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It's been a good run

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Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
This has been long comeing, it's been a decision I've been debating on doing for the past few months and it's come to that time, I have been in this server for just under 3 years, 1000+ days in the police and a lot more as a crim nearly 2000 hours spent on this server and I've loved every moment of it. 

I have had my fair share of problems but every one has always brought a fun out come after it and that's what I love about this server, even the bad situation turn into something fun because the community puts the effort in I'm gonna miss all of this, I do plan on returning at some point in the future but my return will be far far away. 

Most of you will know me as Xantos Warner and watching as I created my career in the police was an amazing thing, I have met so many amazing people and friends through this, I have trained so many officers that it becomes hard to rember you all. I have spent the Las 2 and a half years building my career in the police and doing what I set out to do from the beginning of trying each unit out, I started with response as all officers do and I even became a response seargent looking after my team helping them out, I moved to RPU driving the fast cars, participating in road chases, I moved to firearms, getting into gunfights and almost definitely being beaten in ever one XD, but even so I have loved every bit of it. I have been a part of all the sub units NPAS was the first and I'm sure everyone Was glad when I left it for DSU (I have verry choppy landings) and within dsu I have progressed to become an advanced trainer, thank you @Willisfor that opertunity, I joined R&d thinking that I would progress to an advanced trainer and leave at that but I ended up as a seargent and I have loved it, I love doing trainings and meeting all the new officers and I have loved watching R&D evolve, thank you @Sammyand David for that opertunity (sorry I don't know David's @)

I'm sorry CID I never manged to try you out, I promise when I eventually come back you will be my first adventure in the police. 

My less know character of Lee larton was my first character int his server and he's gone from a basic criminal to an individual who suffers from MPD (mulitpler personality disorder) and anger issues and getting to rp that and interacting with people through that has been amazing.

This server will always have a special place in my heart. I have made so many friends through this community and I will be sad to leave it behind I'm gonna miss everyone and I hope you all will miss me the same. It has been a blast everyone, Ill see you all again some day! 

Signing off for the final time 

Advanced DSU trainer 

Searget of R&D


Xantos Warner 

It has been a pleasure, my friend! 

Take care of yourself, don´t be a stranger and make sure to give me a shout when you are back in town! Until then SGT! 

Much love! ❤️

Top guys Xantos and Lee! Been a pleasure bro 😄  good luck with your future endeavours!

Was always a pleasure dealing with you as my Police character and then my NHS character. Going to miss your RP man all the best for the future

It has been great these past few months mate, Not only with R&D but with MMF. Everyone in the R&D has seen what you have done for the unit and we appreciate it greatly! 

Hope to see you in the future and wish you the very best outside of RPUK mate. 

Take care bud and cheers for the great RP!

Good luck fella, look forward to your return and thanks you for my first interview.

all the best. 

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