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Johannes (Action: Ban Issued 08/09/2014)

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Politically Incorrect
Name of player your reporting (ingame name): Johannes
Description of what happened: We were responding to backup at the Pyrgos checkpoint and we drove down from Kavala to randomly be spike stripped and killed outside of the airport
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No
Value of item/money lost: 0
Please post video evidence/screenshots here 
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)

I remember this incident the other night. I was some distance away and as I recall somebody else approached you and told me to open fire (I was too far away to have heard the conversation, I was there simply to open fire if somebody didn't comply). Let me check with the other guys on this why I was given the order to fire because I can't even hear whichever one of our guys on this that gave the firing order.

I'd like to know why the report is 2 days late also. But anyway, having scanned for the files from the recording, they have been deleted since I don't keep the clips long except the bits I throw on YouTube or where there is a need to keep them. As there was a 2 day delay if you posting this, these parts where discarded after 24 hours since no contact was made following it either.

Anyway, I have spoken to some of my guys and I believe it was revolution who approached you from some angle and that was the person I received the firing order from so I will let him say what he has to say since beyond what I've already said (that I was too far away to hear speech and awaited somebody else's firing order), there isn't more I can add to this report.

From memory I do recall a person approaching and saying not to get out of the vehicle (I could hear him on TS, but clearly you didn't in-game). I recall this now since Hutch was killed too in the process, and Revolution did say to me afterwards something to the effect of "Hutch didn't have to die since he stayed in the vehicle", although that's a tall order with an LMG from a distance unfortunately. I think it was Shiny (seen timing out in the clip too) who put the spike strip down from our group and PCSO Starsky (is that how it is spelled?) along with DI Josef later arrested me at that location for double digit murders/cop-killing (I went peacefully to jail) along with the others, some of whom weren't revived (revolution and two others who I have no idea what their IGN is).

Anyways, that is my memory with no proof right now so I'll wait for Revolution to chime in with his information and we'll see where it goes. Had plenty of fine encounters with SGT Shepred and DI Josef in the past (not sure why it is always them I run in to but they're cool guys) so some will always end in a fuckup unfortunately since we're not exactly perfect.  I've had a number of RDM accusations against me in the past for being the gunman, but I rarely pull the trigger on my own instruction/reaction as in the other report opened recently so stating the context here.

Video file after doing some brief bit searching. Will try a bit-by-bit recovery later and see what fragments I can dig up if there is anything left.


The funny thing is, it's still RDM. When Hutch and Bizby found their tyres popped they were still opened fire upon without any role play whatsoever. Me and Josef came in from the side, I was permitted to use lethal and saw that I had a shot on Revolution and took it, de-sync took effect and he managed to prone before my shots killed him. I went around through tall grass and approached Revolution and attempted to restrain him which was a struggle because once again de-sync. Now Josef is under fire from an MK200 and because of my bad bearing skills I thought it was coming from the West when instead it was bearing East. At this point Revolution breaks Fear RP and tries to kill me point black with an ACP .45 which he fails miserably at, I quickly dispatch of him with a burst of Vermin .45 ACP rounds. Now at this point Josef called out over TeamSpeak that it was RDM, not ONCE over game chat was any attempt too role play even considered by you or Revolution. Honestly, the main reason you were RDMing the officers was so that you could take their gear which is what Revolution was doing before I opened fire at him.

Medics arrived at the scene and I ordered them to revive Josef, which they did, Josef then apprehended you within the tall grass to which you said the first thing ever in game in that situation, "How did you see me in there?".

This is from my perspective and I am pretty sure Josef can clarify on a few things but this was definitely RDM. If you look clearly you can even see us on the scene approaching from a more hidden location, that is where we witnessed the RDM situation with Bizby and Hutch and began moving in on foot.

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Refrain from worthless comments like "Naughty Naughty" or "Send him to the block". This is just between reporter and reported or any other input from witnesses with proof.

Now according to the video, that's RDM to me because if you want to kill cops on sight without any interaction, this is not the game for you.

So unless you show me any proof revealing RP reasons for what happened there, i will take this as a RDM. 

Now before i do all this, i want to hear from the reported himself, because i might be wrong.

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I agree very much on this Starsky actually and it does make sense to me if revolution was desyncing because that has happened for a few days (I have been repeatedly killed by VDM recently by GnC but that was down to desync hence no report). As I acted under their instruction on when to shoot, I can at this point only assume this could be a factor but I honestly don't know since I wasn't near enough to have sound on the incident.

Still waiting on revolution to chime in on this since I received the kill order from him, although since he is in the US timezone it'll be a few hours I think.

Refrain from worthless comments like "Naughty Naughty" or "Send him to the block". This is just between reporter and reported, any any other input from witnesses with proof.

Now according to the video, that's RDM to me because if you want to kill cops on sight without any interaction, this is not the game for you.

So unless you show me any proof revealing RP reasons for what happened there, i will take this as a RDM. 

Now before i do all this, i want to hear from the reported himself, because i might be wrong.
I would actually have proof, but due to the 2 day delay the video is no longer on my system which is why I am quite irritated at this because I record all my gameplay for such cases and delete them when the space is required and the clips are no longer needed. If I was made aware they believed the case was RDM I would have kept it as in every other report I have filed or have had filed against somebody when I was present - but as no communication was made I had no reason to assume it would be needed.

For the record, the tactics employed here are exactly the same as in the "Rain down hell" video. Whilst I am on the topic of such tactics too, Wilco is aware of them and I discussed the issue with him, to which he said it was not against the rules so the tactic itself is certainly fine. We have numerous videos on this in action in roleplay situations in this exact vicinity.

Refer to this topic for similar incident of me being reported as the gunman since the situation it occurred was unclear to the reporting person(s):

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"..and it does make sense to me if revolution was desyncing.."
Just to chime in again, Revolution was NOT de-syncing, I was the one that was de-syncing which was why I couldn't restrain him, it made the noise but according to the server he wasn't restrained, still he broke Fear RP when pulling out his gun and attempting to kill me.

"..For the record, the tactics employed here are exactly the same as in the "Rain down hell" video. Whilst I am on the topic of such tactics too, Wilco is aware of them and I discussed the issue with him, to which he said it was not against the rules so the tactic itself is certainly fine. We have numerous videos on this in action in roleplay situations in this exact vicinity. .."
These tactics may be allowed, but no role play was given within this situation, Revolution only showed up once Hutch & Bizby were killed and that was to loot their corpses. This is when I engaged him. 

It was a theory, as I stated. As I said, I don't know. If the report was filed in a timely manner I wouldn't have deleted the files of this incident, so I will await Revolution to comment before I do so any further since he knows more about what happened up there than I do.

We have issued a ban from the video, Its a case of RDM

3b6b9baeb59159dba1fa38998c999904 -1 Johannes - Forum Report 08/09/2014

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