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Just Landed here!

Zak Eadle

New member
Hi Guys,

Just landed here in the world and spent 7 hours on my first day here! Absolutely loving the community and i hope to be apart of this world for a long time to come! Plenty of things still to master and learn. If anyone has any useful tips then that would be great!

Hope to see you on my travels soon!

Zak Eadle

Hi Guys,

Just landed here in the world and spent 7 hours on my first day here! Absolutely loving the community and i hope to be apart of this world for a long time to come! Plenty of things still to master and learn. If anyone has any useful tips then that would be great!

Hope to see you on my travels soon!

Zak Eadle

Welcome and it's great to see you're enjoying your time already!
