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Joe Ducsuus (Action: Ban Issued 18/01/2015)

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Active member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Joe || Ducsuus
Time & Date this happened:
~20:40 3-1-2015
Description of what happened:
I was standing on the bridge trying not to get into problems with the bounty hunters who were trying to pinn me down but during our RP we were violently interupted by someone who thought slowing down was not needed in the most populated area of the game. The video shows enough in my opinion.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
Yes, zero signs of regret. Oblivious to the fact that he ruined other people's gameplay. A bit amused by the riot and looting spree he had created.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
So let's break everything down, all the factors of what has actually happened here.
So firstly, I would like to point out this post is falsely titled and misleading. This title claims that this is "Massive VDM". The word "massive" implies a lot of people are affected by the VDM, which is not the case. VDM, standing for "vehicle deathmatch", is the process of someone "running someone over" (IE knocking someone down with your vehicle). Now as we know on the server VDM deaths are disabled as Arma 3 has too many bugs that can cause people to be damaged or killed by vehicles, and people trying to upset others, known as “griefing”, often use cars to kill people. So in the AltisLife.co.uk servers, VDM is the process of simply knocking others down in a vehicle. From the video and my own screen, I clearly knocked only two people down. I apologize in chat for this and I remain sorry that I disrupted roleplay in this manner, however I could not avoid this as I will explain below. If I wanted to cause “massive VDM”, I wouldn’t have attempted to swerve out the way. I also would have made my way to the (my) right, knocking even more people over. On top of this I would have been prepared to die in a cheaper car which allowed me to take less of a risk, without 250k worth of gold bars loaded into my inventory and trunk of the car. This is not a case of “massive VDM”, this is a case of two unfortunate VDMs which could not have been avoided. Please may you update the title to something more relevant, unless it is the VDMs and not the deaths you wish to request my ban upon. If anything, this would class as “RDM”, which again is not true due the reasons below (the words “death match”).
Now let’s take apart what “VDM” means. The world “vehicle” is what it implies, the action involves a vehicle. The word “match” can be defined (as by Google) as “a contest in which people or teams compete against each other in a particular sport”. The key words in this definition are “contest” and “compete”. Google can also give the definition of “compete”, which is “strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others”. When driving that truck, I certainly did not have any intention to compete or contest against you or any other of the victims, including myself for that matter. I was on my way to the antique dealer to sell the gold bars I had in my truck, competing with others was the last thing I had on my mind. I wanted to get this gold into cash sitting in the bank as fast as I could. I clearly had no malicious intent, all the logs from around the time of my gold endeavors (spending 45 minutes travelling in a boat, ETC) will support that I did not spend so much time transporting that gold to go and die in a selfish explosion attempting to ruin other people’s gameplay. Seeing as there was no malicious intent, by definition this cannot be VDM.
I would like to add this is a roleplay server, people are meant to play a role as if it were real life. In real life people would not block one side of the road with a massive truck, and then stand blocking the other side. This is even more so when there are *pavements* for people to be on. This is in my opinion an act of fail roleplay. If people don’t want to get run over they certainly should not be in the middle of an active road, possible the most active on the server!
Onto the deaths, which is clearly the issue here.
While playing Altis Life I get a frame rate of around 15 frames per second. While this is extremely low, it is just about playable and I sometimes exceed to 40+, which is great for a GTX 670. At the time I was getting a frame rate of around 15-20 frames per second. As everyone will know, it is relatively hard to control a vehicle at a low frame rate as you are given less time to react, in fact at 20 frames a second you are given three times less as many frames as most monitors can handle (60hz, which can display 60 frames per second which is standard, at 1080p). A lot of people achieve and exceed 60 frames a second, which is great, but not all of us can afford supercomputers here. I was given more than three times as less opportunities to react to the people in front of me as someone running at a standard frame rate. On top of this I did not want to crash my vehicle, so I would not hold down my turn left or right keys for long as I risked not being able to counteract a vehicle turn left or right causing a crash. For this reason I chose not to make a more severe turn, and quickly tried to counteract whatever turn I had previously made.
My frame rate is certainly the cause for me not being able to swift turns. If I had been able to make such turns I reckon I would not have knocked anyone over.
However, I do believe the actual explosion was a result of Arma 3 desync.
On my screen, I clearly avoided the other car (which was parked in the middle of the road...). Arma 3 is a buggy game, and is the successor to two other buggy games which have a reputation for having a lot of desycn in multiplayer, as well as low frame rates. I understand that vehicles are controlled by the client side driver in attempt to avoid such desycn, but in this case I believe this attempt to stop such desync failed and either the vehicle I apparently crashed into was somewhere different, or my client thought I was somewhere different. Either way I feel it is unfair that I crashed and my car exploded (destroying my gangs funds for the evening).
Even if the crash was not a result of the game’s issues but rather my driving, it would have been a complete accident that would not have broken the rules. The fact people were bystanding was purely unlucky. I have been a victim of such crash explosions several times, and not once have I attempted to get someone banned over a simple accident.
Again, the same applies to “VDM”s - I often get intentionally knocked over. I have also died after being pushed into walls by people knocking into me with there car, and have never complained.
In fact if the admins looked up how many times I have caused someone to be knocked over and compare it to how many times I have been knocked over, I am positive that the latter will be significantly bigger. Yet I haven’t tried to ban someone over a simple accident even once.
Now this ban attempt is clearly exaggerated. The deaths caused do not violate the rules, however I could understand if the two “VDM”s were in question.
Could you please confirm if it is the deaths, the “VDM”s, or both which you are trying to get me banned upon so that this may be looked into in further detail.
I feel that this ban report has only been posted because someone is unhappy that they lost their gear to a fair accident, if the admins choose to further look into this I welcome them to do so and I will happily assist them.
The original poster commented “Yes, zero signs of regret. Oblivious to the fact that he ruined other people's gameplay. A bit amused by the riot and looting spree he had created.”. I would like to point out two things; This is unfair on me, I clearly apologized to everyone and I understand how this affected roleplay, and I would certainly not be amused by it. This is also sexist, the original poster instantly assumes I am male which is not a fair assumption. This is an unfair attempt to make me look bad.
It has been pointed out to me that it is possible the gold in my truck may still be present in the garage. While I don’t think this is the case, as soon as the garage loads (database searching errors), I will happily check. 
I have been asked for compensation ONLY by the original poster here, everyone else involved has said either nothing or being understanding about the situation, which is great. Thanks guys!
If I find that the gold is still in the vehicle, I will happily give it to the original poster. However this will not be an act of “compensation”, rather an act of kindness towards the individual. I do not feel this is anything but voluntarily.
On a side note is it possible that my client’s phone is bugged out. According to my phone, the original poster spammed me with more than fifty messages, often repeating messages. This could be manually spam, but I just wanted to ask if anyone else has had this problem before?
Thanks in advance, I look forward to the community's cooperation.
As an after note, I apologize not as an acknowledgement of an offence of rules, but rather an offence to people which unfortunately cause a set of events out of my control.
The hatchback was standing still, several people were asking if anyone would compensate them for their loss, I think I am not excaggerating when I say "massive" since I could see seven people, including you, dying in the explosion that you were the cause of.

The term "VDM" can be debated, but nothing will change the fact that a car was the cause of alot of people dying, wich was recklessly driven by you.

I was having alot of fun and tension in a tight situation from wich I would almost be saved, or released depending on the bounty hunters' intentions and it had to end in a very anti-climactic because someone felt he/she had to race through the centre of Kavala, while making very dangerous turns along the way wich might have led to other accident wether I was pulled over on the bridge or not.

Your complete failure to reckognise your mistake has caused me to make this topic. I only saw you making excuses, how it was not your fault and the only time you said you were sorry was:

Joe || Ducsuus: "sorry for having my vehicle, with 250k of gold bars in, blow up, but that was not my fault in any way. I tried to swerve around but couldn't go to far".

And you can't blame the crash fully on desync since you could have adjusted your speed wich would have saved us all from this terrible tragedy.


I'd love to see the chat logs, lots of nice false accusations there.

So firstly, the VDM did no harm. Flat out. If you want to tell me that you go by a different definition go ahead.

The part which caused a problem was the crash between the hatchback and my truck. 

You can argue as much as you want that this was "recklessly" driving, and I will happily prove you wrong. But the reality is that if this was a case of reckless driving, like you said, it was an accident and thus not "VDM". Rather a simple crash, which happens all the time. Once again, I did not break the rules.

Now you were having fun, that's good, so was I. That money was for my gang to purchase the equipment needed to play the game how we intended for the evening. Six people depended on the contents of that truck and the delivery of them safely.

Dangerous turns? Tell me how I can make safe turns in this game. It is *extremely* clear that a main road was below your feet. You shouldn't have been in the road, and as I said that alone could be considered an act of fail role play. 

You accuse me of failing to "reckognise your mistake"... Once again, no mistake was made out of role play, in role play it is possible that a mistake was made (IE something not breaking the rules, however possibly breaking the laws).

I apologized more than once and everybody except you and anyone who may have remained silent appeared to accept it. Furthermore no one reached out to me or publicly asked for any kind of compensation like you. No one spammed me with messages through the in game role play mobile system except you. Everyone kept calm, played normal, and handled the situation perfect. Except you.

"can't blame the crash fully on desycn since you could have adjusted your speed" - I couldn't have adjusted my speed based on what I didn't know...

I'd just like to make it clear, I am not saying all of this is desycn or lag, but I feel that if I had the game playing in an ideal scenario I would have been able to better swerve. Maybe I would have only knocked one person over and missed that hatchback.

Clearly you haven't been here very long, so let me explain something. VDM isn't solely running someone over, it is causing harm with your vehicle. Obviously you're entitled self has found this irrelevant in clearing your name, and maybe if you could just rewrite the rules everything would be okay. Not how it works skippy. Either way, it was RDM or VDM, so either way you're incredibly fucked. Also, you're cocky attitude really kind of fucked you over. People arguing against their position on the server should be humble and gracious, and frankly, if you were found innocent I'd still push for the ban, simply because you're inability to process things that might affect you in real life is absolute shit. This also reflects your role play, which, judging by your behavior, is worse than Steven hawking's 40 yard dash time.
Excuse me, who are you?

Everyone who communicated with me in anyway about this accident has agreed it was solely an accident. People effected by the accident have said they understand it was non-intentional and there is no problem.

I don't know if you were even there at the time, but if one thing was clear it was that this was in no way intentional. In real life people die in car accidents, just like this. If you think I should be banned because something happened, be it in roleplay or factors out of roleplay, that was completely unintentional - while there are people who get away with purposely trying to ruin peoples gameplay every day, then you just carry on barging in here telling me I am "fucked".

What I cannot understand is why you, and the original poster, would think that I would have any motive to try and ruin peoples gameplay like this. I understand more than anyone that it is extremely annoying when you die, and it is also very easy and tempting to blame it on someone else. This is simply an accident and it is unlucky that everyone was where they were at that time (although I stand by what I said in that they should not have been in the middle of the road while there was a pavement available).

Please tell me, where did you get the definition of "VDM" from? From what I can see you are just telling me what you think it means, your opinion.

VDM is not a term from AtlisLife UK, it is used in roleplay in all sorts of games, including Garry's Mod and so on. I'm not saying that I am not wrong, but all I did was construct a logical definition of the acronym.

Ask yourself now, for what reason were the rules put in place? To stop people who want to ruin the gameplay for others? To stop people who just don't care? To get rid of people being used as a scapegoat so there is someone to blame?

That last question seems to be what is going on here. If I am such a bad person who deserves to be banned so much despite if I did something wrong or not, why would I make such an effort to stay on this server? Because I care about it and truly love being around on it, hence why I wanted to show my support my donating so soon. I could leave for another server within seconds if I wanted to, but I know this is the server I want to be part of. I'm here for fun to have a good time with others. 

As PLF Samurai and several others have said, the vehicles don't appear to be touching (and the second vehicle was stationary). The explosion shouldn't have happened even if it wasn't desync, but the game is like that. If this were real life the cars would be a bit smashed up, but an explosion would not have been caused by two vehicles ramming into each other like that, let alone not even touching themselves...

I am not going to go and say that this is all to do with lag or desync like a lot of people would. Just keep in mind that the explosions caused by this accident are unrealistic and I had no valid way of knowing that an explosion could be caused so easily - I didn't even know that there was a vehicle and people round the corner I turned, let alone another vehicle behind the HEMTT Boxed.

Lastly, you tell me I am being "cocky", meaning to be "conceited or confident in a bold or cheeky way". While I am certainly confident, I wouldn't say I am being "cheeky", but I would say the same for you. I am not going to write a blocky paragraph trying to put someone down and trying to insult them, I stick to useful sentences that contain valid points of information the community and admins need and want to see. It's just immature to do anything else...

You say I should be "gracious", let's get a definition on that as well: to be "courteous, kind, and pleasant". If I wanted, I could have wrote an aggressive response like you have, but I chose to keep stuff relevant and decent. I think I have been pleasant and courteous, and I am not sure how you want me to be "kind" to someone who is telling me I should be banned for something I feel is so clear I shouldn't.

The running over people is definately VDM, but the part where the Truck and Car meet, they never touch... I would put that down to some desync on there side.
Thanks for the support.

I have to say at the time I did think it was a bit dodgy that I managed to cause an explosion. My first instinct was that the HEMTT Boxed caused the explosion and my client managed to think I got past the truck when in actual fact there was a collision.

I did have a low frame rate so I assumed that it was just a case of me mis-judging where I was at the time, but afterwards so many people told me that the cars didn't touch I guess it wasn't just me...

The running over people is definately VDM, but the part where the Truck and Car meet, they never touch... I would put that down to some desync on there side.
Guys fk***n calm down this is arma 3 one of the most prone games to lag and I agree that this may be a case on dsync.

also I saw no contact proof .....
btw I know about the spelling error *closely 

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I'm not even going to read the full posts on this.

Let me go through it though.....

From the video, you hit people, didn't even slow down. you had ample time to slow down, or at least honk the horn to alert of your presence.

It is a massive VDM, you're lack of patience and inability to slow down caused an explosion that whiped out 4 vehicles and everyone in that area. Just because we have a VDM script doesn't excuse the situation, the script is a convenience to those that are hit, not an excuse to ignore it.    --You've basically just stated you don't care about hitting them as it didn't kill them.

Also, I'm very close to issuing @dkdps1 with a warning point (7 day ban from forums) for commenting on something that doesn't involve him.

Now the car is empty.. the owner is unknown, and therefore we dont know the state of yours, the owners, or those watching's desync, which could cause the vehicle to be hit on one persons screen and not others. Desync is very difficult to explain in complex situations, but you still could of waited for people to move.. and drove slower around the vehicle.

if its upto me, banned

I'm not even going to read the full posts on this.

Let me go through it though.....

From the video, you hit people, didn't even slow down. you had ample time to slow down, or at least honk the horn to alert of your presence.

It is a massive VDM, you're lack of patience and inability to slow down caused an explosion that whiped out 4 vehicles and everyone in that area. Just because we have a VDM script doesn't excuse the situation, the script is a convenience to those that are hit, not an excuse to ignore it.    --You've basically just stated you don't care about hitting them as it didn't kill them.

Also, I'm very close to issuing @dkdps1 with a warning point (7 day ban from forums) for commenting on something that doesn't involve him.

Now the car is empty.. the owner is unknown, and therefore we dont know the state of yours, the owners, or those watching's desync, which could cause the vehicle to be hit on one persons screen and not others. Desync is very difficult to explain in complex situations, but you still could of waited for people to move.. and drove slower around the vehicle.

if its upto me, banned
Sorry for jumping in again, just thought this next comment would be of value.

The persons name mentioned at the top Joe || Ducsuus, did die. But he died last, the first person who died was spook doc, and the first person to die by a VDM explosion is the person who caused it. Also everyone was also killed by spook doc.

Sorry again for jumping in, just dont want to see someone get banned, when it wasnt them.

Will look at this tomorrow afternoon as its 4am and my eyes cannot read all that text right now :)

Ok then guys. The hatchback that was "stationary" desyncs into view a few times so that is what caused the explosion.

I am however going to issue a ban for VDM here. You never honked your horn once or tried to slow down.


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