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If you are at beef / war with another gang, colours has to be on.


Well-known member
Brief Summary: If you are at an official beef or war with another gang that you have to wear your gang colours.

Detailed Suggestion:

The gang scene atm with people just fighting out of colours is crazy, its a shambles when you look at 2 gangs who are whitelisted and have their whitelisted clothing, just all in random clothing from monkey suits to people running around like they work in burger shot.

Now, ill run through a scenario and hopefully you understand what i am trying to type, i am fucking dreadful at these so apologies if it comes across as bad.

Lets say: Marabunta is not in gang clothing but incognito doing gunpowder and Ballas rock up (out of clothing also) and attempt to rob Marabunta & a fight breaks out leading to a mass gun fight, leading to multiple people going down from each side, so both gangs kind of retreat and take their losses and recover their injured if they can or head back to turf or regroup (and that scenario ends).

Marabunta and Ballas are both aware of who each other were after the fight and talk to their own groups about what might go forward.

Isak and Tyson set up a meeting to talk with one another about the situation, where both gangs are present I think both gangs should be all in colours for this and no one "ratting about blacked out and not identified"

This meeting they have also doesn't go as planned for each side leading to another fight between both gangs.

And they end up in a beef for a few days or even a war for a couple of weeks, I believe if you reach that phase , both gangs should always be in colours when participating in the "gun fights / hunting" of other gangs.

(this doesn't mean gang members of other gangs cant black out making their own money or doing their own thing outside of the fights / beef)

I also think a few groups will be like "Well I don't want police to identify me" If you wish to part take in street gang activities you must also find the consequences of being in street gang activities.

There is plenty of ways of hiding your "personal" identity when being in full gang colours, gangs can be assigned outfits via the wardrobe, where everyone can wear the same "outfit" making it harder to figure who is who, rather than going "that's isak from marabunta i know his shorts / hat".

The only way police will know its you by 100% if you of course are using your own vehicle.

Gang scene is coming way too competitive and a win mentality where people are using these stupid outfits and out of colours in active wars and beefs to even mingle with "people who aren't even involved" to hide behind and take shots from a far.

At the end of the day, its a game and a roleplaying server, gangs should be wearing their colours in these sort of things, it leads to less headache for staff having to deal with 100 reports of people being rdm'd or randomly shot as they are near a gun fight "by mistake" or not simply knowing what is going on and they happen to be in that area doing a job and the other gang just assume its another person out of colours, it saves all these liasions and reports going up from gangs going against gangs for RDM when people are out of colours then use the excuse "we are in an active war you should know the consequences" while that person kills another gang member while they are wearing an outfit you would expect a homeless person sleeping in an alleyway of sandy shores to wear.

Maybe there could be something talked about with gangs and police to help the "it makes it to easy for police" maybe Police cant just raid bases based off clothing but based off actual arrests and finger prints and finding out that person they caught is actually a "Balla" or if they use the tools they have for the vehicles to get names via ANPR to build lists, but maybe cant just raid off the fact that they see 10 blues and 10 purples fight and use other information like people actually being caught and names and then build a case up that way?

(thinking of ways where gangs and police would both benefit from this, and also the server as a whole)

I myself was a person who would've disagreed with something like this a while back.

The Pros:
More fun in gun fights
Less confusion
Not worrying about who you shoot and have to read OOC chat going off constant when you do shoot someone.
Adds a bit of life to the gang scene by seeing gangs being active in their colours in wars/beef.

The Cons:
You remove the rat tactic which people may be annoyed at.
Gangs may feel like this benefits the police but it isn't about that
How will staff be able to know and check on this? and may cause an issue for staff on that.
Certain groups may feel weird or hard done by as they like to remain incognito? but i guess if they want to fight a street gang, i guess they know what they are getting in to.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ? Probably not.
My main motivation for not wearing anything that could lead back to my group is due to the worry about police raids, maybe if something could be done about that I'd be 100% for this.
My main motivation for not wearing anything that could lead back to my group is due to the worry about police raids, maybe if something could be done about that I'd be 100% for this.
Dunno about that., Tecas never had that issue over Christmas........👀

My main motivation for not wearing anything that could lead back to my group is due to the worry about police raids, maybe if something could be done about that I'd be 100% for this.
I mean this is again a completely different topic to the one at hand, but it was my understanding people were here to roleplay? If you don't do something because you're worried you may get raided either don't be a criminal or do it smarter. I mean, take Occult - the prime example of doing things smart. End of the day you're not going to stop police from raiding people when they've shot up the middle of the city or treat the map as a PUBG battleground... as I said before - be smarter and bad repercussions would happen less. Nobody ever got raided over a street brawl or a knife fight js
+1 always believed it personally. I think this only works if it is all or nothing which is why it would make sense to make it a soft rule or some sort. I can admit to doing it myself but purely to fight fire with fire when in a conflict as being in colours puts you at major disadvantage when everyone else is in black.
Blacked out should only ever be for hiding and grinding and that's about it tbh.
Yes please.

I would like to hear how this would work for non-whitelisted gangs without their own gang clothing, though
Yes please.

I would like to hear how this would work for non-whitelisted gangs without their own gang clothing, though
Id assume just like every other gang that started as a non whitelisted one. Most startups group/gangs always try to represent either a colour like red/orange/pink ect. so i would assume that it would be the same for them and during the fights represent the colour or outfit they aspire to have officially one day
wow wee i didnt expect this kind of +1 on this suggestion......
From a police perspective we have been fighting this issue for years (literally).
I honestly see it as a natural challenge to policing in the server but for gangs with less resources than us I can see where this causes an imbalance issue.
wow wee i didnt expect this kind of +1 on this suggestion......
From a police perspective we have been fighting this issue for years (literally).
I honestly see it as a natural challenge to policing in the server but for gangs with less resources than us I can see where this causes an imbalance issue.
But then it's up to us to maintain the balance
But then it's up to us to maintain the balance
we do not control or dictate gang rule, we can suggest but thats up to others hence the suggestion.
We can handle this issue since we have the manpower and resource to combat this issue (however annoying and unfair it may seem in our eyes)but gang vs gang that is a different matter.
we do not control or dictate gang rule, we can suggest but thats up to others hence the suggestion.
We can handle this issue since we have the manpower and resource to combat this issue (however annoying and unfair it may seem in our eyes)but gang vs gang that is a different matter.
what I meant is: If small gangs have a negative impact by being in colour because it exposes them to police, then its on us to balance the repercussion according to their power