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indian chief black smoke

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There seems to be a lot extras that can come with the indian chief black smoke i.e seat rest, wind shields, mud guards etc but these extras cant be changed once its imported with them it stays like it, it would be cool if we could modify the bike with these options in ls customs 

more customisation for the bike so you can have it how you want 

dev time  

+1 Be good to fully customize the bike to make every bike look the way you want it without worrying if the import will have the right attachments. 

these extras cant be changed once its imported with them it stays like it
If you want certain extras added/removed from a vehicle make a ticket and us devs can sort it out for you.

The secondary chrome colours don't work apart from standard chrome would be nice of they worked plus remove the side bags 

Implemented - Thank you for the suggestion!
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