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Kavala after 12pm


The King
Bristol, UK
I have just finished up on a almost 2 hour clean up of kavala. So many rule breakers, its unbelievable. Just wondering if a admin could try his best to make it on. I understand you have real life matters to attend to but if possible that would be great. It has turnt into a HELLHOLE to say the least and it needs to change! 

This guy definitely Deserves some kind of Promotion, or recommendation. He didn't leave Kavala or show his irritation with the rule breakers once, and made sure to thoroughly deal with each individual and there crimes. Was very nice work from Kaden, which is rare to see in the hellhole that is Kavala at night.

An extra thanks to all the other police who were on duty in Kavala tonight. Any ranks.

Mister Salt, PC Kaden, CSO Pickle, CSO Defrag, PC Farmer Giles + Any others i missed!

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I was patrolling with Kaden throughout these two hours in Kavala and completely agree with him, it's a hellhole. We tried our best to restore order and kinda did..

Until we left..

I was patrolling with Kaden throughout these two hours in Kavala and completely agree with him, it's a hellhole. We tried our best to restore order and kinda did..

Until we left..
Kavala always has, and always will be a hellhole! Sooo many hoboooos

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Also we had four NHS on duty as well including myself, MD. Jordon, MD. Will and STU. PaulS

I can attest -as a previous SPC PTO officer before the change in command- that no matter what you do to Kavala, it will never change from being the Hellhole we all know it to be. As truly unfortunate as it may be, Kavala holds a special place near and dear to my heart as it never failed to bring me the most creative, wild, and strange roleplay scenarios. 

Awww the memories...  :p

Wilco did bring this up the other day here it is buddy

but either way well don't mate

usually on weekends I handle after 12am your guys time, but unfortunately 4 nights out of the week I have to work :(

Ahh see I remember the one time I was on at those hours as a medic and some hobo tried to kidnap me. Lest just say every police and rebel in kavala helped to get me back safe and mostly unharmed. I did get hit when they were shooting out the tiers. It was actually quite amusing brcause for the rest of the night a bunch of us including police and Rebels chilled in kavala square making toast and marmite to feed the hobos.

Would it be possible to move new comers spawn point to the middle of no where and then only give them a car shop to find the cities? :)

I was in kavala until the early hours of the morning and must say it was close to the worst Ive ever seen it. The combined effects of the hacker (wanka) and hobos with guns and lock picks (as well as the consistent vdm explosions)  meant most of us running around like headless chickens to protect the peace.  

I had an early night last night because of early starts for work, I normally do the late night shift though
