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I gotta go

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WTF?!?!? YOU LEAVING ME JUST LIKE THAT? have a good time in the army my dude, wish you the best <3

Later bro hopefully you won't have to dip irl.  Stay safe and enjoy your time sure I'll see you again someday.

Good luck mate sorry for the slow reply but need to meet soon in the suberbs of notts but your a good lad and have always been a good friend fucking av em☺ @Tigerr

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Sad to see you go mate, have fun on what your heading to do in the future, hope you come back @Tigerr 👍

Hope this is not a good bye you were a well class lad will be missed in the community and in the gang see u soon hopefully <3

You lived on Altis and you decided to join the Army? DID YOU NOT LEARN ANYTHING? 😂

Good luck mate, all the best.

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