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Kavala Suicide Story


Crazy Scotsman
Legendary Donator
Ladies and Gentlemen, please take a seat and get your butts comfy. as we take a look into some of the small, but, deeply intriguing stories around Altis. Today we are in Kavala the night is gentle and the air is warm. saddened though I was, as i peered at the trucks at the Motors store in Kavala. longing to buy a new truck. sighing, I had decided to head back to the bar to drown my sorrows. Suddenly i realised the silence of the gentle breeze was quickly becoming a deafeningly loud gale of fierce of warm air. Stunned i realised a chopper was flying low. Its bright beam shone upon a building. To which i had decided to investigate

A cop car was present blocking and closing the street. Closer, as i was now, it was apparent that someone had climbed to the razors edge. They were threatening to jump.

I had to admit. I wasn’t rooting for this guys welfare. I mean, well here was this selfish c*** taking the piss and i couldn't even buy a new truck. Whoever was on the roof done a good job initially as he stepped off the edge. But it was a coy. He leaped into the abyss falling just a few feet to the ground. The crowd and i were stunned. Clearly this was no p***taker, this guy had issue’s

Lying there in a daze he spoke only in a foreign tongue. Til he was helped to is feet by the officers on the ground who had came down from the roof. He was now talking more conscientiously but seemingly in different tones. Suddenly a loud crash had cops distracted. The victim made his way in once more blocking the doors. He had clambered onto the roof as cops were attempting to get in.



He had Jumped again resulting in a serious compound fracture. The officers radioed for NHS support. But the paramedics said they wouldn't get there for a while. As they were attending a RTC. the quick thinking SPC DJ Jogr sent a CSO for emergency medical supplies from the squad car. They were going to wait it out. Moving this patient (a mentally ill man with a compound fracture was a risky business.


The Community and a CSO helped to block the entrance of the Mayor's office no one else would jump today. It took all night but eventually the medics were able to attend.


Gunshots had rang out. The medic, who was quite nervous (having had to deal with the gut wrenching viscera of an RTC the night before) now had to deal with a compound fracture of a seriously mentally ill man. It was “comical” as he took a nose dive into the bushes. The officers rechecked the scene and assured him it would be fine. The medic got to work taking x rays reassuring the man who was utterly delirious, he was “away wae the fairy’s”. He was given treatment and helped up. he started limping away.


but as he did he let slip he going to look for a higher building. as he did the cops and the bystandersquickly cut him off and convinced him he would be ok. the cops detained and took him to hospital to seek the help he needed.


And so todays miniature story ends. could this happen again? I don't know but the services stand ever ready, to handle any such situation again.



Special Thanks to

@DJ JogR



@Bailey Nekrews




if I forgot to credit anyone else sorry. let me know and I will fix the tags guys.

It was a great experience to see this and has helped me out greatly. Sadly i don't have shadow play ready yet. so i couldn't record the situation and i had forgot to take certain photos. i hope you all had a great time and thanks again. folks let me know what you think.

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Nice stuff, hope you get your shadow play working soon, looking forward to more of this :)

Nice to see this. Was a bit of a drama I give you that. I'm hoping i don't see the about again try to jump off building :) see you around 
