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Indian Chief Dark Horse Seats

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Chester Lowe

Well-known member
We've noticed that the Indian Chief is advertised and shows itself to be a 2 seater bike however this is not the case. As you can see, when removing the vehicle from storage it does state the vehicle is a 2 seater, however when you are on the bike itself there is only 1 seat available, and is backed up by people unable to sit on the vehicle except for the rider themselves. 



Unsure if this is just a typo within the actual bikes description or in fact the bike should have 2 seats. From the size of the vehicle it would certainly fit 2 people on it without issue as it's IRL counterpart can. 

Thanks for taking the time to look into this!

Bike doesnt have the second seat as pictured here


Its a option in customs to remove it if I remember correctly but still doesn't work and does say its a 2 seater at purchase 

Bike doesnt have the second seat as pictured here

I appreciate the setup of my bike at the time doesn't show the 2nd seat as pictured (I don't believe this is an option within the city)
I was more checking if the bike itself was supposed to be displayed as a 2 seater or if it was a mistake and it should be a 1 seater, or if there are missing modifications in Benny's etc that would then make it a 2 seater, but I appreciate the reply!

Added as #465 to the board.


Thank you for your help in alerting us to this bug, now that all of the required information has been gathered, it's been logged with the development team who will look to fix this. ​


Thread locked, awaiting development team response
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