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Just A Few Suggestions

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Hey everyone! I posted a suggestion a while back, and after taking a short break, I’m back and wanted to share some of my thoughts again, plus a few new suggestions. I’ve definitely noticed some changes around the City, but honestly, not all of them have been for the better. The development updates have been awesome, no doubt, but there’s still this sense that things feel kind of divided when it comes to who gets what. Some groups or businesses seem to have more advantages than others. It’s also a little frustrating seeing so many people wanting to buy businesses around the city to bring more RP into the mix, especially buildings which aren't really opened or say a new business but getting told it’s not really an option. It feels like only one or two businesses get all the attention, while others don’t get the same opportunities or focus. And this extends to groups too. I know some might disagree, but everyone’s entitled to their opinion, right? I just wish the average person had more chances, and it wasn’t always the popular groups, individuals, or businesses that get the best of everything.

Here's some suggestions I'd love to see, to maybe try and stop this feeling of a divide.

More support for the average civilians
I feel there definitely needs to be more civ jobs, there's a total of about 4 jobs you can do. Perhaps a building job, or some interactive heists a few friends can do to pass the time. Of course with a cooldown. More support for character driven jobs, it's a roleplay server that relies on peer to peer interactions yet when people create peer to peer interactive jobs they get pushed back. I'm not talking about like "jobs" like bins, mechanic, delivery drivers I'm thinking more like support for opening businesses. It feels like we all get told no, because the highlight wants to be kept on certain current businesses. I wish we could all be given the same opportunities.

In my opinion groups/gangs/factions shouldn't be able to own more than 1 business per gang to give others a chance. {Yes, of course if they've been around a very long time it may be a bit different, as long as it is fair which at the moment in some cases it doesnt feel so } I also feel and I'm only using this as an example, every gang, group, faction, family should be limited to the same amount of things. Including compounds etc. I'm completely aware of the reasoning behind the Firm and the Lost, but it does feel like it's very favourited in some aspects and a lot of other groups, whether upcoming or currently around don't get as many opportunities. Theres a huge gap between whitelisted gangs/businesses then when people try to push to close that gap it gets denied. There's plenty of opportunities to open "roleplay" jobs with very little input from areas. This is things such as simple jobs like road repairs, dock work transportation, construction work but we are given no support to do these things. You either join the server to become police/nhs or gang. There's no support for people who just want to roleplay their own work. Or if there is we have to really prove, whereas if certain numbers want something it's put in without much hesitation.

I'm worried the City is just one that is very favourite orientated. It's upsetting because so many people have so many amazing ideas, and avenues they wish to explore in RP, but again. If they're not part of a well known business or group, or just individual in general it feels its never wanted or always denied. I just wish we could see more inclusivity, thats all.
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Great suggestions Kat, I'd like to see more opportunities to start business too, it would be great for roleplay too. If people have the motivation and want to create something we should definitely be given the means to do so to enrich the roleplay value on the server.

I share the same opinion as you on the gang businesses too, allowing more people to own those businesses will create more POSITIVE interaction between gangs and civilians and then those people can then collaborate with protection deals, stock deals, etc. it will also give more things to do for gangs instead of just capping asses in the city (hopefully).
I'm with you. I've always felt personally that if you're in a gang or group/faction then you should only be allowed to own 1 business between you. Civs have very little to do in terms of progression on the server and it's always been this way. And before I hear that old chestnut of "there's plenty for civs to do on the server you just have to RP it" - I RP'd handing out repair kits and bandages to passers by for a year solid as well as many many other things that had to rely on pure imagination alone. Those of us that RP for the long play and deep story lines have very little money because we don't grind the absolute shit out of jobs - because that takes you away from what the server is supposed to be about - ROLEPLAY. We can never compete with gang members who have excess of 20 mil to hand to buy out all the businesses, to then leave them unattended and half stocked. Why aren't people inside their gas station stores RPing with customers? Why aren't people waiting tables in their restaurants? Employing dishwashers, bus boys, receptionists? Because it's all about monetary gain and always will be.

When you're a die hard player it's so easy to overlook all of that but when you take a break and come back, that's when you see it and when you realize, If I don't join police, NHS or a gang.... What can my everyday normal civ do here? Can they work as a bin man and aspire to save up and own a business to be present in and RP or will they be outbid by Joe bloggs member of xyz gang who has 40 mil in his pocket?

I'd be careful though Kat, having an opinion like this will instantly give you a black mark against your name.
I'm with you. I've always felt personally that if you're in a gang or group/faction then you should only be allowed to own 1 business between you. Civs have very little to do in terms of progression on the server and it's always been this way. And before I hear that old chestnut of "there's plenty for civs to do on the server you just have to RP it" - I RP'd handing out repair kits and bandages to passers by for a year solid as well as many many other things that had to rely on pure imagination alone. Those of us that RP for the long play and deep story lines have very little money because we don't grind the absolute shit out of jobs - because that takes you away from what the server is supposed to be about - ROLEPLAY. We can never compete with gang members who have excess of 20 mil to hand to buy out all the businesses, to then leave them unattended and half stocked. Why aren't people inside their gas station stores RPing with customers? Why aren't people waiting tables in their restaurants? Employing dishwashers, bus boys, receptionists? Because it's all about monetary gain and always will be.

When you're a die hard player it's so easy to overlook all of that but when you take a break and come back, that's when you see it and when you realize, If I don't join police, NHS or a gang.... What can my everyday normal civ do here? Can they work as a bin man and aspire to save up and own a business to be present in and RP or will they be outbid by Joe bloggs member of xyz gang who has 40 mil in his pocket?

I'd be careful though Kat, having an opinion like this will instantly give you a black mark against your name.
And that's why it's so scary suggesting anything. When you are honest, and share your opinion it will then affect you in City. And any chances will be taken away. I love this City, a lot. But it definitely does feel very divided and unfair at the moment. I'd love to own a business and really show what I can do. But I feel I don't have the chances some do, and such. And that's just being honest.
This is 100% true and always has been on the sever, sadly theres never been much for civs to do other than join gangs or nhs/police, and like JB said i dont get why people with huge crimal records get to own shops and businesses just because they have the most money to put in to it. it would be nice to see more people using the shops and restaurants as a proper rp opportunity, not just a money maker
I don't know if i am tweaking or something but i swear there is no whitelisted gangs that have more than 1 business max currently (out of the gangs) as for factions thats a diffrent thing.
I don't know if i am tweaking or something but i swear there is no whitelisted gangs that have more than 1 business max currently (out of the gangs) as for factions thats a diffrent thing.
Ok, so I did write that a bit wrong. I meant groups/factions as a whole, including gangs etc. Not specifically saying just gangs are owning more than 1 shop. :)
I don't know if i am tweaking or something but i swear there is no whitelisted gangs that have more than 1 business max currently (out of the gangs) as for factions thats a diffrent thing.
Definitely tweaking. I can think of 3 gangs that I know IN RP that have 2-3 businesses owned between their members
I don't know if i am tweaking or something but i swear there is no whitelisted gangs that have more than 1 business max currently (out of the gangs) as for factions thats a diffrent thing.
But the statement remains the same. Why should factions own more than one business when those businesses could be shared out to people who could do the same job and create interactions between people instead of hogging all the supply and demand?
In my opinion gangs shouldn't be able to own more than 1 business per gang to give others a chance. I also feel and I'm only using this as an example, every gang, group, faction, family should be limited to the same amount of things. Including compounds etc. I'm completely aware of the reasoning behind the Firm and the Lost, but it does feel like it's very favourited in some aspects and a lot of other groups, whether upcoming or currently around don't get as many opportunities. Theres a huge gap between whitelisted gangs/businesses then when people try to push to close that gap it gets denied.
This is true, there is a gap between gangs, factions and other players. The part you are missing is that those groups have also spent 3-4 years in most cases building that and have put the effort in to own the stuff they own. 1 group per gang is very unfair, gangs have up to 25 members, you want 1 business between them, but solo players to also be able to own one, theres no logic to it.

Yes, gangs and factions typically have more than solo players, but those groups have also put in years of effort and work to get to where they are, and in most cases deserve it, it's that simple. It's not favoured towards them, they've just been here longer, have done more work for it, have more connections in RP and are better suited to owning them. There is A LOT of businesses that are owned by solo players, players that deserve them and fair enough to them for it, but that doesn't mean the groups that have spent years building towards what they have now don't deserve it.

The player amount matters as well within those groups - the groups, factions, gangs etc... don't consist of one player, its up to 25 people (more for factions) you need to consider, why would they only be allowed to own one business?
hy aren't people waiting tables in their restaurants? Employing dishwashers, bus boys, receptionists? Because it's all about monetary gain and always will be.
The simple answer to this is restaurants don't make enough money to be able to pay all of these people - take the Losts bar for example, I spent a long time (and still do) looking for people to work behind the bar, even being willing to pay them more than the bar makes, but nobody ever took any interest in it because there wasn't a good wage with it. @Summer done it with the Kraken for a while, had people working behind the bar, but it died out, it's unsustainable.

That's why the Lost (for example) more use the bar to run events and give prizes away, let people have fun, because there's no sustainability to having people stand behind a bar 8 hours a day when there's not a lot of foot traffic, people come in buying however many drinks or food they can fit in their inventory and leave.
This is true, there is a gap between gangs, factions and other players. The part you are missing is that those groups have also spent 3-4 years in most cases building that and have put the effort in to own the stuff they own. 1 group per gang is very unfair, gangs have up to 25 members, you want 1 business between them, but solo players to also be able to own one, theres no logic to it.

Yes, gangs and factions typically have more than solo players, but those groups have also put in years of effort and work to get to where they are, and in most cases deserve it, it's that simple. It's not favoured towards them, they've just been here longer, have done more work for it, have more connections in RP and are better suited to owning them. There is A LOT of businesses that are owned by solo players, players that deserve them and fair enough to them for it, but that doesn't mean the groups that have spent years building towards what they have now don't deserve it.

The player amount matters as well within those groups - the groups, factions, gangs etc... don't consist of one player, its up to 25 people (more for factions) you need to consider, why would they only be allowed to own one business?
But the same could be said in this case, many people commenting here have been here for a good few years working for things, The Rangers worked hard for years to get given scraps, then the moment we all gave up on it and for the most part left the server, those things were then given. There is logic to it in that this is a roleplay server, these suggestions were made in the hopes to push roleplay further for the common people who do not want to take part in factions/gangs and want to open businesses to run from the front and not from a chain of command.

It becomes "favoured" when people are asking for businesses in hopes to enrich their time within RPUK and are being told no because they become a competitor to those favoured businesses. It becomes "favoured" when people get denied opening a business because reservations are being made internally with those businesses elsewhere, usually in favour of factions who have granted, earned their money yes, but albeit by criminal ways. Why should one faction have the monopoly over businesses and let people who just want to roleplay and interact with other people IN A ROLEPLAY SERVER go without those opportunities?
The simple answer to this is restaurants don't make enough money to be able to pay all of these people - take the Losts bar for example, I spent a long time (and still do) looking for people to work behind the bar, even being willing to pay them more than the bar makes, but nobody ever took any interest in it because there wasn't a good wage with it. @Summer done it with the Kraken for a while, had people working behind the bar, but it died out, it's unsustainable.

That's why the Lost (for example) more use the bar to run events and give prizes away, let people have fun, because there's no sustainability to having people stand behind a bar 8 hours a day when there's not a lot of foot traffic, people come in buying however many drinks or food they can fit in their inventory and leave.
I would say that's because the economy on the server has become so scuffed that a fucking smoothie costs over £1000, why? Because gangs pathe the way of the economy. Cars that have little to no rear window or the ability to have louvres on the windows cost a bloody fortune in city, why? Because it stops people getting shot in the back of the head.
Well i wasn't playing on saying this but i will, unfortunally and this is gonna sound shitty i have seen gang members do better roleplay with bussinesses than most legal members, i am sorry but this is what i feel from watching how bussinesses used to be in the past and how they are currently. Dont get me wrong i fully see and somewhat even agree with your suggestion in terms of gangs being allowed a certain amount of bussiness's instead of having 20 bussiness on one group but unfortunately as shitty as it might be i don't think its the gangs being the issue in the current time (if you told me back when gangs used to have almost 5 bussisness per i would 100% agree with you).
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I would say that's because the economy on the server has become so scuffed that a fucking smoothie costs over £1000, why? Because gangs pathe the way of the economy. Cars that have little to no rear window or the ability to have louvres on the windows cost a bloody fortune in city, why? Because it stops people getting shot in the back of the head.
This is a different issue entirely, the server has never had a wipe so its normal things keep going up.
Well i wasn't playing on saying this but i will, unfortunally and this is gonna sound shitty i have seen gang members do better roleplay with bussinesses than most legal members, i am sorry but this is what i feel from watching how bussinesses used to be in the past and how they are currently. Dont get me wrong i fully see and somewhat even agree with your suggestion in terms of gangs being allowed a certain amount of bussiness's instead of having 20 bussiness on one group but unfortunately as shitty as it might be i don't think its the gangs issue in the current time.
If you ask me i reckon factions own about 50% of the bussinesses in the server.
I agree, but this isn't a generalisation as such. This isn't legal members are better than gang members. I'm with you, I've seen some scuffed interactions with legal members but I've also seen scuffed interactions with gang members. This is about people who WANT to go to the legal route and earn money and being turned away the opportunity because of "competition" or just not getting the opportunity because a gang/faction with a near infinite resource of money can outbit absolutely anyone.
But the same could be said in this case, many people commenting here have been here for a good few years working for things, The Rangers worked hard for years to get given scraps, then the moment we all gave up on it and for the most part left the server, those things were then given.
The rangers own several businesses - at least one of which they were sold by someone in a faction for a lot less than it was worth, that's fact.

It becomes "favoured" when people are asking for businesses in hopes to enrich their time within RPUK and are being told no because they become a competitor to those favoured businesses. It becomes "favoured" when people get denied opening a business because reservations are being made internally with those businesses elsewhere, usually in favour of factions who have granted, earned their money yes, but albeit by criminal ways. Why should one faction have the monopoly over businesses and let people who just want to roleplay and interact with other people IN A ROLEPLAY SERVER go without those opportunities?
Has this actually happened though? Has someone being told by the CoC they can't attempt to start a business because "they already prefer another business"? Has a business actually been shut down because staff already like other people behind closed doors? I'd be very surprised if that was the case, especially since I've seen several businesses start up and run for a while, then get help from the CoC - Mirror Park Motors, Marlowe Motel, Limeys, Up 'n' Atom etc... yes it requires work, but that doesn't mean it's not possible...
@Bmav is right, the gangs aren't the problem - I don't think businesses just need to be run by people 'fully legal', they need to be run by whoever is best able to run it. Sometimes that's a crim player, sometimes that's a legal player. Some of the servers biggest business' are run by legal players (Auto Exotic being the best example).

Absolutely I'm a little bias since I run the Lost businesses (a criminal faction), but we use those businesses to employ a lot of players and pay them wages, we use those businesses to give away a lot of free vehicles, money etc... I think you'd be very surprised if I was to tell you how many events we've run in the last 3 months with the resources from those businesses, or how much of the money they've earned we've given away. Businesses should be ran by whoever it best suited to run it, it's as simple as that.
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