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Illicitly Enhanced Consumables


Staff Team
Staff Team
Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Trainer
Do It Fer Yorkshiiiiiire
Idea: To make consumables which give short buffs and/or visual effects in order to create a more immersive experience and allow for further roleplay and crafting activities. This would take away the /e cig/cigar etc

papers - for rolling
metal straw and mirror set - for powder consumption
tobacco - for cigarettes or joints
Packs of cigarettes (20 rolled cigarettes and cardboard to craft, minimum 50 packs to name) - Nameable by the crafter, allowing for people to endorse popular player created/named products (naming would be in line with a sensible naming policy).
lighter - for using smokable consumables
bong - for.. decoration ;)
wooden pipe - for tobacco/marijuana consumption
glass pipe - for powders/crystal consumption
clean needle/used needle - consumption tool
cocaine - speed increase, 50% armour, maybe a debuff which is excessive consumption could cause a heart attack - requires metal straw and mirror set
crack - just a bigger percentage buff/debuff of cocaine - requires glass pipe
heroin - makes you really slow, visuals like alcohol but darker fills your food and health bar - requires clean needle to consume and get buffs, dirty needle will satisfy addiction but wont give you any positive effects.
Alcohol - adjust the amount of drinks it takes to get drunk depending on the average strength and size of the alcohol you consume
Marijuana- add different strains that all have *slightly* different visuals and buffs/debuffs - buffs/debuffs could be that it tanks your water and food levels but gives you an extra 50% health - can only consume once rolled into a joint or put in a bong/wooden pipe
Seeds - different seed for different strains, growing remains much the same process.
Meth - different grades do different percentage strength levels - but faster movement and and colourful visuals, adds different percentages of armour depending on what grade it is - require glass pipe to consume
Addiction - continued use of drugs results in addiction which you can get supplemented by the NHS on a rehab program creating more RP and giving the NHS a new avenue to enjoy rather than the 'show up and heal me, k thanks bye' RP they are used to. It would also allow player to player transactions to have more of a purpose and I believe it would enhance Gang RP AND Police RP at the same time.
intoxication equipment - Police can use equipment to analyse breath and scrape samples on the roadside for Driving under the influence further enhancing RP.
Narcan - for emergency services to carry in case of drug induced incapacitation - we RP it enough, it wouldn't be a bad idea to implement it properly.

Add or remove other drugs/consumables as you would see fit, I know there's plenty more out there but I thought id cover some main ones to begin with.

Pros - Roleplay, more to do, immersion, possibility of players being able to create their own branding for things like cigarettes
cons - a fair bit of Dev work, people might not like having to buy things like cigarettes and lighters instead of just emoting them, NHS may not want the extra workload for addiction treatment.

I believe vaguely similar things have been suggested before, I'm hoping the depth and detail I have gone into will allow my suggestion to be viewed as a different product.

As with any suggestion I make, I welcome ideas and opinions in the comments below.
Sounds interesting I would add if I may addition to this suggestion that for the police side we get Breathalysers and drug wipes to teas people for drink and drug driving adding that as a line of RP and meaning there is a risk of committing offences if you have drunk/ taken drugs recently
Definitely a good one, the buffs would have to balanced but it's a good addition and creates more rp options. +1
This sounds really good. The RP could be real good if people go along with it. Ive seen these kinds of things in other cities and they work well, it'll be a nice change, thats for sure. It'd be good to do the custom branding on cigarette boxes etc as you mentioned 👌🏻
Sounds dope. Can't wait to have to go to the shops to get a pack of cigs and smoke em all on patrol. and ofc go around asking people for cigs
sounds like a great idea and can open a lot more avenues for crim, police, nhs and rp in general!
+1 cant wait until i can consume my lsd and be beemed somwhere where i have to fight alliens and after my trip i realize that ive killed some citicens of the city and go back to church to repent my sins.

I like the idea of breathalizers deplyoed for police to make sure that i am not drunk driveing.
could be nice if the alcohol levels are somewhat bound to the in town time and wears off day by day or every 12 in city hours. (so u dont have to take a quck nap to be not drunk anymore)
might even enable more player calls for taxi services.

Would also love to see bloodtests conducted by Nhs to see what is in my bloodcirculation :3
would be nice to have "statuses" only seen by cop`s like (sweating, shivering, dilated pupils, small pupils, sweating, being twitchy and even more stuff.)

If someones addiction is unbearable to people that are close to them or police and the general public send them to the therapy place next to the orange field. where nhs or other medical staff is working.
for certian ammounts of time depending on their drug of choise and by how often they use it (or until their blood test shows up as clean).

I am LATE to this but more often than not in RP situations I find myself sniffing coke, or smoking a joint for whatever RP reason is needed, Like when police failed to confiscate a bag of coke from my character and so I ended up snorting it and running away, Would be great to have an affect where it makes you quicker or stronger based on what you take, could even make it so you pass out for like 5-10 seconds after to balance it but an amazing idea and I fail to see why it should just be stuck to redgulls and the very few items that do give slight buffs.
If I'm not mistaken Cocaine currently gives you a short speed buff and a little armour, it can also hurt you or make you pass out if I remember correctly, but +1