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Insta hitting with a drawing gun

Banana Duck

Well-known member
So the robbing party has a gun pointed at the victim, the victim is asked to drop his weapon which is either in his back or lowered. 

The victim then removed his weapon from his bag but insta hits the guy with his gun without even shouldering his rifle.

Is this considered exploiting? Fail RP? I had it happen to me twice today.

Must be powergaming or some crap. You would not be able to do it in real life, however because of the game mechanics you are able to. 

I would say exploiting as you would have to lift your hand in order to hit someone around the head

A long time ago there was a big issue between Police and a gang in which Police were approaching suspects issuing compliance, then when close enough, the suspect would perform the unholster / knockout actions and execute the Officer(s). 

As a result, a Community meeting was had which @Neoheaded up and we came to an agreement that if a weapon was drawn, you could not knock that person out, as the mechanic is too OP, it provides no opportunity for a counter and there's no risk of it failing. You could only knock a person out if you were behind / beside them, their weapon was lowered, or their weapon was completely holstered. 

This wasn't written into the rules, but it stopped the issue for quite a while. With you reporting this incident, I wonder if the Staff would maybe review the fix / potential rule about and look into implementing it?

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