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Jailed for AFK?


Well-known member
I popped down to the Truck shop earlier and before I purchased anything, to risk it being stolen, I quickly dished up my Toddlers dinner. was away for no more then 2-3 mins max (however long it took for me to get into the kitchen, open the microwave and empty the contents of the packaging onto a plate and return)

When I got back i found myself in Prison with a 10k Bail on me??

Slightly confused?

I popped down to the Truck shop earlier and before I purchased anything, to risk it being stolen, I quickly dished up my Toddlers dinner. was away for no more then 2-3 mins max (however long it took for me to get into the kitchen, open the microwave and empty the contents of the packaging onto a plate and return)

When I got back i found myself in Prison with a 10k Bail on me??

Slightly confused?
Hey mate.

I was actually the officer who sent you to jail.

According to the intel we had you were drug trafficing (WA-99 spotted you).

I waited 5 - 6 minutes for you to respond at the station and you still didn't so jailed you for a crime that my colleagues were sure you commited.

drug trafficking? really.. i havent done anything illegal on the server so far, all i do is get apples lol

oh well, answers the question anyway. thanks

drug trafficking? really.. i havent done anything illegal on the server so far, all i do is get apples lol

oh well, answers the question anyway. thanks
According to the helicopter driver and spotter at time time he saw you 110% trafficing drugs, lol.

See I didn't think you had either but they were 110% positive of it.

Another thing: it is not allowed to be AFK ingame. If you HAVE to leave for a minute or two to open the door thats fine, hide in a building or something. But for the rest, you should log out. It is really hard to RP with someone who is just ignoring you standing there. In RP there is no AFK, so it will end you up in trouble if you're AFK in a place where players will see you. Imagine if I would try to rob you at gunpoint and you just stand there saying nothing.. I might get nervous and kill you, a guy not responding when being pointed a gun at, is not something you witness everyday =P

To clarify, I was the one that made the last call as I had spotted a person (believed to be you) absolutely legging it from the drug dealer.

I was up in Whiskey Alpha 99 and I spotted someone running from Drug Dealer up to the Windmills and then a detour down to the Truck Shop. We had an officer, (Dylan) try speak with you for 5-10 minutes and you stood there without moving or speaking, You were a suspect that didn't respond in terms of RP and you were our only suspect at the time.

Sorry if this caused you much anger but you matched the description, you were in the suspects last known location and you didn't comply.

Not much more to say unfortunately bud.

I knew it wasn't him 

PC Quinn been putting innocent civilians in jail since 2K15

Normally if you go AFK you'll find yourself somewhere you wasn't.

When I find AFK players I quite often restrain them and move them elsewhere ( greenzone/empty building ) to get them away from roleplay scenarios as it would be awful roleplay ( obviously ). OR if they're gone for a longer length of time 10/20+ I'll text an admin to request they get kicked or imprison them.
