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Is roleplay going the wrong direction?


The funny thing about that is its the samegangs and the same people who abuse that each time

What irritates me ; gang members who are clearly involved in a gun fight abusing the rules and circling your position in hatchback sports knowing full well you can't engage on them due to initiation rules and you cant come out of cover to ask them to move on because you will be shot by another gang member watching your position. Then once you are distracted they jump out of their car and shoot you in the back. 

It's abuse of a gap in the rules and certain gangs know exactly how to use this and other grey areas in the rules to their advantage. Needs to be addressed.

In relation to the OP, I agree but believe it is a perpetuating circle, with gangs being more aggressive with minimal/poor rp, leading police to be more strict leading gangs to engage less with rp meaning police are more strict and on and on.

I have been on both sides of the fence but having recently come back to the police I feel the level of rp provided by many gangs now is awful and/or minimal and everything is incredibly aggressive. It is changed days since I was in the police a year ago when the HM was an exciting occurance once a night. Now it is every half an hour.

The gang dynamic has also changed now. Previously gangs were of a size where the lack of firepower available to the police was countered by the small size of the gangs. However with some gang sizes being 20+ now, all armed with mk1 rifles, the balance has tipped and needs to be addressed.
i agree with this so much. Lately weve had issues with rebels who circle us in hatchbacks and we know full well what   there trying to do yet when they get shot i have them crying in my liason room that its rdm . This de camping bullshit needs to stop or if you get killed trying to do it man the fuck up and stop moaning 

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What irritates me ; gang members who are clearly involved in a gun fight abusing the rules and circling your position in hatchback sports knowing full well you can't engage on them due to initiation rules and you cant come out of cover to ask them to move on because you will be shot by another gang member watching your position. Then once you are distracted they jump out of their car and shoot you in the back. 

It's abuse of a gap in the rules and certain gangs know exactly how to use this and other grey areas in the rules to their advantage. Needs to be addressed.
Uniforms would solve this, Because if your in a gunfight with say Gang A who have a uniform and you see two members driving round in the sports hatchback in uniform in the middle of a fight they can be shot, just like shooting an officer in a gunfight in a car if your fighting police etc. Obliviously only big gangs will have the uniforms but it's the big gangs that do this mostly.

What irritates me ; gang members who are clearly involved in a gun fight abusing the rules and circling your position in hatchback sports knowing full well you can't engage on them due to initiation rules and you cant come out of cover to ask them to move on because you will be shot by another gang member watching your position. Then once you are distracted they jump out of their car and shoot you in the back. 
Also this.

This is a serious RP community. I do not think anyone in real life would be zooming around in cars and driving up beside people that are in an active gun fight. It is also frustrating when it is a fresh spawn in hobo clothes going around purely to spot and disrupt.

What irritates me ; gang members who are clearly involved in a gun fight abusing the rules and circling your position in hatchback sports knowing full well you can't engage on them due to initiation rules and you cant come out of cover to ask them to move on because you will be shot by another gang member watching your position. Then once you are distracted they jump out of their car and shoot you in the back. 

It's abuse of a gap in the rules and certain gangs know exactly how to use this and other grey areas in the rules to their advantage. Needs to be addressed.

In relation to the OP, I agree but believe it is a perpetuating circle, with gangs being more aggressive with minimal/poor rp, leading police to be more strict leading gangs to engage less with rp meaning police are more strict and on and on.

I have been on both sides of the fence but having recently come back to the police I feel the level of rp provided by many gangs now is awful and/or minimal and everything is incredibly aggressive. It is changed days since I was in the police a year ago when the HM was an exciting occurance once a night. Now it is every half an hour.

The gang dynamic has also changed now. Previously gangs were of a size where the lack of firepower available to the police was countered by the small size of the gangs. However with some gang sizes being 20+ now, all armed with mk1 rifles, the balance has tipped and needs to be addressed.
I think you misunderstand what he is referring to when he says cops are strict.  He means they are unnecessarily strict on THEMSELVES, not on the gangs.  Police hold themselves back so often that they are much more likely to be completely wiped out in every engagement than the gangs.  It's honestly very frustrating.

One of the problem is rebels don't want to "lose" their hundreds of thousands worth of gear.

For example you roll up to the drug dealer, loads of armed rebels and you try to talk to them and let them know they are going to be arrested most of the time this will eb the response.

"If you try to taze me or arrest me you will be shot", "We have snipers in the area, leave or be shot" "Fuck off or die" etc etc

Last week has been near enough the same situations, rebels walking about Kavala with massive rifles on their backs, oh its a BB gun or air rifle and when u try and disarm them we get threatened and u have civs yelling at us why aren't u doing anything about them.

So we can try and arrest them, get mowed down in a hail of bullets and possible get moaned at for not valuing our lives, or just leave and let them run wild, mostly it is the latter.

Rebels should just accept sometimes you get caught and lose your guns/gear/freedom, it's a game and you don't need to have shoot your way out with "snipers".

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Som time ago i had a little outburst when it came to RP with the Police.

At the time, it was shit. Breaking RP, low RP. Even at traffic stops i run for a minor offence.  The Police responds with rubbers, not a tazer.

Now, for me the RP is great. I love it. Newer officers really really do good. And that makes me come up with som æe crazy stories, like man sized aligators i the swamps. They respond very good to that RP and i hope it puts a smile on theyre faces.


Rebels, the little loopholes you find to do dodgy stuff, stop it. Its not fun.

Last weeks ive tried to RP and have fun with other gangs and Rebels. 

Very experienced rebels are doing very bad. They just wanna keep stuff moving.

Newer Rebels just dont know how the rules work. 

As the admins keep saying. #RPEverything 

Cut a deal, find a good story.

Make friends, no blood needs to run in the gutters of Altis.

One of the problem is rebels don't want to "lose" their hundreds of thousands worth of gear.

For example you roll up to the drug dealer, loads of armed rebels and you try to talk to them and let them know they are going to be arrested most of the time this will eb the response.

"If you try to taze me or arrest me you will be shot", "We have snipers in the area, leave or be shot" "Fuck off or die" etc etc

Last week has been near enough the same situations, rebels walking about Kavala with massive rifles on their backs, oh its a BB gun or air rifle and when u try and disarm them we get threatened and u have civs yelling at us why aren't u doing anything about them.

So we can try and arrest them, get mowed down in a hail of bullets and possible get moaned at for not valuing our lives, or just leave and let them run wild, mostly it is the latter.

Rebels should just accept sometimes you get caught and lose your guns/gear/freedom, it's a game and you don't need to have shoot your way out with "snipers".
The whole "oh it was my twin brother that did that" "It's an airsoft gun!" shit is part of the decay of RP.  Those are both utterly fail RP and, in my opinion, should be ignored.  Not to mention the whining rebels do when they think cops aren't valuing their lives.  Are they valuing their lives when they're walking around a city brandishing rifles?  Obviously not.

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The whole "oh it was my twin brother that did that" "It's an airsoft gun!" shit is part of the decay of RP.  Those are both utterly fail RP and, in my opinion, should be ignored.  Not to mention the whining rebels do when they think cops aren't valuing their lives.  Are they valuing their lives when they're walking around a city brandishing rifles?  Obviously not.
It is all about the context in which the RP is given.

The other night a rebel told me it wasn't a gun it was a flower and he was a walking bush, why would a bush have combat fatigues and a heavy armour vest on?

If i seen a person with a rifle (no attachments or magazines visible) next to a beach or on the pier and they said it was a fishing rod then its actually believable 

I was once alone, not in a gang, I was carrying a few MK-1's in my car and this helicopter started following me, so I stopped to have a little chitchat with them and one of them immediately got out with a parachute, he initiated on me and before I knew I was surrounded by 5 men of the same gang, alright I was outnumbered, but I found this very pathetic of this certain gang who proceeded to initiate on me and then execute me, (they didnt even know I had MK-1's in my car though!) I was near my house and they also robbed my house.

Now I dont care that I lost a few weapons but I didnt like it why they had to get me as I couldn't defend myself, so I also think that most rebel groups just dont want to roleplay but just want to kill people..

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I think that as our community has grown (Which it undoubtedly has) it has become increasingly difficult to manage these sorts of things and have a consistent high standard of roleplay. Many new people join the server every day, many of whom probably haven't read the server rules. This results in police having to be stricter and more people becoming rebels who simply are just out to kill civilians. Obviously this isn't great roleplay, but it's going to be inevitable with such a fast growing community.

Far too many people power game or fail RP just to waste time so they can get their friends to bail them out or some such. They never accept that they've lost which leads to 10 minutes of boring RP where we have to go through the motions as the 15th person caught with a rifle today comes up with an unoriginal excuse with very little basis on roleplay. Airsoft guns are common now, even though they seemingly can't explain the magazines in their backpack. If you say that the weapon will be confiscated and returned if it is found to be a replica etc etc they start to get salty as all hell. There have been situations where police let rifle users go, people who run around cities or petrol stations where shootings have taken place saying its a hunting rifle are dumb as hell. It is just one example of fail RP motivated by non-RP reasons. There are also the people who say it is a radio antenna, which is fine in certain context, not when you're at Police HQ banged up.

Just as a foreword, this is about roleplay ingame and not the community, everything non-constructive and especially salty posts will be requested removed. This post is not to start a shitstorm nor is it about witchhunting, this is meant as a constructive debate around roleplays current state on the game servers.

I have been playing on and off, and everytime I log in I'm greeted with almost saddening results, I've rejoined the police however I've left again sheer because of the abuse that police officers receive, it's not fun, it's not roleplay to get pointed guns at you and get called cunts, pigs, moron and so on, just so they can steal your hat. More often than not unarmed civillians who do iron runs are targeted by rebel groups for quick and easy money, the bank get's robbed multiple times daily with zero to minimal roleplay, it seems like most rebels have no moral. But in the Police it's also going the wrong way, it's getting stricter and stricter, it seems every roleplay situation is about winning or loosing, not having fun as it should be. 

I've been playing here for almost 2 years now, I've seen roleplay evolve, from bad to good, to better, to slowly go down. I don't believe the reason to this is because of lack of rules or anything alike, it's because some think roleplay is an excuse to let their inner asshole out and then use the excuse "it's just roleplay" If I had a pound for everytime I've been told that I could be the queen. I'm not saying we should go back in time, but when I was a rebel in late 14 early 15 rebel groups had moral, they didn't rob hardworking legal civillians (atleast not as much as is done now) and they didn't bait police just to get into a firefight, why is roleplay considered and excuse to shoot everything up, to get money with minimal effort, to die, and then repeat

I think rebel groups:

Need to have their own (un)written rules

Needs to stop baiting to get into gunfights

focus on roleplay rather than gunfights

I think Police:

Should stop being so strict and loosen up a bit

learn that there's more to a "situation" than winning or loosing

I think civillians shouldn't be targeted so much since they're literally the weakest on the island, and I think Police should respond more to civillian incidents, I quote an unnamed officer "it's just a civ, let's go to the bank op"

Constructive posts and suggestions to help this negative increase in bad rp only
Rebel Gangs targeting Iron & Copper Miners is why I joined AEGIS.

I'm waiting the day when I see that people understand that roleplay is not only words. Its also actions. You liked it or not, but sadly gunfight is also roleplay, but it depends how the gunfight started and does both sides know why it started and why we are fighting

Rebel Gangs targeting Iron & Copper Miners is why I joined AEGIS.
Oh I love the smell of unarmed hobos doing Iron. I used to rob them, but now I have enough money so I dont need to. I see nothing wrong with robbing them when there is quality rp involved.

ps. The thing is also that the victims usually gives bad rp back because they dont want to lose their shit

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Also this.

This is a serious RP community. I do not think anyone in real life would be zooming around in cars and driving up beside people that are in an active gun fight. It is also frustrating when it is a fresh spawn in hobo clothes going around purely to spot and disrupt.
Adding on to this, if we cant shoot hobo's, then why the fuck is it okay for rebels to kill CSO's in active gunfights?

Been here since late 2014. Can't exactly say a lot has changed, there will always be hobos, always be bad seeds in popo and always be bad seeds in gangs.

When it comes to HM`s, why can't you rebel gangs take a fucking hint and not do a pewpew hm every restart. The cops have enough to respond to, do like the Unmc, pewpew once a week at Max.

(This isn't pointed to all rebels just the ones that do pewpew a lot)
UNMC pew pew the bank once a week since cops give them info when its getting robbed, so they go pew pew for the gold from the rebels insted of the HM.

OT: RP from rebels groups are SHIT these days!
We have tried to take hostages from several gangs lately. And even whitelisted factions have no value of life, break RP, and get salty since they are captured.
They dont play along with any RP. Not even when you try to start a negotiation.
From two examples yesterday without mentioning names since its talked about with the people its regarding.

1. A hostage from a big gang (one of the biggest) decide to whistle every time one PLF member tries to talk.
And his exuse was "he whistle when nervous".
Yeah sure that can be a thing, how its seen tho, is as piss poor RP, none of us were ever able to talk to him since he just whisteld in our mouth, and we had to kill him, to end  that shit.

2. A whitelisted member is surrounded by 4 armed PLF members, were we ask the person to drop his shit, GPS, Map, Radio etc.a 4 people hold him at gunpoint. (half meter away from him)
He decide to turn around and try to kill the people -.-
Fail massily, and his respond to this was, "didnt want piss poor RP from PLF"
And "next time he just tabs out and watch some youtube while we do our thing" as he said.

Those two situations are just yesterday.
And it ended up with us getting insulted after a dude broke a rule.
And having to resolve situations who basicly would have kept going in RP, if they just accept that if you go vs a gang they will come back for you.
And you will have to live with that, and live with them kidnapping you (or other situations). With other words accept a loss.

It would have been one thing if the situations above was regarding "hobo gangs" / new players.
But its regarding long lasting members, and gangs who are some of the biggest on the server.

Meaning if newer members see this actions from bigger gangs and long lasting members, they would think "ohh thats okey to do"

Rebels start valuing your fucking life!!!!!!
Start act with some honor! And be a good example for new players.
Less fucking salt when you lose a situation


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I'm waiting the day when I see that people understand that roleplay is not only words. Its also actions. You liked it or not, but sadly gunfight is also roleplay, but it depends how the gunfight started and does both sides know why it started and why we are fighting

Oh I love the smell of unarmed hobos doing Iron. I used to rob them, but now I have enough money so I dont need to. I see nothing wrong with robbing them when there is quality rp involved.

ps. The thing is also that the victims usually gives bad rp back because they dont want to lose their shit
It's still pisspoor to target someone purely of the fact that they're weaker than you

What comes to rolepays as a "cartel" I believe in reality they really didnt give a fuck

No a Cartel is about making money, being a dick to new players and taking all what they worked 30-45 minutes for in matter of seconds with the same "get out of thetruck or you'll get shot" either shoot him or put him in zips/hands on head and then steal his keys and sell all the stuff in the truck. and then to top it off many people enjoy stealing the truck aswell, and executing the hobo so he can't report it stolen.

This happens so much more than you think Riku and do you believe that's ok?

I think robbing people who's doing legal things is OK as long as you keep the roleplay enjoyable to the both parties, so I mean that putting some effort to ur rp instead of executing the hobo and using only words get out or you get killed etc..

I think robbing people who's doing legal things is OK as long as you keep the roleplay enjoyable to the both parties, so I mean that putting some effort to ur rp instead of executing the hobo and using only words get out or you get killed etc..
Eh, in most cases I would say it is impossible for it to be enjoyable for both parties because one of those parties more than likely just started playing and spent all of their starting cash on buying a truck, licenses and whatever tools/gear they need to gather the resources they are going to sell only to have it stolen from them immediately.  And, from what I have seen, it generally just goes like this anyway.

*a car pulls up with anywhere from 1-4 people in it, they all jump out and immediately point their guns at the farmer*
*commences stealing every single thing this new player has, then drives off in the new player's only vehicle*

That's not RP, that's just taking everything the guy has solely for in-game purposes.  His losses being your gains.  Thing is, he literally just lost everything he had and now has to literally run back and forth from the apple fields to the market to be able to even afford a backpack again.  

At least someone doing an illegal activity is more likely to have friends and other vehicles and enough money to start again.  But that is why people are targeted at the legal areas, because everyone knows they are unarmed and are easy prey.  No one goes there looking for RP, they go there just to steal whatever they can and be done with it.  

The only time I have seen any actual RP in those situations was longer than a year ago when some group was rounding up hobos to start some Saw-like game in a far away hut.  They didn't rob anyone, they just kidnapped them from the areas most likely to have defenseless hobos.
