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Is roleplay going the wrong direction?


I like boats
Under a rock
Just as a foreword, this is about roleplay ingame and not the community, everything non-constructive and especially salty posts will be requested removed. This post is not to start a shitstorm nor is it about witchhunting, this is meant as a constructive debate around roleplays current state on the game servers.

I have been playing on and off, and everytime I log in I'm greeted with almost saddening results, I've rejoined the police however I've left again sheer because of the abuse that police officers receive, it's not fun, it's not roleplay to get pointed guns at you and get called cunts, pigs, moron and so on, just so they can steal your hat. More often than not unarmed civillians who do iron runs are targeted by rebel groups for quick and easy money, the bank get's robbed multiple times daily with zero to minimal roleplay, it seems like most rebels have no moral. But in the Police it's also going the wrong way, it's getting stricter and stricter, it seems every roleplay situation is about winning or loosing, not having fun as it should be. 

I've been playing here for almost 2 years now, I've seen roleplay evolve, from bad to good, to better, to slowly go down. I don't believe the reason to this is because of lack of rules or anything alike, it's because some think roleplay is an excuse to let their inner asshole out and then use the excuse "it's just roleplay" If I had a pound for everytime I've been told that I could be the queen. I'm not saying we should go back in time, but when I was a rebel in late 14 early 15 rebel groups had moral, they didn't rob hardworking legal civillians (atleast not as much as is done now) and they didn't bait police just to get into a firefight, why is roleplay considered and excuse to shoot everything up, to get money with minimal effort, to die, and then repeat

I think rebel groups:

Need to have their own (un)written rules

Needs to stop baiting to get into gunfights

focus on roleplay rather than gunfights

I think Police:

Should stop being so strict and loosen up a bit

learn that there's more to a "situation" than winning or loosing

I think civillians shouldn't be targeted so much since they're literally the weakest on the island, and I think Police should respond more to civillian incidents, I quote an unnamed officer "it's just a civ, let's go to the bank op"

Constructive posts and suggestions to help this negative increase in bad rp only

I think it would help if cops had a better set of rules for when to reward RP (e.g doing the HM). Currently it's too much of a gamble to RP it normally, because you don't know if the cop will be fun, or arrest you for trespassing instantly. 

From what I experienced as a police officer in mid to late 2015, and coming back to it now, I will agree that it has become more strict.  It seems that nearly everyone is afraid of making decisions because it will potentially get them into trouble so the police always back down or just restrict themselves to the point that they "lose" every single engagement.  The Rebels don't seem to have these same restrictions and are able to react quickly to situations without worrying they are going to be demoted and/or kicked out for making the smallest of mistakes.

It seems that nearly everyone is afraid of making decisions because it will potentially get them into trouble so the police always back down or just restrict themselves to the point that they "lose" every single engagement. 

From what I experienced as a police officer in mid to late 2015, and coming back to it now, I will agree that it has become more strict.  It seems that nearly everyone is afraid of making decisions because it will potentially get them into trouble so the police always back down or just restrict themselves to the point that they "lose" every single engagement.  The Rebels don't seem to have these same restrictions and are able to react quickly to situations without worrying they are going to be demoted and/or kicked out for making the smallest of mistakes.
Jesus Christ.

Preach it sist'ah. Bang on with this one.

I think it would help if cops had a better set of rules for when to reward RP (e.g doing the HM). Currently it's too much of a gamble to RP it normally, because you don't know if the cop will be fun, or arrest you for trespassing instantly. 
It would help if when we turn up we don't get told 'negotiations are off' then get decamped by ifrits with 4 people with 7.62s and penetrate us.lmao.

EDIT: Also, i'd like to point out the H.M gets done more than 5 times a day and 1/5 actually tries to rp. I think to make it better the cost of the stuff to get in the H.M should go up so you risk more and/or a cooldown after the H.M has been done.

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I've rejoined the police however I've left again sheer because of the abuse that police officers receive, it's not fun, it's not roleplay to get pointed guns at you and get called cunts, pigs, moron and so on, just so they can steal your hat.
I agree.

I always operate within the rules and I will contact higher ups before I do something if I am unsure about. So it is pretty disheartening when I catch someone legitimately, I receive torrents of abuse and insults instead of RP.

We all play this game for fun and when situations like that happen it really sucks the fun out of it. 

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Lately all bank ops are : Someone goes inside the H.M Treasury compound then 10 seconds later they break into the HM and before we are at the H.M We get a message that a bomb has been placed and the next thing we know there are 2 ifrits circling cops trying to decamp. It really sickens me when this happens, More rebels go for the Combat option then the RP option because they think they get a low reward, And yes i agree but it is not about the reward you get it is about the rp you give, How better the story and stuff how higher the Reward. Surely you would be able to gather a small group to do a RP bank op just don't make it too big (Depends on what story you're planning to Rp).

And about the Civillian Dispatches:

We try to get to them as fast as possible, but the problem is if someone calls 999 and says : Help I am getting robbed ( and there is neither a description of where it is or a GRIDRef in the message there isn't allot we can do ) I always try to react to dispatches ( Not Always but i try to do as much as I can)


It's the fear factor that cops have. People have too much money and guns are too cheap. Why focus on a civ when you can stop a wealthy rebel from Nanking more money that would be used to kill more people?(not my mindset)

Roleplay quality in general from everyone isn't good. I've seen long term members get revved by a medic and the first thing they say is 'where's my gun?' Where's the roleplay? Your head should be hurting and your muscles sore.  Or even if you get revived and your arm is barely moveable, how can you pick up a gun 5 seconds later and shoot someone accurately?

All sides need to chill, I think that a week or so of pistols only gameplay would bring everything back in line and people would actually roleplay more.

I could not agree more, I'm not going to point fingers or name shames but all of the stuff you mentioned is true. One of the reasons I left the police is because of how restricting it was getting and I didn't have freedom with my roleplay.

In the UNMC I have the freedom now to invent my own roleplay which I love.

But no matter what, it is fairly impossible to log onto the server without getting the "hands up or die" speech on multiple occasions and it ruins the experience.

Iv'e also been here almost 2 years and noticed  a thing or two, it's almost been the same since the start...  it's difficult to change a core factor of the game/community, but getting RDMemed  and robbed for 3 hours straight is certainly worth it to get that 30 min RP sessions with a person :) 

Been here since late 2014. Can't exactly say a lot has changed, there will always be hobos, always be bad seeds in popo and always be bad seeds in gangs.

When it comes to HM`s, why can't you rebel gangs take a fucking hint and not do a pewpew hm every restart. The cops have enough to respond to, do like the Unmc, pewpew once a week at Max.

(This isn't pointed to all rebels just the ones that do pewpew a lot)

steal your hat

I could go on forever on why the roleplay needs to change and stuff, but I fear it would be wasted breath.

The police poor RP which happens from some newer officers can be fixed but from what I can see nothing is being done.

The thing that concerns me, is when I look at the departures and see all these people experienced players burnt out and sick of bad RP. How can anyone look at this and think it is completely fine? It isn't fine and someone needs to fix things on both sides.

What irritates me ; gang members who are clearly involved in a gun fight abusing the rules and circling your position in hatchback sports knowing full well you can't engage on them due to initiation rules and you cant come out of cover to ask them to move on because you will be shot by another gang member watching your position. Then once you are distracted they jump out of their car and shoot you in the back. 

It's abuse of a gap in the rules and certain gangs know exactly how to use this and other grey areas in the rules to their advantage. Needs to be addressed.

In relation to the OP, I agree but believe it is a perpetuating circle, with gangs being more aggressive with minimal/poor rp, leading police to be more strict leading gangs to engage less with rp meaning police are more strict and on and on.

I have been on both sides of the fence but having recently come back to the police I feel the level of rp provided by many gangs now is awful and/or minimal and everything is incredibly aggressive. It is changed days since I was in the police a year ago when the HM was an exciting occurance once a night. Now it is every half an hour.

The gang dynamic has also changed now. Previously gangs were of a size where the lack of firepower available to the police was countered by the small size of the gangs. However with some gang sizes being 20+ now, all armed with mk1 rifles, the balance has tipped and needs to be addressed.

What irritates me ; gang members who are clearly involved in a gun fight abusing the rules and circling your position in hatchback sports knowing full well you can't engage on them due to initiation rules and you cant come out of cover to ask them to move on because you will be shot by another gang member watching your position. Then once you are distracted they jump out of their car and shoot you in the back. 

It's abuse of a gap in the rules and certain gangs know exactly how to use this and other grey areas in the rules to their advantage. Needs to be addressed.


The funny thing about that is its the samegangs and the same people who abuse that each time
