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Job Clock-ins @ Paleto Town Hall

Kano & Others

Lost MC
Los Santos NHS
Midlands -UK
Is it possible to get some clock-ins for say mechanics/taxi drivers/solicitors etc.

Taxi drivers and mechanics who may own their own vehicles, who may live in Paleto could clock in here, and solicitors could do the same for whatever business they may be required for in Paleto Town Hall.

On a personal note, it would be nice to clock in as a mechanic in the attempt of doing some mechanic rp without having to trapse all the way into the city.

🫡 Cheers!
+1 Would like to see stuff get spread around more
I love this idea. As someone who spends lots of time outside of the city, it would be nice to have options to clock on outside it.

Would help if I need to do solicitor work, make my way up there, realised i forgot to clock in, go back to main city, then by the time im back up- the PIC doesnt want a solicitor anymore ;-;
Is it possible to get some clock-ins for say mechanics/taxi drivers/solicitors etc.

Taxi drivers and mechanics who may own their own vehicles, who may live in Paleto could clock in here, and solicitors could do the same for whatever business they may be required for in Paleto Town Hall.

On a personal note, it would be nice to clock in as a mechanic in the attempt of doing some mechanic rp without having to trapse all the way into the city.

🫡 Cheers!

Country lives matter BIG +1
+1 from me, Seems very realistic each city (main, sandy, paleto) would have their own clock in's at the townhall as adding coppies of the companies would probably be way too much dev work.🙌

Would help if I need to do solicitor work, make my way up there, realised i forgot to clock in, go back to main city, then by the time im back up- the PIC doesnt want a solicitor anymore ;-;
True, and I have all the offices setup in the townhall for solicitor work. all the solicitors have keys
+1 Would be great to see Paleto more active and it has some fantastic MLO's.

The jobs would need to be tinkered with though, solictor not so much, taxi needs a spawn point, same for mechanic and a paleto place to impound cars. So very fair probably easier for staff to script a Paleto Taxi service and Paleto Mechanic service? Make them separate roles to prevent exploits
+1 Although having the ability to clock in at Paleto City Hall would be a good start, I think having a mechanic depot and taxi depot up in Paleto would be even better.