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Introducing Community Unban Polls (Removed)

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If it's a pure community vote, I would like to see the faction head being able to vote. As they will have key information about the players personality etc, and would be able to provide a hopefully fair and non-bias opinion. And even in the worst case that it was bias, it's only a single vote. 

Alternately, I would prefer a panel of community members, from UMNC, Police, NHS and established gangs to discuss and act. They could act/respond to much more than bans too. Then talk to admins with their decisions. 

I like the idea, personally I was going to make a suggestion that the 2 bans had a lifetime.


At the moment 2 bans mean you end up banned for life regardless, but let's say the first ban came on your second day due to ignorance, in the meantime you've spent 5 months having a blast providing good roleplay, but that day comes where a faulty mic disconnect or something along those lines causes another ban, i personally feel the 2 ban limit should be lifted or the first ban ignored.

I would be happy to say bans on the 2 ban limit are dropped for regulars after 3 months, and 6 for part timers.

After "I thought you'd left" incident I can fully understand why wolf would be concerned, his wording was bad and his attitude just as, but a valid point just the same as to a weakness in the proposed system. A simple solution would be to disallowed the group involved in the ban to vote as well.

In regards to an entire force, I'm not sure if that is the best idea. I know some medics but if they got banned in something on a civ account it would be frustrating not to be able to vote just because they are a medic as well.

P.s. On the flip side, if a well established member were to go mass rdm, or bomb kavala. 1 ban is enough some rules you really should know have no grey area.

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Hello @Wilco hopefully you will see this, I just read cool's unban request () And I think that we should give him one more chance just like rickdb, atleast let the community decide, because they made him banned. He haven't done anything of these things and for that I think he should be able to get a small unban poll!

  • Bans for admin abuse
  • Bans for abuse towards another members
  • Bans for advertising
I'm a bit conflicted with this idea being so public with negative behavior like report wars in the past possibly effecting it in a similar way,but I can see it working. If you've been here for 5 months or more and you hit a second ban,then your certainly not the average fuck up we ban daily.

I say give it a chance.

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I absolutely support the idea that long term players who have been here for several months are given an extra chance.

I fear there are lots of good players who like me, hadn't RP'd at all before joining the server and learnt 'on the job' and while doing so accrued a ban. Now some time later these people may be some of the best RP'ers on the server, but one more fuck up (and we're all human) and they're gone and that in my eyes, would be a bloody shame.

I would personally go with Rev's idea of penalty points. You could even have them listed on the forum and say every 3 months, you get 1 of your penalty points removed.

If you ever go over 2 then stick them in a community poll and only let people who have been in the community for X months themselves vote and each vote should have a mature reason attached to it to be counted.

My an addition to the Ban system.

They way I understand it, if u get a Ban that will stick to you forever, so i that person got a second ban 4 months later hes done for. So is 2 bans a pattern of bad behavior and roleplay??? Not really, 2 in a month is, but with several months inbetween, it just shows the person to be human.

And the way I interpid the Ban system is there to weed out the people with a bad behavior pattern.

So maybe erase previous band after say 3 months, i would say that would allow ppl to be human and make a few mistakes our their lifetime.

You can still use the Poll for longtimers that get 2 bans withon 3 months.

Just a suggestion to allow for some "human" behavior ;)

Thx and great uppdatea today :)

/Mad Medic

I think the current ban system is very harsh. At current all you have to do is make a mistake and get banned, then get caught up in something, or forget about a server rule like going to the dealer too quick, and youre banned forever. I like that youre trying to do something and improve the system by adding the community unban requests, but i think it is flawwed and won't work.

With a community as complex and intricate as this I find is strange that we have an extremely strict one strike two strikes banned forever system. I propose a more thoughtout point based system. For example, you could have a point based ban system where at 10 points you are permanently banned, forever. You could list each different type of offence and have a corresponding point value.

A quick example could be;

Cheating/Hacking = 10 points,

Racism = 10 points,

Glitching (restraint glitching, etc) = 4 points, 

Breaking NLR = 4 points, 

Not adhering to server rules like robbing the Treasury too early, or selling drugs too close to the restart, = 3 points,

Combat logging = 3 points,

Side chat abuse = 3 points,

Trolling = 3 points,

Teleporting trucks = 3 points, 

Using side chat for RP = 1 point, 

This system will allow some flexibility whilst still remaining strict for serious offences. You could also do it so that the point based system only comes into effect for members who have been here longer than three months. Another option could be that every month without an offence your accumulated points gets reduced by one or two.

Theres lots of different ban systems you could use, hopefuly this has been food for thought. :)

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As you can see at my poll, this is not going to work. You can see people voting who just joined the community. What about a player has to be on the server for 3+ months before he or she can make a vote?

Ok so there has now been a full test run of this process and imo it's pretty ugly. We've got people voting who have probably never met the person (not sure how they can vote in good faith), we've got people with 0 or 1 posts voting (not sure what threshold you set for saying someone is a member of the community but to me it's slightly higher than 1 post) and we've got people writing some pretty flamebait stuff.

That's fine, it's the first one (not great for RickDB), but there needs to be some changes before the next one imo.

I'd recommend the following changes:

  1. Set a minimal threshold on who can vote; be it vote count or joining date or ideally, both
  2. Ensure people who vote justify their vote, this is an adult community it's not hard to do this
  3. Not sure if possible but hide vote count during vote and other posts (so you can only see your own)
  4. If you can't block visibility of other posts then there needs to be pretty strict moderation in place, baiting the person who is being voted on should be rewarded with a penalty point
This process is obviously better than just a '2nd ban and you're out' for long term players but I think we can do better than it currently stands

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Ok so there has now been a full test run of this process and imo it's pretty ugly. We've got people voting who have probably never met the person (not sure how they can vote in good faith), we've got people with 0 or 1 posts voting (not sure what threshold you set for saying someone is a member of the community but to me it's slightly higher than 1 post) and we've got people writing some pretty flamebait stuff.

That's fine, it's the first one (not great for RickDB), but there needs to be some changes before the next one imo.

I'd recommend the following changes:

  1. Set a minimal threshold on who can vote; be it vote count or joining date or ideally, both
  2. Ensure people who vote justify their vote, this is an adult community it's not hard to do this
  3. Not sure if possible but hide vote count during vote and other posts (so you can only see your own)
  4. If you can't block visibility of other posts then there needs to be pretty strict moderation in place, baiting the person who is being voted on should be rewarded with a penalty point
This process is obviously better than just a '2nd ban and you're out' for long term players but I think we can do better than it currently stands
A lot of people troll voting - mentioned it to @Wilco but it seems like he doesn't care about it.

Remove this seriously.. I've been refreshing my poll every 2-3 minutes when I was at home and at my computer. I'd like to see some known people voting, people don't even know me and vote no... bullshit.

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I completely understand where you are going with this, but there are some deep tensions between rival gangs.. And I'm not sure some players can put those tensions/disputes aside for two minutes to vote for an unban. What if we get vote brigades, clans and groups of people voting for a player to get banned when they may or may not have actually broken any real rules?

The fact that Rick's gang members couldn't vote on the poll, but those who are his enemies could is not really fair. He would have easily got more yes' than no's if everyone in the community could vote... 

Just remember this process is to unban them for a 3rd time after they've already been banned by an admin.

Just remember this process is to unban them for a 3rd time after they've already been banned by an admin.
Yes, but if you've been active for 7-8 months and you made 2 small mistakes it is still unfair because of the troll voting and rival gangs.

Just saying like 1 person made a account the day before and voted no, a member from your gang voted yes that didn't get deducted. 

Hello @Wilco hopefully you will see this, I just read cool's unban request () And I think that we should give him one more chance just like rickdb, atleast let the community decide, because they made him banned. He haven't done anything of these things and for that I think he should be able to get a small unban poll!

  • Bans for admin abuse
  • Bans for abuse towards another members
  • Bans for advertising
As the old leader of LoA and the unban request by cool, be advised that he recieved warnings by the admin crew, and he fucked up, i do not have any influence on the ban, i think it was deserved. since he could not obey the rules, but the fact that he has been away for atleast 4 monts now, and come backs and apoligize for his actions, he has admitted he was stupid, and what happened about this second chance?, myself i've been banned twice, but for nothing i have never done. The fact that Cool was known for Trolling along with the rest of the LoA are nobody proud of in LoA, but what about CnC bump? have we forgot CnC and the crew, who were known for this Cop killing at the bank jobs, he got a second chance?, but well i know that the cops are still butthurt, over LoA, i am in the police i hear the stories, and the whining, but seriosly? it almost a half year ago, get over it now. People change, i've changed alot myself after LoA went down, and i love to be in the force where i am now, but it is sad to see the way the community are going in some circumstances.

So all in all do you self find it fair that a person who is here for only killing cops, gets a second chance after his ban, and a person who just drives around, and trolls the police by racing away from them do not deserve a second chance?

Tell me agian he got banned for shooting a teammate in a police car, to get him prevented to go to prison? we have all have tried to shoot at a driving vehicle, it could have been an accidently shot, but we dont know any of us. but hands on our heart, we have all tried to shoot a person with an accident who we was not supposed to kill.

We have all tried to shoot a person with an accident who we was not supposed to kill.
Umm I have not.

I have only ever killed 3 maybe 2 people and in all times, the intent was to kill them. I have never fired a firearm and killed somebody on purpose. That is in all my playtime here,

as you can probably guess i am not the most violent person on Altis, so your comment doesnt really take people like me into consideration.


It was met with mixed response and there was a number of issues one being friends all saying give another chance (without looking at the bigger picture)

And people voting no just because there were in another gang or had a run in with the person, it ended up not being very fair so we have reverted to our old system.

We know when people are actively breaking the rules or pushing them to the limits and we know when people are just falling short of them so everyone should have nothing to worry about :)

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