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Im just a sore human

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i got kicked for not having a mic and like to mins later i got a mic from my bro rejoined and instead got banned some one firetrucking help me because in vexed so dam much.

thank you to any one who can help me.

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3D) Microphone only servers

Altis Life UK Servers are Microphone only, If you do not have a microphone then unfortunately this is not the community for you.

Quality roleplay can only be achieved with a microphone so anyone caught on our servers using direct chat to type or RP will be warned/kicked and if they come back and proceed to not use a microphone then will be issued a ban (Punishment kick/ban)
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Your In-game name:

Your Steam Profile ID:

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):

Date & Time you was banned:

Please copy and paste the rule you broke:

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here:

1st Use the Dispute a Ban Section on the forums http://www.altislife.co.uk/forum/9-dispute-a-ban/
2nd Fill the correct template that i posted above
3rd Wait for response from an admin
Happy to help
-SPC Alexim
You get "kicked" when you are banned, then it comes up banned on your screen when you tried to rejoin.

Go here

make SURE you use

3D) Microphone only servers

Altis Life UK Servers are Microphone only, If you do not have a microphone then unfortunately this is not the community for you.

Quality roleplay can only be achieved with a microphone so anyone caught on our servers using direct chat to type or RP will be warned/kicked and if they come back and proceed to not use a microphone then will be issued a ban (Punishment kick/ban)
i got a mic from my bro 2 mins after that tried to rejoing and got banned when i got a mic to use

3D) Microphone only servers

Altis Life UK Servers are Microphone only, If you do not have a microphone then unfortunately this is not the community for you.

Quality roleplay can only be achieved with a microphone so anyone caught on our servers using direct chat to type or RP will be warned/kicked and if they come back and proceed to not use a microphone then will be issued a ban (Punishment kick/ban)
i got a mic from my bro 2 mins after that tried to rejoing and got banned when i got a mic to use

also not having a mic dose not make the rp harder ppl just don't have patience
AltisLife is a very fast-paced RP community. We do not have time to sit around and wait for people to type while people stare at one another looking like sods. Moreover, you may notice from some forum posts that the majority of the community are not fluent typists and I think my OCD would die trying to text RP with any of them.

i got a mic from my bro 2 mins after that tried to rejoing and got banned when i got a mic to use

Were you kicked prior for it?

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Didn't read the rules when coming on server - didn't see Rule 3D and admitted as much in-game. Good start.

Got asked to disconnect, and was told would be welcome to return, with mic. Led us to believe he didn't have a mic.

Chose to argue (in text) about whether text-chat was a pain-in-the-ass for other people or not, and then told me 'couldn't leave' (with hindsight, he probably just hadn't worked out the abort button was on a timer).

Disconnected by himself just as I was lining up the kick (nb not ban at that stage), but reappeared in nano-seconds. Presumption was (given what he'd said) that he didn't possess a mic, so was presumably coming back to grief us or text more BS about how text wasn't really a problem.

I have no problem with this guy being unbanned (providing he keeps his mic in use, and reads the frickin' rules and guides PROPERLY next time - including the ones about where to post unban requests)

He'll have to wait for the next manual cycle of unbans, though, cos I did it via RCON, not AdminPanel. Life's a bitch...

i got kicked for not having a mic and like to mins later i got a mic from my bro rejoined and instead got banned some one firetrucking help me because in vexed so dam much.

thank you to any one who can help me.
READ IT AGAIN i got a mic 2 mins later from my bro and tried to rejoin and got banned i was not banned in the first place i got banned when i tried to reconnect.

I said i cold no leave because i cold not leave the abort button was shaded because i was in hand cuffs why wont you ppl lisen and do not call me stupid i know its on a timer

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Didn't read the rules when coming on server - didn't see Rule 3D and admitted as much in-game. Good start.

Got asked to disconnect, and was told would be welcome to return, with mic. Led us to believe he didn't have a mic.

Chose to argue (in text) about whether text-chat was a pain-in-the-ass for other people or not, and then told me 'couldn't leave' (with hindsight, he probably just hadn't worked out the abort button was on a timer).

Disconnected by himself just as I was lining up the kick (nb not ban at that stage), but reappeared in nano-seconds. Presumption was (given what he'd said) that he didn't possess a mic, so was presumably coming back to grief us or text more BS about how text wasn't really a problem.

I have no problem with this guy being unbanned (providing he keeps his mic in use, and reads the frickin' rules and guides PROPERLY next time - including the ones about where to post unban requests)

He'll have to wait for the next manual cycle of unbans, though, cos I did it via RCON, not AdminPanel. Life's a bitch...
its not a pain the ass and i firetrucking know it on a timer i cold no leave because i was in hand cuffs or some shitealso lifes not a bitch its just some ppl chose to make it a bitch for me

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@christopherculmer You need to do three things;

1: Ease up on the attitude, or no one will give a flying f*ck about helping you.

2: Write a unban request here http://www.altislife.co.uk/forum/9-dispute-a-ban/following the procedure written here

3: Do NOT post 3 times in a row. Think of what you want to say and then make ONE post, and if you want to add something edit it. Otherwise it's spamming, meaning me or another moderator will issue a warning point, making it impossible to post for up to seven days.

That would mean your unban appeal would have to wait too. I take it you don't want that to happen, so follow these instructions. And, to already have an answer to all the ''buts'' you're gonna wanna make and all the reasons why you think this post should be enough and what ever your mind comes up with... Zero f*cks are given. Unban requests are made on the dispute a ban section and nowhere else. I'd advise you to be completely honest in the appeal and keep in mind what @TinyBigJacko said.

Have a nice day =D

Khandamir, ALUK Forum moderator

Also, I will now lock this.

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Calling in @Wilco and @Vacatio to issue a community ban to @christopherculmer for he sent me this.. Now I know my tone might not have been very nice but his shown attitude called for a rough treatment., imho.


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@christopherculmer i was the PCSO that called the admin in . you had no intention of RP with us cops all you did was type to just send you to jail. and one the admin came he informed you that it was a Mic only server your responce was you did not have one. i removed the cuffs so you could DC, and with in seconds you attempted to reconect. Now to me this means 1 of 2 things. 1. You had a mic all along and did not want to RP or 2 you were trying your luck to get back with no mic.

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