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|J!ZZ| Crew - RDM in Athira (Awaiting Requested Evidence)

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
|J!ZZ| Tim + his crew.
Time & Date this happened:
11.26.2014 12:20 AM
Description of what happened:
We were just spawning in Athira and they randomly opened fire on my mate's car. After talking to them and telling them that RDM can and will lead to a ban they shot us multiple times (after respawning) in Athira. The slaughter ended when the cops arrived - but they still killed civs here and there purely random. 
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
hWe tried to but as we tried to they started shooting us again LOL.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
I bet there's a few more people around having footage of them RDMing. 
"We were just spawning in Athira and they randomly opened fire on my mate's car."

Interesting that you saved out that part in your video, because that's clearly not what happened.

"After talking to them and telling them that RDM can and will lead to a ban they shot us multiple times (after respawning) in Athira."

That's a lovely quote. You're basically admitting both breaking RP ingame and NLR (several times).

In addition to that, running around after we legitimately killed you the first time, you came back and ran around screaming "HE IS HERE!" numerous times. Which of course you didn't show in your 15 sec video.

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"We were just spawning in Athira and they randomly opened fire on my mate's car."

Interesting that you saved out that part in your video, because that's clearly not what happened.

-Well I just spawned in and saw the damaged car , and I got told that you disabled the car without any reason. 

"That's a lovely quote. You're basically admitting both breaking RP ingame and NLR (several times).

In addition to that, running around after we legitimately killed you the first time, you came back and ran around screaming "HE IS HERE!" numerous times. Which of course you didn't show in your 15 sec video."

-NLR...We tried to talk to you about RDM. We didnt kill you or anything (We couldnt , you "legitematly" took our guns and lives)

That "He is here!" was WAAAAAAAY later , like..what...30 minutes? 

I mean , we tried to tell you that RDMing leads to a ban and you didnt respond , so we told you again - and then you shot both of us... So please... 

To further Tim's response, we initiated RP on you by staging a robbery. We demanded your vehicle keys and gave a chance to comply, which you failed to do so, even with 5 heavily armed guys surrounding you. To add to that you then continued to break RP and shout rules/bans (breaking rules yourself):

3D) Shouting "I AM GOING TO REPORT YOU ON FORUMS" ingame is not allowed. RP is destroyed in this event.
3E) Discussing bans or any other issues that interrupt the players from the gameplay will result in a ban.

Can confirm the breaking of RP and NLR (by yourself and friends) and not leaving the area when told to (many many times, by multiple people). You continued to running around shouting our positions and getting in the way in an active gun fight. Hence why you were shot.

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So to make things easier Caruzo, why don'y you show the full video from the moment we first start engaging RP with you? Because clearly, that kill in the video was when you had been running around (coming back from a previous death) and giving out positions to the cops on site and breaking NLR.

A gunfight is still a RP scenario which in this case was initiated after the countdown from the officer first on site. As you can see in the above video we actually didn't even either kill or rob anyone (yes, we knocked out you/or your friend or whoever it was), but that's also the end of it. After that you started talking about rules and reporting ingame while we still were trying to RP (supported by the video).

And your argumentation is just ridicoulous. "They were rdming with 0 rp, blabla, and it stopped when the cops came". That just shows what a fabricated story you're coming up with. You can clearly hear someone saying they called the cops here in this video above, and how long do you think it takes for them to come from Athira HQ? 10 mins? No, the gunfight didnt start until the cops showed up. Our intentions was never to kill civs without RP, if that would've been the case then we clearly could have taken you down straight off here when you had 5-6 guns aimed towards you.

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After checking the video back I have this to add  (NLR breaking):

- PCSO Tickle died 2 times

- Scott Aspin died 3 times

- Bob Lee Swagger died 3 times

- Remedy76 died 2 times

Ok if whe ganna do this now like that mister Polla. Let me upload a video of u guys breaking sevral server rules. One combat loging. RDM. That what i have on my recordings and evry one nows i record evry thing. Dont get me wrong i liket the fire fight in Althera. But this is getting other hand. In te end whe had fun and.

I have also serveral report of you guys just killing and radom. Even in the video i hear one of your friends just talking about i shoot evry thing what moves. And thats still RDM.

Ill get back to work now. Because my boss is getting mad now. But let me say only this. Evry one makes mistakes. And evry do stupid things. Just take it easy and take it like a man.

Greets Mike

Ok if whe ganna do this now like that mister Polla. Let me upload a video of u guys breaking sevral server rules. One combat loging. RDM. That what i have on my recordings and evry one nows i record evry thing. Dont get me wrong i liket the fire fight in Althera. But this is getting other hand. In te end whe had fun and.

I have also serveral report of you guys just killing and radom. Even in the video i hear one of your friends just talking about i shoot evry thing what moves. And thats still RDM.

Ill get back to work now. Because my boss is getting mad now. But let me say only this. Evry one makes mistakes. And evry do stupid things. Just take it easy and take it like a man.

Greets Mike
Don't get us wrong either, we also enjoyed the fight in Athira. But if people are going to report us, of course we will defend ourselves.

And yes, clearly there were reports. But for example, both this one and the other one should be quite clear that we are innocent.

In the video above you can clearly see that the first thing we do is to initiate RP. The reason why this situation escalates is that the guy we are RPing with start breaking RP and call out that we are breaking rules, which we are not since that is not a greenzone.

After that another police is counting down before he opens fire, hence initiating the RP situation between the cops and us, allowing us to engage. The other police who filed a report against us, rolls up seconds afterwards his fellow officer is killed - and of course he will be treated as a backup in the already initiated RP situation.

The first time this Caruzo guy dies (which of course he didn't show in his vid), is when he is going into a house where one of us had taken position. He was given several warnings to leave since we had no interest in him whatsoever. He then opens fire and gets downed. That he get's killed 2 times after that is simply because he was breaking NLR, coming back and whining about us breaking rules and shouting out our positions to the cops while we were fighting them. Of course it looks like a pure RDM when only watching one of his 3 deaths, but that is taken out of context.

And yes, but also remember that it's a big different of what is being said in teamspeak and what's actually being done whilst in game.

However, this is just getting tiresome. In the end we had a good fight and obviously so did you. We are not officially reporting the NLR-breakers, we're simply making a point that we are well aware of the rules and how they probably are to be interpreted.

Kind regards, Tim

Then Tim i must say. Ill dont do this then to. Mistakes are made on all sides. And yes i now aloud of civs break NLR. And i witnist that also aloud even when we where in a massif war in Althera. Even Caruzo i see him aloud on my videos even when he was kilt 10 sec later he walks in to my line of fire again. So Again thanks on the post on your side. Hope we will see ethather on the island in better conditions than only war.

And dont get me wrong my typing is not as good as most of you guys.

Greets Mike

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