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i quit

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DI Arc Neon

Well-known member
so i quit the force today as family matters meant i couldn't get on the game and as i didn't let anyone know i had these matters (they were kinda important) 

when i returned, i was told by Rich and ci joshbond, that they had NEVER heard of me or seen me on the game for the last month and a half and had no idea who i was... they said the same about T-robot (then it was proved he had been on earlier in the day and the day before) which i found a little insulting.

i of course accept u need an active DI and for the last 10 days i wasn't able to be it. but to say they had never heard of me makes me question their information.

and to be put back as a PSO.... na.


im now a Private Detective

gimmie a call 

I see T-Robot all the time he's a good guy, arc if you ever want to expand into PMC contact us.

Ok well on the PNC(Police National Computer) you are put down as a pc not a DI. So we had no confirmation that you where a DI. You said that CI Adam promoted you, however he has not told anyone nor added it to the database. To add to this you where inactive for 10 days but you did not tell anyone about it. Not telling anyone about you going inactive for 10 days is not good as we have no idea what has happened. As the CI is inactive and no confirmed DI, the Altis Police department came to the conclusion of getting a new CI for Athira, which we have not got someone. 

Also yes I have not seen arc neon before nor have I seen T-Robot before. As me and rich do check teamspeak every day, for the last 1 month we have not seen your names. Some of the other guys in the same channel as us, did even say they do you know who you are but that they haven't seen you for like 3 weeks. So the reason why you where taken of DI is because of your inactivity and not informing anyone about it. If you would of told a high ranking officer then everything would of been fine, but as we where un-aware of your inactivity and this promotion adam apparently gave you, what else could we do? We dont have Adam to ask as he is VERY inactive.

Also we only demoted you to the rank SPC which is still a high rank, it is only 2 below a DI.Also we where looking for a DI however your attitude when me and rich where speaking to you was just horrible and dis-respectful. We dont want people with your sort of attitude in our police department. Also just to remind everyone he resigned, we did not kick him out. Maybe think about things more clearly from our side not just yours. 

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Ha, disrespect... how can i respect you when you don't know who i am. u don't know the server that well boy if you dont know me...

and i had no interesting in being part of a police force that cant remember who built it from the ground up... me and t-robot put in the hours and roleplayed the shit out of it... my tone changed when i realized i was dealing with a couple of lil informed leaders..telling they dont know who i am, and the time id spent earning that rank meant nothing....hence why i left lol. working with you guys would have been terrible.

anyways, good luck 

I am sad to see Arc Neon leave the force. He was always good for a bit of roleplay. :(

Ha, disrespect... how can i respect you when you don't know who i am. u don't know the server that well boy if you dont know me...

and i had no interesting in being part of a police force that cant remember who built it from the ground up... me and t-robot put in the hours and roleplayed the shit out of it... my tone changed when i realized i was dealing with a couple of lil informed leaders..telling they dont know who i am, and the time id spent earning that rank meant nothing....hence why i left lol. working with you guys would have been terrible.

anyways, good luck 
Your making yourself look like your the billy bollocks and that you are the best, well people who think like that are not wanted in the force anyway. Also yes you where being dis-respectful, you where requesting that we let you keep your rank and then you start being a dick towards Rich, and just to remind you Rich is our SI so being a dick to him does not turn out good as he is your commanding officer. After talking to you why would we want a fail mouthed guy with no respect for commanding officer to keep the rank of DI, I can answer that for you, we dont, and that is another reason on why you where demoted to SPC. 

You where the one who started throwing the insults out and being rude so dont go to the forums and start bitching when in fact it was your own fault.

Just to add to this, when I was in game you came over to me while I was dealing with someone, trying to be a pain as you just wanted to piss me off, well first you failed and 2nd how immature, only kids would do something like that, so why dont you grow up and start acting like a man not like a bitch.

dude, how did u know it was me ? u didnt ask my name ? 

and i didn't insult first, you did. but u didnt even know my name from playing the game so i dont expect you to remember that correctly. i was trying to put my point across to two people who had already made up their mind before consulting me the DI at the time, its not my fault u dont know who i am ?? other people do... the videos shows i play with people and they know my name. 

i showed you both the same respect you had showed to someone who has played over 150 hours on the sever, worked on the police force for over a month and while i was away demoted me and told me u had never heard of me and questioned everything about me and what i knew .... not the way id expect (acting) commanding officers to behave, 

dude, how did u know it was me ? u didnt ask my name ? 

and i didn't insult first, you did. but u didnt even know my name from playing the game so i dont expect you to remember that correctly. i was trying to put my point across to two people who had already made up their mind before consulting me the DI at the time, its not my fault u dont know who i am ?? other people do... the videos shows i play with people and they know my name. 

i showed you both the same respect you had showed to someone who has played over 150 hours on the sever, worked on the police force for over a month and while i was away demoted me and told me u had never heard of me and questioned everything about me and what i knew .... not the way id expect (acting) commanding officers to behave, 
On the database you are not a DI, you received a unofficial promotion. No one was aware of you being promoted to a DI. I have also spoke to someone else and they also are on every day and they said they have not seen you for 3 weeks. They also remember you being a pc not a DI. Also I have played on the police side for 1 month but I dont get any special treatment. Why should we act so so nice to you because you have played 150 hours, we talked to you how we talk to others we dont know at that is with respect and kindness, but you just got to annoyed and didn't listen to us and then you went on a little runt and saying how bad we are etc etc. So after seeing your attitude we didn't want you as a DI, simple as, bad attitude and respect does not keep you the rank of DI. It makes you loose it very easy. Right so you have left the force now, that is it, this should all be finished now. We both had made our arguments and we both are gaining nothing from this. I will not carry on this argument after this post. If you want to carry on then do so, but it will be a waste as I will not read or reply to your post. 

Have a good day/evening,


sweet, so atleast he wont be responding anymore to this thread. 

As i said before, "150 hours on the sever, worked on the police force for over a month and while i was away demoted me and told me u had never heard of me and questioned everything about me and what i knew" isnt how i expect to be treated on a game played for fun, spend lots of hours on and donated to. i would have hoped people would have got their facts correct, its not my fault ur little computer wasnt up to date ? 

and i spoke to you fine, u keep making out i spoke so bad i wouldn't had been allowed to keep my rank. lol

and in game, i was roleplaying having one last look around the old station cleaning out my desk and handing in my gun, talking about the "old girl" and the "good times" and they couldnt even let me have that... man, roleplay is dead.

Can we get Arc Neon a Punisher skin?

He was clearly captured by the rebels & tortured but he managed to escape only to find the force he once loved has changed beyond all recognition, not only that all trace of his existence has been wiped from the police data base!

It must have been the last case he was working on, the rumours that someone high up in the chain of command was on the take I was so close to finding out who! Neons snitch Jimmy the Worm said he knew who they were but he was found dead before he could spill the beans, that's why the rebels asked me all those questions they wanted to know what I knew thought Neon.

He vows revenge on the rebels who took him prisoner & a corrupt police force one way or another he will find & bring to justice those who wronged him those that ruined his life!

Arc Neon has become a Punisher.

(Arc Neon was not making fun of your R.L issues I was trying to lighten the mood as thread wars can get out of control. Look up one of us if you fancy rolling with us for a bit of fun & mischief. We generally try to stay on the right side of the law but it does not always work out this way :rolleyes:  ) 

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sweet, so atleast he wont be responding anymore to this thread. 

As i said before, "150 hours on the sever, worked on the police force for over a month and while i was away demoted me and told me u had never heard of me and questioned everything about me and what i knew" isnt how i expect to be treated on a game played for fun, spend lots of hours on and donated to. i would have hoped people would have got their facts correct, its not my fault ur little computer wasnt up to date ? 

and i spoke to you fine, u keep making out i spoke so bad i wouldn't had been allowed to keep my rank. lol

and in game, i was roleplaying having one last look around the old station cleaning out my desk and handing in my gun, talking about the "old girl" and the "good times" and they couldnt even let me have that... man, roleplay is dead.
Mate, you didn't donate to be treated with upmost respect in every possible situation, even when you're being a colossal fannytwatwanker. Higher up officers have every right to question you, as I wouldn't be surprised if our ol' CSI tore me a new one if I started prancing about as a DI willy-nilly.
You could've just explained and not got all up-tight about how you 'should' be treated - maybe then this would've turned out better.

-PCSO Jake

haha :D

thats wicked Bullitt! i would love to do that, trouble is i don't think the cops could roleplay it. as they cant even roleplay me leaving the damn building. 

but i am now the reborn as the punisher for vengeance on the corrupt police who stole my identity and tried to fuck with my paycheck...and other reasons.

This turned out  fine PCSO Jake,i knew i didn't want to be apart of the force while i was talking to them. But thanks for your 2 cents. 

can you see the difference of "upmost respect" and being demoted by people who dont know you ?

This turned out  fine PCSO Jake,i knew i didn't want to be apart of the force while i was talking to them. But thanks for your 2 cents. 

can you see the difference of "upmost respect" and being demoted by people who dont know you ?
You were demoted by people who have access to an all-knowing yes/no database for a reason mate.
You deserved a chance, which you could've asked for, but not respect. That's earned - no matter if the man is telling you to have respect or not.

so i quit the force today as family matters meant i couldn't get on the game and as i didn't let anyone know i had these matters (they were kinda important) 

when i returned, i was told by Rich and ci joshbond, that they had NEVER heard of me or seen me on the game for the last month and a half and had no idea who i was... they said the same about T-robot (then it was proved he had been on earlier in the day and the day before) which i found a little insulting.

i of course accept u need an active DI and for the last 10 days i wasn't able to be it. but to say they had never heard of me makes me question their information.

and to be put back as a PSO.... na.


im now a Private Detective

gimmie a call 
 DI Arc Neon

Come join us a man with you skill set, knowledge and reach would make a great addition to The Privateers PMC, we'd be honoured to have you roll with us, we wouldn't forget who you are that's for sure  :p no matter how long you are gone for.

On a side note I hope your R.L. issues have been resolved in a good way or a best as possible dude. 

i 100% agree, when they said they didnt know me, or had never heard of me, even though i play all the time (just 10 days i had off for family reasons) ... they lose respect, how can i respect their decision to de-promote me when they have never played with me? other people on the forum have commented not just on this post that i roleplay well. Have they for you ? 

as for this computer ? is it updated every hour ? for the last 2 months ? if not... dont blame me its not on record... coz how else can i get access to it in game ? just because Adam is not now CI, doesnt mean everyone goes down ranks does it ? i earned that. and you lot have no respect for the time it took to get it.

thanks guys for the R.L comments *nice when u get good peeps around who know whats really important* - not one police gave me anytime for that...

and for the offers, i have quite a few to go though ;) so let me av a think.. i have learned many things on my travels and will gladly share all :)

I remember you, but i don't see you online for ages, how's that?

Just take your quarrels to teamspeak, post about your leaving and don't turn it into a chit chat thread.

Well i hope you enjoyed at least while you stayed.

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