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It's been a pleassure!


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Hey folks, 

As the Arma server is being shut down my time at RPUK comes to an end.
Been here on and off since 2016 until 2019. In 2019 I decided to play alot more and got loads of hours in with my former gang Diablo and eventually hooked up with @sassy stonerand some other lads in the tit gang. Shortly after I tried factions for mostly the money and thus joined Poseidon where I found my home when playing RPUK rather quickly.

At some point I joined the Orion family and that was hands down the best experience I've had on RPUK since the start of coming here.
Even with the reaction speed of a turd I managed to climb to the rank of Dealer which I am very grateful for to have been given that position for Orion.

Alas to the good things must come to an end.
RPUK is letting Arma go and I am not interrested in queueing up for hours on end to just play on a server.
You might catch me around on discord every now and then.
If you want to play a game of LoL or need anything you can dm me on discord: Jesse#0620

Special mentions:
@BowenFor inviting me to Orion and the mass crashes with your 'special' flying skills.
@NalurahFor being a good friend and the amazing roleplay scenes we've made
@night_stalker_ No Justice No Peace!
@Dcay KevinFor all the trouble and headaches you caused me 🙂
@Hayden TacitusThanks for always having my back ^^
@Jebediah JalalaiFor mentoring me on my first weeks in Poseidon.
& many more!

Last but not least!
@Don Koi Orion@Javier@DavidGaming@Henning RPUK@Kieron Orion
Thanks you all! 
The Orion team has always been generous to me and I am happy to have been Orion with you all!
It's truly been an amazing journey over the last 2 years.

Jesse Orion.... out!


ArmA 3 Screenshot 2020.10.31 -

Hey Jesse, was a pleasure to know you. All the best with what you doing and maybe we will meet again.

It's always sad to see people go! Hopefully you'll come back once in a while to keep up the contact! Don't be a stranger, because @Nalurahtold me I'm not allowed to speak to strangers! (Stranger danger and all)

what a shame, wasn't even listed

have a good one lad, and remember academy>Orion

Take it easy Jesse i wish you all the best in what ever you do pal don't be a stranger 

It was an honour @Jesse

As everyone else has said, don't you dare be a stranger! I'm glad I got you in Orion, I think you can thank @Nalurahfor that as I'm pretty sure she suggested you every week! 

good luck in whatever comes next in your life bud, I'm sure you will do great!

P.s. I have never crashed a Heli before in my life! But I have made 100s of unplanned firey landings. Always remember that

all the best Jesse make sure to stay in touch and you weren't as bad as some with your reactions 😛

It was a blast man, I hope i will see you around someday to cause you more headaches. Much love

Thank you for everything Jesse, it was a blast to have you in Orion and for all the weird shit we started. You will always be the official braindead associate 😉 Don't be a stranger, else @Henning RPUK can't talk to you anymore and you need your token lesbian in your life. Some parting advice: never get in a heli with @Bowenit's dangerous! Gonna miss you buddy
