the guy that killed you had a lot of d-sync, kavala is laggy at the minute.

There was no D-Sync, My internet is superb and the video is clear and show's what has happened very easily. This is pure VDM and you are not getting out of it.

5) I also didnt call you a "recording faggot" I said "another person who records" as everyone seems to when something goes wrong  :D

Sure you did, I didn't use to record but its morons like your buddy that have made me start to.
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I have nothing to get out of, I was an inesent bystander who happens to be robbed and you call me out as a VDM'er

I have nothing to get out of, I was an inesent bystander who happens to be robbed and you call me out as a VDM'er
As I said my bad I thought you VDM'd me, it was actually the other guy and I have fixed the names now. You were trolling me after I died, so I'm pretty sure you are related in some way. Anyway i ll let the admins decide what happens to your buddy here.

Im not related to the VDM my freind, Just quite humble that you didnt get to rob me, and of course im going to laugh, it was funny. Go and rob people outside of kavala instead of new people who may have there 100k on them. Im just saying, for me it was laggy.

Yeah well for me it wasn't laggy. And I can do whatever I want as long as it is within the rules mate, don't worry im not mad that I didnt get to rob you, I'm sure my bank summery of 12 mil will keep me happy :)

Ban issued, Clear VDM, I have checked the logs and ive seen a number of people complaining about him talking in sidechat and VDMing

e42f2a89cad9f3d21b454c6c2085e9c6 -1 Keepsy - Forum Report 04/09/2014

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