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Important Announcement

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The King
Legendary Donator
To the community of Altis Life UK

It is with regret to inform you that Asdrubael has left his position on good terms as Admin from our community and server & resigned from the now removed Chief of police position.

Asdrubael has been a massive part of Altis Life UK since the day I met him on our filled up 50 slot server back near the start of February 2014 after doing a bank robbery with him, He instantly made a huge impression with the work he did with the police and the server we have grown massively since then.

I would like to take this moment to thank him for all his hard work and wish his business Nyagames.com the very best and I know he will make it a massive success.

Going Forward

As well as the founder and owner of the community I am now the only remaining admin, I intend to grab this opportunity with both hands and take us to the next step.


In the past the forums were managed by Asdrubael going forward this will be fully managed by myself, I would like to ask for your patience while I catch up with all the requests and forum posts, I start work on this today!

The Police

Killerabbit is now the Chief superintendent

Major_Cj is now the Superintendent

Wolfsky has been promoted to Detective Inspector

Killerrabbit shares the same vision as what I want from the police force going forward and I will be working with him and TinyBigJacko (our head developer) to put these changes in place so the server law is upheld at all times.

There are massive changes a foot within the Altis Police Constabulary and a massive shake up of rules and laws coming very soon, In the meantime to fall in-line with making the server more British and relevant to our UK base (more on that further down)

If you are in the Police or soon to be joining them these are very exciting times and everyone who has concerns or ideas can contact Killerabbit or Major_CJ who will listen however big or small it may be.

Killerabbit will be reviewing any new applications shortly, In the past it was just the Chief of police and his assistant, Due to the server size and peoples lives outside of the server the new ranks will expand the power.

The Server

Big changes are a foot and we are looking for your suggestions, The aim is now to make the server more focused and relevant to the UK, this will already involve a currency change to £ and name changes on the map.

I will be also continuing with working on server performance and getting the automatic restarts back so everyone enjoys the best performance at all times.

Thanks for your time.


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Asdrubael has made a huge impact on what the server is today, I wish him good luck for his business.

Sounds like a bright future plan for the server! I do hope that by 'making it more British' you do allow non-British regular players? ;)

Hmm.. I knew of Asdrubael's departure, I figured he was keeping it quiet until a replacement was found.. holy heck though, Wilco, managing all this by yourself? Seems like a hell of undertaking, too much for one guy.

Wish you the best of luck, and hope this doesn't effect the server too much.

The times I met Asdrubael ingame he was always fair and a good officer and will miss him.

And to you Wilco I hope you find someone that you can trust with admin tasks so you don't get overworked and best of luck to you mate!

That sucks he was a great guy the few times we talked. Good luck to him in all his endeavours.

Hmm.. I knew of Asdrubael's departure, I figured he was keeping it quiet until a replacement was found.. holy heck though, Wilco, managing all this by yourself? Seems like a hell of undertaking, too much for one guy.

Wish you the best of luck, and hope this doesn't effect the server too much.
Don't worry In time i will start handing out more power to people I grow to trust, I will get the server more automated in the meantime so I am not manually restarting (my current pet hate!)

Going back to day one since I registered altislife.co.uk it has been my vision to make this one of the top servers and community in the altis world and i will continue to carry that on even if it does mean i miss game time :)

Best of luck to Asdrubael, look forward to seeing the server in a couple days :D

Good luck Asdrubael & Wilco I'm sure I speak for everyone when I offer our full support/understanding during this transitional period.

Wish him all the best and hope you find someone or someone's willing to take up the mantle. Looking forward to the future!

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