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Jonatan Hoax


In a quadbike dealership
[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]My name is Jonatan Hoax I moved to this island a few months back from sweden to make money and support the family. I started out buying cars and boats to make money never really worked out for me. I then got to meet a very wierd and special guy that picked me up in kavala [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]showing me around the island teaching me how to make money. He was in a rebel gang at the time called Los Muertos at the time I tried joining and got denied becuase I wasn’t a trained rebel. My friend showed me a way to make drugs and we made lots of money doing it and I became a fully trained rebel. Later we both joined a gang called The Company and I was going under the name as "Krokapan" we robbed pepole did drugs and it all got over my head I was caught by cops and they let me off with a big ticket and a long talk but if I ever got cuaght agin I would go to prison for a very long time. I then became a peach farmer and brealy made any money but I got enough money to go back to sweden for I holiday so I did. I went on a holiday in sweden and started talking to my family agin telling them what happend a few days after I get there. My dad was furious and told me to leave before he called the cops. I then went back to altis in January and I talked to some random guys on the street about getting in to a group called StickUp wich I said yes to I was out of the gang fast after all the members went to prison. I then meet a guy called Tom McFall we found a group called TCK also known as The Copper Kings I then became a rebel agin and started doing what every rebels does. I almost got cuaght I am now here tierd of this life of lies and harm. I later became a part of a news team also know as channel 4 sweden news it ended fast becuase my colleague[/SIZE] [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]became a cop. So now me and my friend Tom McFall joined the cops he is a cop under training and I'm a pc.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]This was my used for my police application but I did very small changes.[/SIZE]

I always enjoy our RP when we bump into each other. Enjoy your time as a copper! Greetings from your favorite arac guy ;)
