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JUDGE unban request

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Your In-game name: JUDGE

Your Steam Profile ID: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198068559868

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):4f2a49b85ea664268b68584a39521c9b

Date & Time you was banned: it was about 4-5 months ago , cannot remember exact date

Please copy and paste the rule you broke: [SIZE=medium]3A)[/SIZE][SIZE=medium] VDM - Vehicle Death Match[/SIZE]

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: I think i should be guven another chance becuase i am getting back into role playing in arma 3 and i can only remember having the most fun on this server so i would like continue playing with altislife.co.uk, Im good at roleplaying and have brought my friends to the server that occasionally play. I have been a player of altislife.co.uk for a long time until i had got banned and have donated on the odd occasion to support the server because it is a good server and hopefully i can carry on my role playing experience with altislife.co.uk

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You've posted this in the wrong topic buddy, go memeber support and dispute a ban, otherwise it will be declined. Just copy and past this into the new post.

One Day Mr Judge found out how to get unbanned correctly... he was later looking into gangs, maybe one day, we'll hear his story.....

Rejected due to location, lol. 

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