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i quit

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10 days is an age i understand that Vincent... i had family matters to deal with.

i didnt ask to turn this into a chitchat, some kiddie CI wanted to try and argue with me,  i just simply highlighted what happened to me and how its unjust.

everyone in the police force keeps saying the have never seen me on? however i had seen u guys on ? just because i never spoke to you guys and keep to roleplaying in athira... i noticed u all use group chat, and used to say " please dont use group chat" use wispers...so again , its not my fault u guys memory isnt as good as mine... i stuck to my city and roleplaying as a cop, not pointlessly sitting in meeting rooms on TS chatting shit or messing around

10 days is an age i understand that Vincent... i had family matters to deal with.

i didnt ask to turn this into a chitchat, some kiddie CI wanted to try and argue with me,  i just simply highlighted what happened to me and how its unjust.

everyone in the police force keeps saying the have never seen me on? however i had seen u guys on ? just because i never spoke to you guys and keep to roleplaying in athira... i noticed u all use group chat, and used to say " please dont use group chat" use wispers...so again , its not my fault u guys memory isnt as good as mine... i stuck to my city and roleplaying as a cop, not pointlessly sitting in meeting rooms on TS chatting shit or messing around
You don't even need to explain, real life comes first. I'm sad to see you go but, i'm pretty sure we will meet again, in different conditions.

I would just like to comment on this matter arc neon role playing was never an issue.The issue was the absence from the server 10 days is a long time ,people come and go every day loose interest move to other servers so on so on

If we are going to the best server on altislife we need more CI and DI active more often  to control there officers  To my knowledge we had no DI in athira also no input on the PCN 

Anyone that had a absence of 10 days would be in the same situation .also if anyone has a spell of absence they need to post it on the forums or let higher ranking officer no

Damn shame, I really enjoyed bumping into you in Athira. Great RP, great laugh alot of the time.

As been said by others, I hope your RL issues are sorted out, or at least very close to being, and I wish you all the best.

hey rich, i sent u a message about the PNC...i dont want to put it on here..as it shows some huge errors with the information you have.

and i didnt know about the rule of "two weeks" and the you are demoted...(then u changed it to "10 days" and then "a week") in about 2 mins of us talking. lol

yeh, i always had a great time playing as a cop, and loved interacting with the civs and the rebels. and acutally trying to RP with people for storylines.

Thanks J :) yeh it was great when i ran that town, no kiling, good rp with lord sandisk and his crew. never had anyone at the drugdealer as people knew we had it covered. choppers knew where to land, and all had a good time.

last night , i saw what i had been replaced with...

Right - this is ridiculous.

Josh - take a chill pill mate - there is no need for this rudeness to another player.

Arc Neon - you shouldn't really have taken this to the forum in public view - especially after I said last night that I would discuss the matter with Killerrabbit on his return from holiday.

As regards 'the database' what goes on in the PNC is frankly just wallpaper - which sometimes the cops bother to fill in, and sometimes they don't. The only database which matters is the GAME database - which holds the cop whitelisting... and currently (and still) that shows Arc Neon as cop-level 4... Detective Inspector rank. I know this because I checked it last night. I also know it because I PUT IT THERE - several weeks ago, on the orders of CI Adam.

If the cops have changed the rules so that absentees can expect to be demoted if they've been unable to access the server for a while, this is perhaps understandable, BUT this kind of situation MUST be handled with kid gloves and some degree of respect. Not everyone has the capability every time to think about a bloody online game if something is going pear-shaped at home, and it would be MOST OFFENSIVE to return and get the bum's rush, and be treated like a total fucking noob.

Some apologies are in order here - both ways. And some to me, for making us all look like idiots.

Do them on TS, not here.

FWIW, Arc Neon will REMAIN at cop whitelisting level 4, until someone OFFICIALLY downranks him and asks me to update the database accordingly. That person will need to be a CI rank or higher.

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