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Just got silver elite. CSGO question.


Well-known member
I just got Silver elite in my 10 matches, so how does this ranking system work from now on? do I just play and then eventually I get ranked higher or what?

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you get higher, if you keep on winning games with proper KD, i started playing GO like 3weeks ago have 32games and im Gold nova 4 atm, iv played CS:S tons of in the past  :3

Winning = Ranking up

Tie = No affect, however some people have been affected 

Losing = Ranking down

Winning = Ranking up

Tie = No affect, however some people have been affected 

Losing = Ranking down
Mainly this, but it's not always the case. You can actually rank down from a win, since it's based on individual players score.

Mainly this, but it's not always the case. You can actually rank down from a win, since it's based on individual players score.
Very true, however individual player performance is in a dark grey area on whether it affects someone getting a rank up, rather than keep winning, even though you're completely right it does :)

Can't believe I didn't read this, anywho, I'm a decent CS player (peak at LE-LEM, currently DGM) and can give you some points regarding CS if you wish.

Also, just backing up what others have said about the MM system, winning + a good KD = fast promos, winning with a 'meh' kid = promos eventually and losing with a good KD = staying where you are / demotion. 

This is actually quite helpful even though I have been playing cs for a while and have friends in high places

Can't believe I didn't read this, anywho, I'm a decent CS player (peak at LE-LEM, currently DGM) and can give you some points regarding CS if you wish.

Also, just backing up what others have said about the MM system, winning + a good KD = fast promos, winning with a 'meh' kid = promos eventually and losing with a good KD = staying where you are / demotion. 
If you wanna play hit me up (add me here: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198118585307/ )was LEM for inactivity i'm master gurdian elite..

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Can't believe I didn't read this, anywho, I'm a decent CS player (peak at LE-LEM, currently DGM) and can give you some points regarding CS if you wish.

Also, just backing up what others have said about the MM system, winning + a good KD = fast promos, winning with a 'meh' kid = promos eventually and losing with a good KD = staying where you are / demotion.

Plus, you can rank up on a draw. :)

Im LEM / Sup if u want to hit me up, fluffy_panda_

Actually being K/D has very little, to nothing to do with ranking up or down.

CS:GO is built up like a team-game, and there fore MVP has a big impact. 

If you have a lot of MVP's in a game, you will get more MM.

That's why people have been able to be promoted and demoted on ties.

Of course rounds won has a big impact as well, a 16-14 win doesn't count for much, unless you have like 12 MVP stars.

Actually being K/D has very little, to nothing to do with ranking up or down.

CS:GO is built up like a team-game, and there fore MVP has a big impact.

If you have a lot of MVP's in a game, you will get more MM.

That's why people have been able to be promoted and demoted on ties.

Of course rounds won has a big impact as well, a 16-14 win doesn't count for much, unless you have like 12 MVP stars.
I disagree with k.d / score having little do to with it. Ofcourse if you could link us to some information that shows this that would be good to see.

In almost 4000 hrs of csgo ive never seen someone rank down because of a draw, a draw is almost the same as a win. A draw is a positive result and not negative.

well i got silver master or whatever now, winning 3 games in a row with like 20-6

well i got silver master or whatever now, winning 3 games in a row with like 20-6
Glad to see you're doing well.

My advice to you would be to make sure you have your crosshair at head level and extremely tight on corners, practice it in MM for a bit. 

Also, watch what your team mates are buying, it's not a good idea to buy an awp when you already have 2 on your team, (you only want 2 at MAX)

I disagree with k.d / score having little do to with it. Ofcourse if you could link us to some information that shows this that would be good to see.

In almost 4000 hrs of csgo ive never seen someone rank down because of a draw, a draw is almost the same as a win. A draw is a positive result and not negative.
Factors affecting Elo Points
There are two and ONLY two factors that can affect a player's Elo Points (either gain or loss):
The first and foremost is Round Win/Loss:

You and other players on your Team will always lose points if a round is Lost. How much point each player loses depends on how much points they had in the beginning. A player with more points would lose more than a player with less points in case a round is lost.

You and other players on your Team will always gain points if a round is Won. How much point each player gains depends on how much points they had in the beginning. A player with more points would gain less than a player with less points in case a round is Won.

Bottomline: It is impossible to gain Elo Points on Round Loss and lose Elo Points on Round Win.

The second important factor is MVP:

The player who scores an MVP is rewarded a significantly larger share of Elo Points than the other four players (which COULD HAVE but didn't score the MVP). However if the player with most points gains a MVP he will always get less points than a player who does not have the most points. Please do not confuse this sentence, he will still get a lot more points than the other four players that didn't get the MVP.

Bottomline: The player with most MVP will most likely gain more Elo Points than others.

Anything listed bElow does NOT have ANY effect on Ranks & Points unless it leads to a MVP:

  • Kills, Assists & Deaths
  • Teamkills or Suicides
  • Headshots
  • Accuracy
  • Grenades kills, knife kills, stylish kills or anything of this sort
  • The time each rounds takes (to win or lose)
  • Losing/Winning with or without the bomb planeted
  • Soreboard position and/or Score
  • Achievements gained during each round (if any)
  • Hostage rescues or shots
  • Damage given and/or Taken
  • etc. (Anything else you can imagine)
So what affects your rank (points gained or lost) in a nutshell is:

  • Current Elo Points (rank)
  • Round Win/Loss
  • MVPs Gained
Source : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=312582297

Factors affecting Elo Points
There are two and ONLY two factors that can affect a player's Elo Points (either gain or loss):
The first and foremost is Round Win/Loss:

You and other players on your Team will always lose points if a round is Lost. How much point each player loses depends on how much points they had in the beginning. A player with more points would lose more than a player with less points in case a round is lost.

You and other players on your Team will always gain points if a round is Won. How much point each player gains depends on how much points they had in the beginning. A player with more points would gain less than a player with less points in case a round is Won.

Bottomline: It is impossible to gain Elo Points on Round Loss and lose Elo Points on Round Win.

The second important factor is MVP:

The player who scores an MVP is rewarded a significantly larger share of Elo Points than the other four players (which COULD HAVE but didn't score the MVP). However if the player with most points gains a MVP he will always get less points than a player who does not have the most points. Please do not confuse this sentence, he will still get a lot more points than the other four players that didn't get the MVP.

Bottomline: The player with most MVP will most likely gain more Elo Points than others.

Anything listed bElow does NOT have ANY effect on Ranks & Points unless it leads to a MVP:

  • Kills, Assists & Deaths
  • Teamkills or Suicides
  • Headshots
  • Accuracy
  • Grenades kills, knife kills, stylish kills or anything of this sort
  • The time each rounds takes (to win or lose)
  • Losing/Winning with or without the bomb planeted
  • Soreboard position and/or Score
  • Achievements gained during each round (if any)
  • Hostage rescues or shots
  • Damage given and/or Taken
  • etc. (Anything else you can imagine)
So what affects your rank (points gained or lost) in a nutshell is:

  • Current Elo Points (rank)
  • Round Win/Loss
  • MVPs Gained
Source : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=312582297

Thats not from an official source, its an extensive opinion but still can only be taken with a pinch of salt unless it references Valve.

Its based of winning games, and THAT only. Therefore you can very easy get downranked or promoted very easy without doing anything :p
